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Everything posted by Dan9

  1. Dan9

    This Or That

    Creme Egg FTW.Cereal or Toast?
  2. Justin Bieber is a complete cock. Jedward are ok though.
  3. Yess the WWTP Stealthside loop, created by our very own Hepburn.
  4. Dan9


    Says the smoker..
  5. Well luckily you have 3 or so months, so no need to panic.
  6. And I give a mean flick on the forehead, so what? Please just stop...
  7. My rant:People who think dey is well 'ard swearing and shouting on the internet.
  8. That's not going to make the ride more interesting. Just look phitter.
  9. EVERYONE... FREE CHICKEN!!Can you all stop arguing now?
  10. Meh, I know nearly the entire Stealth Loop off by heart and in the correct order.
  11. Dan9


  12. Dan9


    It isn't though, it's one of the newest videos they've posted since they're haven't been many since...And if he's just seen it for the first time why does it even matter? Everyone was raving about it the first time they saw it, just because Paul was a little late doesn't mean he's not allowed to express his opinion on it without you biting his head off for it. If say, for example, someone posted a HQ video of Space Station Zero on ride from 20+ years ago, you'd probably be interested to see what it's like, and you'd probably want to be able to talk about it without someone moaning at you that it's 20 years old.
  13. Dan9


    Your post is both pointless and wrong at the same time. It's an amazing video, why they didn't just cut that down a bit and make it the TV advert instead bemuses me, since it's probably the best piece of Saw: The Ride advertising (or any advertising) they ever made.
  14. Dan9


    Maybe cause it's crap.
  15. Dan9


    I do for reading and computer-use.
  16. Dan9

    Post Your Desktop!

    My awesome vision shows me that you have a Paramore CD stacked under there somewhere.
  17. Dan9


    I joined in the days of Joe Ruddy and Clara.
  18. Dan9


    I went to the dentist today. It was the most physically painful experience of my life.
  19. You've successfully put me off blood tests for life and made me feel incredibly sick in the process.
  20. Well James6 posted this list:- Nemesis, 1 train- Oblivion, constantly breaking down- Hex, few effects working- Duel, Same as Hex- Runaway Mine Train, Running extremely slowlyetc etcThis is very near the complete arsenal of major rides which Alton opened for Half Term. For Alton Towers standards it's pretty poor especially considering these are the only main rides which guests can actually use. Because they're barely giving them one ride which isn't breaking down continuously or running at full capacity or have all it's effects working, and they're not giving them the full Alton Towers 'experience'. Yes during the main season things aren't going to run 100% all the time but it's puzzling why Alton would open their gates for the first time in 2010 with the park in this state. You're right. Thorpe made a mistake in opening for February and it also meant that maintenence couldn't be carried out properly whilst the park was open during the week. Opening day was a disaster, but I went the next day and bar Saw: The Ride which was having it's new ride symptoms of illness and Stealth which was waiting for it's new part still, everything else was running fine and by the end of the first week every ride was operational. So the only mistake I see Thorpe made was opening for February, because they knew that half the rides wouldn't be ready, which is what gets me. I'm not complaining about rides having occassional problems or a new ride not running as smoothly as it should, but it's when parks know that only half the rides will be 'ready' and can probably predict more breakdowns and problems. Why open if they know that nothing will work properly?
  21. Completely agree, what's worse is that it seems that the rides which are actually open are clearly not running at their best, whether it means constant break downs or limited capacity. It might not be the parks faults that some of these rides aren't operating properly but they should always take this into account before deciding to have a February opening. If nothing is fully ready then why open the park in the first place?
  22. Dan9


    Same really, I'm going to be avoiding SAW Alive like the plague all year and it doesn't look like I'm going to get to Alton at all once again this year. The only things I'm looking forward to riding again are Vampire, Fury, Stealth, Detonator, Rush and Inferno. And seeing people again, of course.
  23. I hate Winter with a passion.
  24. Dan9


    Random thread is random.......
  25. Yes, but what could you actually call a 'sign' of someone calling you?
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