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Everything posted by Dan9

  1. Most Sunday's I went to last year were usually always near dead. Even May/June ones. Guess I was just kinda lucky, but yes as a general rule, Sundays are always quieter than Saturdays, but by how much is just sort of random.
  2. I didn't really know what chronic masturbation was, so when he mentioned it I had to google it. Apparently, it doesn't really affect your health at all, but if it was ever going to affect your health, you'd be able to tell.
  3. Dan9

    The Challenge #1

    Do we have to have a new topic for every challenge? That might make the off topic section a bit cluttered with all of them.
  4. I will be attending this meet. Everyone hide.
  5. Dan9


    Funny, I was thinking of blocking this guy 'Sheepie' sometime.
  6. Dan9


    I'm not saying that you aren't all interesting in person, actually I know for a fact that there are loads of really great people on here. It's just on the forum itself, without people like Peter, Outfit, Mark9, Neilfever and Chris, this would be an incredibly boring place to go.
  7. Dan9


    Agreed, they're what make the forum actually interesting.
  8. I'm confused as to why you all kick up such a fuss over Thorpe Park not posting relevant enough things on their facebook. Why does it matter?
  9. I don't like how people blindly say 'several new flats'. I know Thorpe have added loads of flats in the last ten years but it doesn't mean they should continue like that, and with the small space they have they'd be wanting to fill most of the possible space with 'frontline' rides like rollercoasters, as most parks would. And they've added so many of the possible flats they could have that there aren't many left to add. And no one take this post as an 'attack' on ste193, it really isn't, I'm just saying my opinion. I don't even see why I have to add this, but no one on here seems to take any clash of opinions as simply a clash of opinions, it's always a 'personal attack' and then they throw a tantrum. Ok I'm finished now.
  10. My school was apparently one of only 20 which stayed open for the whole day yesterday. And it was still open today. FML.
  11. You just beat me to saying that! I hate how everyone says every year as well, and they never change, and yet they say it again the next year. One night cannot change who you are completely. I'm fine with people wanting to change a bit but a whole new them seems a bit drastic, if they were a completely new person they'd end up leaving all their friends and everyone they knew behind as well like Paul said.And even if they're just changing a bit, it can't happen in one night and on that night only. It's just another night.
  12. Dan9


    ...?(anyone else thinking the same?)
  13. Dan9


    Oh god, this means ima be bloody terrifed when I ride this..
  14. Not only is it easier to read, for me it's a lot easier to write as well. When writing all proper with full words I type a lot quicker, but trying to use shorthand makes me have to look at the keyboard trying to find a new order for a word which it took under a second for me to type out in full in the first place.
  15. Maybe because so many people entered, that left not many left to vote?
  16. Dan9


    Someone should have told me that earlier.
  17. Dan9


    I wish I had money, my current £1.20 isn't going to get me too far I don't think. :)And I'm not 16 until May. *sigh*
  18. Dan9


    Can you not go on your parents insurance? That's what Top Gear taught me anyway.
  19. Dan9


    I miss David Tennant already. ='(Ah well. Except people saying the new one is **** is annoying me, he's only been in it a few seconds and the trailer is just a trailer. And for people saying they'll never Dr. Who again, they know they will anyway so it's stupid saying that.
  20. Dan9


    I could have gone to 2 parties, but decided to stay at home and watch Scrubs box sets instead. I was probably a lot happier as well.
  21. How can you remember what clothes you were wearing on a certain day? . And then how could you tell if the clothes match, in the photo they just look like a blur.
  22. It's just a shame it didn't in the first place and someone else had to do it for them.
  23. Dan9


    I was like that, then I found a rather awesome book which managed to teach me really well in only a few weeks. So yeah I can play guitar and also a bit of drums, but I'm not as good with drums.
  24. Dan9

    Forum Posts

    Can I also add it's stupid making a new topic with the excuse 'this is for a certain year'. If what you want to say is relevent to any topic which has already made please just make your point in that topic instead, it's silly having topics regarding the same issue with only different years seperating them.
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