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Everything posted by Dan9

  1. Dan9

    I agree with Ellie. ;)

  2. Dan9

    Your Thorpe Park

    Maelstrom, nice and original.
  3. Dan9


    With pancakes? :P
  4. Dan9

    Your Thorpe Park

    You never said all these rides would be on Treasure Island. (Well I only read the quotation from Neilfever's post, so I've only just read that these would be on Treasure Island )In which case yes, it might be a good idea to have one extra queue eater. Maybe a better idea would be to open the coaster with one of those two rides, and then the other ride the year after? It gives a better chance of bringing guests back for the next year because you'll be able to advertise new rides for both years, and give the promoters an easier job. That's what I'd do anyway.Yes but nothing says that history will repeat itself, and if a prototype doesn't operate properly then it isn't the parks fault. This is because all prototypes are never reliable in their first year and it really doesn't matter what park is running them, as the park just run the ride how the manufacturers tell them to. For example Saw: The Ride, no it wasn't a prototype but it's problems when it first opened were not Thorpe's fault at all, they were all down to the manufacturer.Intamin Accelerators are just unreliable in general, Stealth isn't unique for having problems.
  5. Dan9

    Your Thorpe Park

    Saw: The Ride opened last year with nothing else. Stealth opened in 2006 with nothing else. Colossus opened in 2002 with nothing else.And Thorpe's reliability was pretty good in the second half of 2009 I thought. Very nearly all days had all rides operational.
  6. I'd have to laugh if people actually queue 90 minutes for it, Disko's aren't really worth anything more than 10, maybe 15 minutes.
  7. Dan9


    It could also be 29 inches, not 28.
  8. I'd guess 30 - 50 minutes. Yes it's a new ride but I doubt it would have the same pull factor as Fury or Vampire.
  9. Dan9


    Not have that annoying line down the middle of them?
  10. Dan9

    The Challenge #1

    Think the admins might be able to, but I doubt people would vote for themselves.
  11. The park's audio set-up is really fantastic, most of the music I think suits each ride really well and it's one of Thorpe's biggest advantages against other UK theme parks. The problem lies with the fact that half of it never seems to work anymore. There was never a day that I went in 2009 when every main ride had all of it's speakers fully on and operational (apart from Detonator which only has one), which is a shame because without the full effect of the music, the atmosphere is completely dead.
  12. If I remember correctly, people had the same reaction to the last new site. Now suddenly everyone says that the old website was good? I'm starting to think that no one will ever be satisfied with anything Thorpe do, especially with the website. Yes there are lots of problems with Thorpe but the website shouldn't be something that matters so much.I quite like the site, I prefer it to the website of the last couple of years becuase it's easier and more interesting to read. The last website wasn't bad but I didn't like it's design very much and it was too clustered in my opinion, but I think this years is a big improvement on last years.And why does everyone keep complaining about it being not professional? It's not supposed to be professional, it's supposed to show off and advertise the park, it doesn't have to be professional just because it's a business.People do need to stop over-reacting though, it's just a website and whether you like it or not people need to stop acting like like it's a big drama.
  13. They increased tickets prices twice during 2008, even though there was no new attraction. And I can't remember much price increases around 2005/2006, when they installed Rush, Slammer and Stealth. Face it, they're trying to bleed everyone dry, and they can have all the excuses in the world (such as charging 50p for maps because for some reason 'it reduces litter'), but all they care about is your money. I know it's a business, but gawd they are experts at pissing everyone off whilst running it aren't they?MikeyT is right actually, I do agree that it's good business logic, but for the moment I'm just moaning and ranting. Logic can come next.
  14. Their pricing is becoming a joke now, only 2/3 years ago online tickets were £24. Even then, that was quite a lot of money for just a day in a theme park.
  15. What's just confused me, is that you spent a lot of time writing out a post complaining how everyone stereotypes Gay's and how you're annoyed with people treating you different and calling you names because of your sexuality, and then you go and say that bi's look like ****s. Erm, ok...
  16. Dan9

    What happened to your face? OOOLOLOLOLOL ;)

    I'm joking of course. But it's gone because I ate it. Like seriously.

    Meet up soon please mm'kai? :D

  17. Both. :lol:And suure, you just can't keep away and you know it.
  18. I would have thought so, considering you can buy refill bottles for the day for £4 with an Annual Pass discount anyway.
  19. Dan9

    Yo ho ho! How are ye?

    We need to meetup. Like with Tom and whoever else can be bothered to meet up. Agree? :D

  20. Aww I miss Legoland, it's been 3 years now.
  21. Dan9


    You think you've been hard done by with this!? :DI'm not actually angry with Keith, he's too cool. But I do hate my school for not giving us even one day off, even under 14 inches of snow. ¬_¬
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