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Everything posted by Dan9

  1. Dan9


    Stealth has been very reliable this year in terms of days closed.
  2. Dan9


    So why was it closed?
  3. It was playing last week =\
  4. How much money do you have?
  5. Dan9


    You can't, PM's have been broken for ages.
  6. Chessingtons staff are great, Thorpes staff are great. Well that's just what I think.
  7. Dan9


    Does everyone regard me as gay now?
  8. Felt more like a bucket being dropped on us. Well, me mainly .
  9. Sunday was fun. Stealthage 3 times, and 2 front rows. Yays. And the queue was moving really fast, the attendants were doing a really great job of keeping the queues to a 45 minute maximum.Colossus didn't hurt, and so was therefore what you call 'fun'. I still havn't ridden Rush this year, and Vortex actually gave me an ok ride. Most of Rumbas effects are now working, including something very, very odd in the tunnel.
  10. Stealth in generalRush in generalColossus in generalSlammer motorsSamurai motorsTidal Wave chainNemesis Inferno leaving station
  11. Would have been better if it was a bit more open in the morning .
  12. Slammer opened today at 2.30. Rush was shut all day with no activity.
  13. I hope so, I think I'm going then too.
  14. They could have been in the winch room, in the station, or anywhere where Stealth can be controlled or they could have been simply waiting for something. They don't have to be holding a spanner or hammer and hitting something for it to be being fixed.
  15. Dan9

    Calgary Stampede

    I'm not sure it was the best idea to put a control box where the GP can go though.
  16. How do you know they weren't fixing Stealth just because you couldn't see anything?
  17. Dan9


    God where's James when you need him!
  18. Dan9

    Rocky Express

    I went on it 7 times on Thursday. =\
  19. Dan9


    Myspace is so annoying. When you get new comments, birthdays etc it tells you, but when you click on it, it doesn't show you it, and doesnt seem to come up on the profile. Bahh, I blame the re-design.
  20. Most school trips are usually either a Monday, Wednesday or Friday. Well that's what its like around my area anyway. Tuesdays and Thursdays are ususally pretty quiet.
  21. Dan9


    1. You can hear it? And also it is a ride, and you probably know that boats are going to come down quite a lot .2. I doubt it. Its drop measures to 180ft, that's only 25ft of Stealths height, and it is vertical.
  22. Inferno Station stuff mentioned beforeRush's swingsSlammer's motorsColossus lift hillColossus on the track (boomboomboomboom)Stealth brake finsTidal Wave's lift chain
  23. Dan9


    1. When you see a boat coming down the drop .2. How exactly?
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