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Everything posted by Dan9

  1. Well you can see pretty much all of the park lit up, so yes, it is a pretty nice view to see the whole park lit up in many different colours.
  2. Dan9

    This Or That

    Hot Dog. Obama or McCain?
  3. Dan9

    WOO TEACUPS RULE! I will be hunting down everyone who voted the teacups down!

  4. If you feel that you know what the job requires and feel you can fulfill the criteria then do apply, but remember even if you apply, you might not get the job anyway! Wow, making this sound like a job interview now.
  5. What does the 'Previous experience' bit on the admin applying bit mean?Btw...I'll be good I swear!
  6. While I like all the new music additions, I cant seem to play them on WMP. Infact I can't play them anywhere else other than on tpm. It's been put into HTML format instead of MP3, which is what it used to be. Tis fairly annoying. (not that I always listen to thorpe music on wmp )
  7. Dan9


    But then again, who said it was being themed into Canada Creek? And Time Voyagers doesn't fit in with Calypso Quay or Amity Cove, and that was a move made by Merlin, so who says they aren't going to leave it where it is?
  8. Nemesis Inferno's station defo. Loved it with FN music, accompanied by dark red lights and then... BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM.
  9. I hate Colossus in any other row than the front, but when I'm in the front, it is actually a very good ride!
  10. Dan9


    But this is the multi-billion pound company Merlin, and it really wouldn't affect things too much. And anyway, it's meant to be about Customer Satisfaction, not how much extra money Merlin can make.
  11. I hate it when people instantly think that if someone near them is gay, then that means that they fancy you, just because they're gay. I mean it's not like I fancy every girl I see. Geez, homophobes are annoying.
  12. Dan9


    Ahh yes but then last year Lewis only had one gearbox failure...for 30 seconds. Well I s'pose Lewis was bound to win it sometime so meh, Felipe's time will come. And so will Vettel's .
  13. Dan9


    It was a joke...So really I should actually be congratulating him for braving what could have turned into one hell of a rainstorm (which it did...after the race).Great race though, and well done to Alonso once again for putting Renault where they were nowhere near earlier this year. And Massa for still putting on a brave face on the podium and the press conference. And to Hamilton for winning the championship obviously. Though then again had Massas engine not blown in Hungary and Melbourne, or they guy who released him in Singapore got it horribly (sp?) wrong, he'd have won the title way by China. Ah well .
  14. Dan9


    Stupid, Stupid Timo Glock...Stupid .
  15. Mods are a good idea. Admins may be busy at some points, so at somepoint there may be no admins, and spam goes through the roof. At least now with more mods of the forums coming spam should go down a bit .
  16. Holly has a life. She doesn't spend her life here like you do.And err you can't really talk. On topic with ranting...I dont like dead msn convo's. And people who dont talk on msn. Jeez whats the point of being on msn if you dont talk to people. Happening all week, bugs me =[.
  17. No, people dont take you seriously when you post crap.Not saying you do, but if you think people do that, thats why it happens.
  18. Because I know what you do to tommy. I dont like it. I don't want an actual fight. I just don't think you should be mean to him in the way you are, and since he is my friend I will defend him.

  19. 1. I happen to be defending tommy because he is my friend, and is actually a nice person.

    2. Who says you even had to be with us? No one would want to there anyway!

  20. I'm getting heat from the guy who calles samurai sami.

    Oooo =P

  21. then why on you on here? do us all a favour and get off then!

  22. Dan9

    well most people on here are weird, just not in the way I meant =P. But yeah being weird is awsaume!

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