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Everything posted by Mer

  1. Mer


    It's happened, guys, it's finally happened... SIR BRUCE FORSYTH HAS RETIRED FROM STRICTLY. About time really, but it'll be a bit odd with someone else!
  2. Should totes get the Kermit one that Primark has! Really excited for this meet I was thinking, it would be good if we had time to go around the zoo - I know there's always Skyway to view the animals and it depends on how we're doing ride/time wise - but it's something different which I don't think we've done together at previous Chessie meets, plus it could be a laugh (imagine the selfies )! Sent from my HTC One X using Tapatalk
  3. Mer


    Me and Jack at Harvester after the Thorpe open season meet: Annnd then we have this beautiful photo from a few weeks back... G'night EDIT: Hello all, this is Tango, owner of Mer, her family, house, etc. I know that many of you here are rather fond of me (what can I say, I am truly handsome!) so here are a few selfies of my own... Stealing all the room in the Mer bed: Chilling on Mer: And finally, one of my gorgeous, fluffy face: I must go now and miaow loudly, for no reason whatsoever, on the landing. Cheerio!
  4. YES. YES WE DO. I happen to be wearing mine atm
  5. Love the video! I've always wanted to do something like that - love editing and playing around with videos, I made quite a few of my own of different rides at Thorpe back in 06/07 which are on my YouTube channel There's also one from the awesome 2009 Fright Nights meet! Then I got older and more involved with the social side of the meets, a little less geeky, and didn't think about making any more videos But this has made me want to start making videos again It'll all be a good laugh though, I won't be interviewing anyone Shall leave that to the experts!
  6. I agree with your last point about it not being easy to get a job. Telling someone that it's easy when they keep being rejected would surely make them feel they're doing something wrong with their applications/interviews! However, I'd like to think that when people say it's easy, they're actually referring to the process of searching and applying - not neccessarily being successful. Otherwise, it seems a bit ignorant But even then, the searching and applying process isn't easy these days; with so many people unemployed, and so many being rejected, it can begin to feel like a never ending pathway to nowhere...pessimistic but meh, truth. Sometimes I can't help but feel that some people have no idea whatsoever what lives different to theirs are really like And saying that has reminded me of Question Time last night, which I ended up getting into I can't remember his name, but one of the guys on the panel was having a rant about the budget/government etc, and said something about public schoolboys not knowing what the real world is like. YES. SO MUCH YES. Anyway, I hope you find something soon There's bound to be places who are happy to take on uni students!
  7. Well dayum I was stating what I'd heard, I never said it was purely based on money Of course there are other things that influence decisions!
  8. You tend to find that; those who are less well-off are more willing/more likely to donate money, probably because they appreciate it more than those financially better off. Or they may have more sympathy and understanding of those in need of help. Good luck with it all though, and hopefully the others will get their money in soon! And good on you for doing something for charity.
  9. Mer

    News Desk

    I thought that about chat games, but not sure how it would work. Recently we've been playing games weekly, and that would be quite a lot of awards and a little too easy/nothing special achieved if that makes sense. But I was thinking - if we were to have another quiz kinda thing (like "Quiz Jizz" which Sidders has hosted previously), where there are a number of quizzes, one each week, each on a different theme park for example - we could have awards for the winners of each quiz (as it's a bit more than just winning a game in chat and we'll know how many quizzes there will be). Maybe we could spice it up a bit and have a finale quiz, where the winners of the previous ones (or top 3 if one person wins them all/majority ) compete against each other to become the "Ultimate Quiz Jizzer"! Yes. This is basically what I was thinking but didn't quite know how to word it
  10. This photo never fails to make me giggle
  11. Oops, forgot to mention something rather important - I neeeeeeeeeeeeed to amend my vote, I know that I have been able to do so on previous polls but can't remember how/can't find the option to with this one! Any idea? If not, I'll message ze Peaj, just thought I may as well try asking here first!
  12. Let's remind ourselves of the awesomeness of last year's meet: Uber excitement for Safari Skyway! Derp faces on Tomb Blaster! Creaky Cafe before it was incinerated! Aaaand last but not least...Han taking a casual dump in the car park BRING ON THIS YEAR'S MEET! GAWN BE GOOOOOD!
  13. Mer

    Logger's Leap

    I can't see anything happening to Loggers yet in terms of improvements, but I'd like to think it has more years left in it, and hopefully *some* sort of touch-up/work done to it (I do appreciate that it's not quite as simple as that though). Yes, it's a shame about the tunnel, and the parts that are rotting away and need repainting, but the main thing that bothers me personally is the stench of the water! Presumably, nothing would be done about that though, as from what I understand: H&S has changed over the years with regards to water used on these rides, meaning water rides built since such changes have to use clean/filtered water, and seeing as Loggers was built before this came into place, they are not required to adhere to such rules? (Correct me if I am wrong, but that's what I've heard!)
  14. Mer

    Mania Hub Chat

    Must say I am loving the weekly organized chats! The last one was good fun with playing The Weakest Link Have got speaking to a few members who are new to the chat room too, which is always good!
  15. Spot the TPM member/Alton Towers fanboy in the background
  16. Mer

    I Remember When...

    CEEFAX AND TELETEXT. Jeez, those bright colours on a black background would probably drive me mad now, and wouldn't do headaches any good I imagine! Bamboozle was fun though Actually, it's quite strange to think that we used to have that. The fact that you had to wait for pages to come round and at the top it would be counting through them. And if you had a portable TV with an aerial, good luck trying to get anything! Only having 4 channels, if you got channel 5 it was like a miracle, if you had a satellite dish, you were rich. And the dishes used to be HUGE
  17. Haha! My brother was eating salt and vinegar crisps yesterday and suddenly made strange "Hmmm!!" type noises while pulling a face and was flapping his hands. When he could finally talk he said he'd eaten something really sour, like "a cooked blob of vinegar or something"
  18. Ah good ol' alcohol, eh? The cause and solution to life's problems Luckily I haven't had any wisdom teeth come through yet and I'm nearly 24, neither has my 26yo brother, but both my parents got them although I did read that it isn't genetic. Fingers crossed I don't get any, there's no room! And sometimes people still need braces after they're removed, if the teeth don't return to where they were before, which will cost a bomb My teeth are lovely and straight, bar one or two, and I'd rather they stayed that way Plus yeah, I don't really like the sound of all that pain and discomfort! My dad had all 4 of his removed at once and apparently looked like the Fat Controller afterwards due to the swelling What Han said - Anbesol is great for toothache, ulcers, all that. Pees all over Bonjela (As tasty as it is!) My mum had a mouth full of ulcers once (due to chemo) and it worked a treat, in fact I think it was the only thing that helped!
  19. Mer


    Either your legs have the inability to feel pain/discomfort, or you're a masochist
  20. That's lovely. But I can assure you I'm not crying I don't care what date it's on, I was just agreeing with what Ryan said.
  21. Mer

    Mania Hub Chat

    Don't forget this tonight folks! I may be there for the pre drinks too
  22. Totally agree. Especially when they openly put messages such as, "Vote for the 29th!" in Skype that internet calling/instant messaging program Subtle as Mr Fish's farts. And Ryan knows just how unsubtle they are!This reminds me of when people were persuaded to vote for the 21st for the London meet as it was the day after a particular member's birthday...and when they begged people to vote for them in the awards Anyway, let's just hope that there's no more faff with this vote and that in the future, people vote for the days THEY can attend, and not influenced by others
  23. This was also the case last year for some - there is a bar right opposite the bowling lanes (Not that you need to worry about that, as you'll be the one holding people's bags while they bring the drinks over ) I hope the floor/shoes aren't as slippery as last year; if they are, someone will have to spill some coke so we can make our shoes sticky! And will Dara be as successful at bowling as last year without the power of his crutches this time? :O
  24. Or as was the case last year with Marc - being a few hours late
  25. Maybe it's no one and Peaj is just sat there laughing at us
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