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Everything posted by Mer

  1. Mer

    Britain's got talent

    So what do people think of the contest this year?I love the Circus of Horrors and will be voting for them Easily the best act this year!
  2. Mer

    Logger's Leap

    That's a good idea Dano :DIt's never really bothered me that much, I've just adapted to it and it's now just become part of the experience
  3. ^^ Aha, that is also a great way to achieve or break throughput targets :DGood to see the staff are putting in this effort!
  4. They were used originally for awesome bass in the station, so the theme really boomed out. I don't really know that much about them myself but as far as I know they no longer use them unfortunately. I'm not too sure why, hopefully another member can enlighten us
  5. Guys just a reminder not to swear :)And not to tell others to shut up, especially when they themselves have worked for Merlin!The appropriate posts have been deleted, so if yours has not been deleted, you need not worry about your post being against the rules etc :DFeel free to discuss Thorpe's staff here in a friendly manner.
  6. Aww :DIt's easy Han, I'll PM you
  7. Mer


    Yes dear, but this time I'll be working in the zoo Hate is a bit of a strong word. I just disliked the area, the rides, some of the people I worked with, far more than I enjoyed them. I did enjoy some of it. :DOf course, I don't know what the people will be like that I work with, but the others at the assessment centre were all lovely and people who work with animals in general tend to be, from my experiences at college etc. And it's not just the job I will be excited about, it's the fact that I will no longer be skint, and I will be able to contribute enough money at home which will relieve a lot of stress :POn a completely different and humorous note, my iPhones autocorrect changed skint to skintight
  8. Mer


    Lolololol when you bounce up and down cross-legged on the bed chanting "Shopping! Shopping! Shopping!" when the Tesco lorry arrives, you know that 1) You're hyperactive and 2) It shows how little your household gets to buy a decent amount of food!I am actually so excited Omg if I get this job at Chessie we will be so happy
  9. I understand your point too ;)I guess I could have worded it better. I just personally felt it was a tad negative for a member to more or less say on a public forum that Thorpe Park are breaking a law/rule on re-riding. And no I don't feel it was anyone specific slamming my opinion. I just got a bit grr over it, I'm still gaining confidence in moderating so I always doubt a lot of things I say, which then leads to me being a bit too defensive. That doesn't make sense But I'm not sure how else to word it. I have re-ridden Rumba on many occasions, always a laugh :DRushSamuraiInfernoDettyLoggers
  10. Oh to be able to express an opinion without the constant questioning...
  11. I was just giving people an early warning, as part of the TPM team I'm working with them to crack down on posts and ensure people feel welcome to post without seeing constant sarcasm and the way some people respond to other members' posts etc, which we believe is putting newer members off. I didn't say anyone was being nasty, I was just reminding them to stay friendly; I personally didn't like the whole "These are the rules and they are being broken" thing etc. It just comes across as know-it-all and negative. I assume as a human I'm allowed an opinion and as a mod I am more than allowed to er, moderate?And good point Mr Rave, topic title shall be changed!
  12. Right guys can we stay on topic* and be nice please? *Of what Thorpe rides you've re-ridden, not what the "rules" are for re-riding!
  13. Mer


    Really? What a bunch of idiots! Similar thing happened to my mum when she worked at Kid Co nursery, but she works at a much better one now, and put it this way...turns out Kid Co have a pretty bad rep and do a lot of things they shouldn't really be doing! Why are some people so unsympathetic?
  14. Mer


    Couldn't have put it better Ryan
  15. Firstly, why were the people mentioned escorted off the park? Or is this just the press exaggerating?Secondly, I see a lot of people saying "Oh well, it's only nature". Surely that's not the issue? The issue is that the bearcat escaped in the first place, right? It was inevitable if it entered the lion enclosure it would be eaten.
  16. SAW stalled today http://www.coasterforce.com/news/park-news/1547-saw-stalledOn an incline too! Not good!
  17. Mer


    Oh!Don't be like that :DWe love the Rave
  18. Mer


    I assure you there will be no arguments when I'm in the chat room! And me and Lauren aren't the kind of people who argue ;)And it's not being needy, it's called being sociable. AND Monday night is the TPM chat night thingy.
  19. Mer


    Wooo well done Holly
  20. Anyone know the renewal prices?Luckily I don't have to worry until Septmeber and I will money saved up by then :blush:Edit - don't worry, just found them.Renewal for standard pass (online) - £108Renewal for Premuim (online) - £126.90That's not too bad
  21. Also agree with Sheepie :blush:I don't mind operators doing their own announcements but the mic or soemething needs turning down, their voices really do sound too loud! I had to cover my ears up
  22. Hmmmm yeah, but for some reason I don't love it as much as the others *Is currently blasting Vampire theme in earphones, with mega bass going on*
  23. In a real ride music mood today :)My favourite themes at Chessie, in no particular order:VampireTomb BlasterRunaway Train (which I think someone previously noted, was not composed for the ride, I know the first half is from a film soundtrack, and the second half I have heard before, not sure where it is from though). This theme I have only recently discovered when searching for Chessie audio and I love it Even if it's not ocmposed for the ride, it still really suits it and really cheers me up when I hear it, especially towards the end when it's faster, it's so happy and cheery and adventury :blush:Wild Asia And of course, The Call To Adventure!
  24. Merged the "How fast will LC12 be" thingy topic with this one as there is no need for a separate topic, and it helps keep the place tidy
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