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Everything posted by D4n

  1. *resets scores*Canada Creek Railway (5)Chief Rangers Carousel (4)Colossus (6)Detonator (5)Flying Fish (5)Loggers Leap (5)Mr Monkeys Banana Ride (5)Nemesis Inferno (5)Quantum (5)Rocky Express (5)Rush (5)Samurai (5)Saw – The Ride (5)Slammer (5)Stealth (5)Storm in a teacup (5)Tidal Wave (5)Vortex (5)X:\ No Way Out (5)Colossus +1Chief Ranger -1
  2. Canada Creek Railway (5)Chief Rangers Carousel (1)Colossus (6)Detonator (5)Flying Fish (7)Loggers Leap (5)Mr Monkeys Banana Ride (4)Nemesis Inferno (4)Quantum (6)Rocky Express (5)Rumba Rapids (2)Rush (6)Samurai (5)Saw – The Ride (8)Slammer (5)Stealth (7)Storm in a teacup (5)Tidal Wave (8)Vortex (3)X:\ No Way Out (3)Rumba Rapids +1Chief Ranger -1
  3. Canada Creek Railway (5)Chief Rangers Carousel (4)Colossus (6)Detonator (5)Flying Fish (5)Loggers Leap (5)Mr Monkeys Banana Ride (4)Nemesis Inferno (5)Quantum (5)Rocky Express (5)Rumba Rapids (5)Rush (7)Samurai (5)Saw – The Ride (4)Slammer (5)Stealth (5)Storm in a teacup (5)Tidal Wave (5)Vortex (5)X:\ No Way Out (5)Zodiac (5)Colossus +1Chief Ranger -1
  4. Canada Creek Railway (5)Chief Rangers Carousel (4)Colossus (6)Depth Charge (1)Detonator (5)Flying Fish (5)Loggers Leap (5)Mr Monkeys Banana Ride (2)Nemesis Inferno (6)Quantum (5)Rocky Express (5)Rumba Rapids (5)Rush (8)Samurai (5)Saw – The Ride (6)Slammer (4)Stealth (6)Storm in a teacup (5)Tidal Wave (7)Vortex (5)X:\ No Way Out (6)Zodiac (5)Rumba Rapids +1Depth Charge -1
  5. Canada Creek Railway (5)Chief Rangers Carousel (5)Colossus (6)Depth Charge (2)Detonator (5)Flying Fish (5)Loggers Leap (5)Mr Monkeys Banana Ride (2)Nemesis Inferno (5)Quantum (5)Rocky Express (5)Rumba Rapids (5)Rush (8)Samurai (5)Saw – The Ride (6)Slammer (5)Stealth (6)Storm in a teacup (5)Tidal Wave (6)Vortex (5)X:\ No Way Out (5)Zodiac (5)Rumba Rapids +1Depth Charge -1
  6. When a ride is eliminated, the scores for all the other rides are re-set to 5.
  7. Hmm... there have been 3 posts this my last go... can I go again?
  8. Canada Creek Railway (5)Chief Rangers Carousel (4)Colossus (6)Depth Charge (3)Detonator (5)Flying Fish (5)Loggers Leap (5)Mr Monkeys Banana Ride (4)Nemesis Inferno (5)Quantum (5)Rocky Express (5)Rumba Rapids (5)Rush (8)Samurai (4)Saw – The Ride (5)Slammer (5)Stealth (6)Storm in a teacup (5)Tidal Wave (6)Vortex (5)X:\ No Way Out (5)Zodiac (5)Quantum +1Depth Charge -1
  9. Canada Creek Railway (5)Chief Rangers Carousel (5)Colossus (6)Depth Charge (3)Detonator (5)Flying Fish (5)Loggers Leap (5)Mr Monkeys Banana Ride (5)Nemesis Inferno (5)Quantum (5)Rocky Express (5)Rumba Rapids (5)Rush (6)Samurai (5)Saw – The Ride (5)Slammer (5)Stealth (5)Storm in a teacup (5)Tidal Wave (6)Time Voyagers (4)Vortex (5)X:\ No Way Out (5)Zodiac (5)Samurai +1Depth Charge -1
  10. It depends what row you sat on, really, if you're towards the front of the train it was rough but in a kind of good way. By the time you reached the back of the train, after getting some good air-time on the first hill, the ride just turned into pure pain. If they had kept it, they would have had to get the new trains (as seen at Flamingo Land), for the ride to have remained worthwhile.
  11. *resets scores*Canada Creek Railway (5)Chief Rangers Carousel (5)Colossus (6)Depth Charge (4)Detonator (5)Flying Fish (5)Loggers Leap (5)Mr Monkeys Banana Ride (5)Nemesis Inferno (5)Quantum (5)Rocky Express (5)Rumba Rapids (5)Rush (5)Samurai (5)Saw – The Ride (5)Slammer (5)Stealth (5)Storm in a teacup (5)Tidal Wave (5)Time Voyagers (5)Vortex (5)X:\ No Way Out (5)Zodiac (5)Colossus +1Depth Charge -1
  12. I was actually a huge fan of Corkscrew, I adored the ride, and was one of those that 'protested' the most at the decision to remove it. However, in hindsight it was definitely a good decision to remove it. Th13teen is by far a superior ride, and has attracted a great number of visitors to the park this season.
  13. D4n

    SAW: Alive

    Obviously you if you keep changing it back.
  14. I would like to add that, in my opinion, bigger clubs are stealing smaller clubs' youth players. Just last week Chelsea signed one of our (Northampton's) academy players... he's only 11 for crying out loud...
  16. How will it benefit them, re-theming it? Re-theme Bubbleworks, advertise it as a new ride, more guests. Surely that's pretty obvious?
  17. I would say (and this is if you don't have ERT). Head straight to Air, then do Nemesis, Ripsaw, Blade, Duel, RMT, then hit Rapids as they open, Flume, Lunch. After lunch Mutiny Bay, Sonic spinball, Oblivion, Submission, enterprise, Hex, Charlie, Toadstool, Rita, Th13teen. With ERT do Spinball as soon as you get in, then Oblivion, then head over to Nemesis / Air (if you get to Forbidden Valley before 10 do Nemesis before Air as Nemesis will be open ).
  18. Your tips are both terrible.
  19. Whilst I agree with your point on the GP, I fail to see how this is a ridiculous debate?
  20. Just because a park is aimed at one target market doesn't mean it can't have rides that appeal to other age groups. The main reason for Alton Towers being so popular, for example is that you have rides for every generation. At Thorpe, if a family has just a 14 year old that wants to go, for example, they'd look at the ride line-up and see nothing for their 4 year old, or the 70 year old? Would they go? Probably not.
  21. I'm not saying to change the target audience, just have a few attractions that are well themed 'experiences' rather than just rides. A family dark ride and good theming on the 2012 coaster, for example, you'd have 2 'experiences', whilst sticking with the target market. Obviously, this is just my opinion, but for me that's what Thorpe is missing. I don't mind the target audience, not really, just the fact that almost every ride is aimed solely at them.
  22. Whilst the ride was at Chessington it was still a travelling fair model, but on the other hand they did have some theming. At this point in time, however, I would be seeing it as a ride that needed to go, and yes it was better than the ride it replaced at Thorpe. However, your point of park wide capacity is one that I haven't heard before, and one that I suppose I can understand. However, it would be nice if now (and SAW: The Ride and SAW: Alive coming in the past 2 years is a step in the right direction, next years dinghy is probably not) they could put more emphasis on ride experience and theming, whilst the chavs don't tend to appreciate it (though on SAW they do ) it's not just the enthusiasts that do; you have your families, older people, even non-chavvy teens, who would prefer to have a ride 'experience' rather than going high and fast and round and round.
  23. I can see the big picture, of course I can, Thorpe stick it so far into our faces it's hard not to see the big picture. However, your definition of coaster enthusiast is actually quite interesting, for me, because I don't have these problems with Chessington and Alton Towers (which I visit one hell of a lot more often than Thorpe), because there are far less of these 'little details' to annoy me... make of that what you will. And, please, please, don't throw the Thorpe don't care line at me again, I know they don't, I just want to share my opinions of the park.
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