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Everything posted by D4n

  1. It shouldn't be invalid, not completely, the park should take in the views of all guests, including enthusiasts (yes, yes... they only make up 1% of guests or whatever), in deciding what to do with the park. Also, I'm not expressing my opinion to the park here, I'm expressing it to fellow enthusiasts.
  2. And that means I'm not allowed an opinion on the matter... does it?
  3. True. But not completely different, the public will still notice. For example - Velocity at Flamingo Land - in the queue I heard several people saying 'why don't they add the second train' (queue was about 30 minutes), Velocity doesn't even have a seconds train, but they knew that the capacity would be increased with the addition of a second train. This is true, but, in my opinion, this doesn't make it OK for Thorpe to do so too. If the queue is 15+ minutes long, and you can increase the capacity, I don't care which ride or park I'm at, they should be increasing it.
  4. Because it's not designed for a theme park, has literally no theming, and terrible capacity. I'm not questioning whether the public like it or not, I'm saying that that IN MY OPINION, Samurai is not a professional and sophisticated ride, I have the right to that opinion.
  5. Yes. The general public can't tell the difference between walking on a ride and queuing half an hour for it.
  6. So, for you, a 'professional and sophisticated' ride is a traveling Mondial Top Scan? I'm sure you just forgot it. Other than that, I completely agree with you, Peter.
  7. I agree, and I don't quite understand how anybody can actually say that it's a good thing that Thorpe is running it's coasters on 1 train when they're getting queues. (Although if the queue really was 1/2 hour Europa should have added the third train, in my opinion). I'm not going to 'write in and complain', I haven't even visited the park this year. What I don't understand is that, on a discussion and debate forum you can't accept other people's points of view and have decided to ignore this thread. Petty.
  8. There was actually a mention earlier in this thread of Europa Park running Silver Star on 2 trains on off peak days and that making it OK for Thorpe to run rides on limited capacity.
  9. But on 1 train, with a 30 minute queue, on weekdays.
  10. Apologies on the Submission point then, my bad.
  11. Submission's second arm doesn't work, and hasn't for years. It's being used for spare parts since the company that manufactured it (Chance I think?) went bust, so they can't get new parts. Yes. Because 30 minutes is virtually walk-on.
  12. Umm... no they're not. Nemesis is currently on 2 trains, Air was on 2 trains for a period of time whilst the 3rd train was getting fixed, and is now back on 3 trains / 2 stations, Oblivion may be loading 1 car at a time but it's walk-on anyway (as I said previously, I have no problems with reduced capacity if the ride is still walk-on.).
  13. The bottom line is, if Thorpe want to compete with Towers for the spot as the UK's No.1 theme park, the first thing they need to do is run rides at maximum capacity, even on quiet days. The only way that I could accept 1 train operation is if it was walk-on on that one train. Oh, and because Europa Park does it, that makes it OK, does it? (Although that is very unlike Europa, to be honest, I'd assume that there was a problem with the 3rd train). Paulton's Park is a small, independently run theme park which NEEDS to save money wherever it can. Thorpe is run by the 2nd biggest theme park company in the world. There's a difference. ;)
  14. Personally I would say Alton Towers is world class already, visiting the likes of Universal Orlando and Busch Gardens Tampa Bay this year I was surprised to find that, individually, Alton Towers is a better stand alone park than either of them. Admittedly this may not be the theme park itself, and more the friendly atmosphere, the spectacular gardens and towers, with the addition of the (mostly) well themed park. I would consider Alton world class, myself, not top of the pile (I understand that the likes of Europa Park are generally rated much higher), but I think it'd be unfair not the consider it a world class theme park. Thorpe Park however is NOT world class, far from it, in fact. I'm not saying it's a bad park, but it's leagues away from the likes of Alton Towers, Busch Gardens, Universal Orlando, and even Chessington. ... in my opinion.
  15. I would completely agree with you there, if Alton can do it (and their rides are ALWAYS on maximum capacity) then I don't see why on earth Thorpe can't.
  16. Of course we all know that everything will break on the first day of Fright Nights anyway though.
  17. Slammer isn't closed 'due to a low gate figure'. Just sayin'.
  18. D4n

    Alton Audio

    There are good copies of the Mutiny Bay soundtracks on this website - http://www.musicofmerlin.com/ There's also a recorded copy of the Dark Forest music on Towers Nerd.
  19. D4n

    Forum Posts

    I agree that in the past this forum was a bit of a hell hole, and there was a lot of pointless arguing, name calling, and general immaturity. I don't want to name names, but Theme Park Bloke, you were, in my honest opinion, the cause of this. And yet it appeared that you didn't get banned whilst other members did, talk about injustice! Anyway, I went away, and when I came back about a week ago, credit to the Administrators and Moderators, it seemed like the forum was a totally different place, all of the bullsh*tters had got bored and left, apart from you, who I noticed were still posting on here, major let-down. To be honest Theme Park Bloke, you should have been banned a long time ago, and for you to last long enough for you to log this complaint is somewhat a miracle. Now, I suggest you leave and never come back, because you've been dragging down a genuinely nice forum. Dan.
  20. D4n


    Actually I do. Anyway... moving on...
  21. D4n


    It won't be painted green though. And isn't all merchandise cheap during the second half of the season?
  22. D4n


    They won't, it was one of Sanbrooke's bullsh*t 'exclusives from last year.
  23. Publicity Stunt Alert-
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