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Everything posted by D4n

  1. D4n

    This Or That

    Ice CreamDr. Pepper or Coca-Cola?
  2. I hate I'm a Celebrity. It makes Big Brother look immense.
  3. - Always do Dragon's Fury first- Always do Vampire last- Only go on Bubbleworks if the queue is under 10 minutes- Always eat at the Pub near Hocus Pocus Hall
  4. 6:15 is an odd closing time, isn't it?
  5. D4n


    That's because you ride it too much.
  6. Yes. The ITHOFTMK jingle used in the advert is also played.
  7. D4n


    Oblivion is a far better experience, and scarier than anything SAW throws at you.
  8. It was at the start of the School Summer Holidays, so it should be now, shouldn't it? I think it's 9:30 till 10.
  9. Also, there is ERT on Beanoland, incase you didn't know, for people parking in one of the car parks (can't remember which).
  10. Alton Towers Hotel is amazing value! Splash Landings less so. But the rooms are well themed and I'd kill for ERT.
  11. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12...theme-park.html I LOL at how exaggerated that article is.
  12. The ride will usually run with 6, maybe 7, cars. During February Half Term it only ran 5, and the queue was over an hour.
  13. After a good spell of everything being open Rush is now unavailable.
  14. D4n


    Rush is currently unavailable according the the THORPE PARK website. Anybody know why?
  15. Vampire is a great ride, I think it's one of the best rides at Chessington. The queuing experience is good because of the fantastic theming to look at whilst you wait and great views of the ride. The station is immense, who else loves the Vampire playing the piano! And the ride is incredible, the front row is one of my favourites!
  16. OK, I've just read the last few posts and this is how I understand it. * Jake.C's cousin went to THORPE PARK* They only got on 3 rides* They enjoyed themselves because they only really wanted to get on SAW & Stealth and they spent a lot of the day on Neptune's Beach and watching the Sun SCREAM shows.
  17. Yes, the entire Skyride is closed, as the ride cannot run with only 2 stations.
  18. D4n


    Posters advertising the ride have appeared on park! Photo from ATA.
  19. The full ERT line-up is:Oblivion, Rita, Runaway Mine Train, Duel, Enterprise, Battle Galleons, Heave Ho, Marauders Mayhem and Sharkbait Reef by SEA-LIFE. Submission is also opened for ERT on peak days. Spinball Whizzer does not open for ERT this year, it did last year.
  20. D4n


    Ha! Sanbrooke, reliable? He's the one that originally said it was going to be B&M.
  21. I didn't realise Chessington's Carousel had a working teacup. - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hqXcHByoF0w
  22. Tidal Wave is currently unavailable.
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