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Everything posted by Sidders

  1. Emergency Survival Packsetc., etc.
  2. As Thorpe Park appear to have stopped the video interviews with the Construction and Design staff, this topic will be closed until - or if at all - further notification reaches TPM about the videos.Thanks to everyone for your contributions!
  3. I keep watching the park's animated rendering of X-Flight and chuckling to myself at just how fast it looks in the video and how comparatively snail-paced it'll be when it's built.
  4. Could they possibly get taken by The Swarm? Mid-song? Or even before the singer opens his mouth?That'd tie in nicely.
  5. Thorpe couldn't get Rihanna, so they went for the next best thi- hmmm....Let's hope The Swarm are about then.
  6. Drop me a PM saying what you want in your signature, Stokesyboy. :)For some reason, Members can't change their signatures and we're still not sure why!
  7. They're lap bar restraints, but because of the winged seats not having anywhere to attach them to, they're attached to the part of the seat behind the head-rest. A sort of combination, if you like, between lap-bar restraints and OTSRs.
  8. Yes but let's not forget The Swarm has a much higher throughput than Saw will ever have. And of course, it's dispatch sequence is far quicker due to no dual on-loading/offloading.
  9. Liam's so far up north that his weather display says it's night time already...
  10. At least I had an argument when I did it.
  11. I still have no doubt in that B&M's design is safe. Is there really an argument there or is it just any excuse to poke fun at Thorpe's clientèle?
  12. If, when riding it, you manage to grab a good feel of those Urethane wheels, let us know how it goes for you, won't you? ;)Honestly, I have no doubt B&M have taken this into account - no-one's lost a hand on Raptor and it's the same model, with the same track guards.
  13. Agreed with all of those, but X:No Way Out has paid it's loyalty to Thorpe Park better than any other ride in their arsenal. It's naff now but it's survived how many revamps/re-themes/"Okay, so it's not that thrilling"s? Storm Surge is like the ugly bint who turns up late and pretends it's part of something it has no right to.
  14. The yellow is fine, the track design is fine, the supports are disgusting. They look like they should be a rich, royal blue but have faded, and they age to ride by about ten years. Never understood the point of oblong supports either - they might be cheaper but these just look harsh and jagged, making the ride look like it'll ride uncomfortably; like the whole thing has been designed with a ruler. The most bewildering part of course, is the fact that there aren't many of them, and yet they still look hideous - almost like it's unfinished. Y'know that stage of construction where everything looks absolutely crap and enthusiasts pretend the pieces of track dumped to the side of a muddy bank actually look nice? That's what this looks like.Add to that the oil tanker crane-meets-shipping container lift and it's a shame even to Hershey.
  15. Shambhala update:New angle of the "ampersand" element and the finished speed hill, looking like it'll deliver quite some air-time, even if perspective is playing a large part in it's current appearance of sheer awesomeness.And the air-time hill second hill is going up. Should be done in no time.
  16. I don't know what vegetation it is you speak of, LG95 - the ride is surrounded by concrete!
  17. Sidders


    Rammstein :DIn other news, if Adele wasn't so pissed off with her man in 'Rolling In The Deep', I imagine it'd sound like this:
  18. Did this member speak of what the advert was? The Swarm's scream one? I reckon that'd sound amazing in a cinema.
  19. So, our Peacocks branch got shut down today, after it went into liquidation in early January, and the new shop has a lovely sign up...
  20. Considering the helicopter is still registered to fly and has all it's rotor-blades fully intact (much unlike the concept imagery) I'd imagine the rotor-blades should be spinning, yes. Not entirely sure whether they are yet, because no video we have seen has shown us, but then again no video has shown any other effect. Thorpe are saving the best till last it seems...
  21. Yep; trains are massive. I'm not sure if they're the longest trains B&M have built (Manta probably takes that title) but at 15m long and 6.5m wide they certainly are the heaviest.
  22. I noticed that Jimmy - also notice how, in later pictures, you can see vent gratings placed over the backs of the plane nacelles... A promising sign, perhaps?
  23. Love how the RAF pilot on the right-most seat says at the end of the video quite disbelievingly "That's better than it looks"...And cue 40 more pages of ranting about enthusiast's vs. general public's eye for a good coaster.
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