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Everything posted by Sidders

  1. That's even slower than I thought! Looks practically pensionable after the Immelman... I knew this was going to happen - it's the eighth car that does it. It adds so much weight and extra drag to the train that it just lumbers through the elements. I know Six Flags need the throughput but are those extra four seats really necessary? On a coaster that's roughly the same height but 400ft longer than The Swarm, how is an extra car going to help? Six Flags' pre-creation video was so optimistic about the speed of this thing I watch it again now and laugh at how they thought it would sustain a speed much over 30mph for the second half. What looked to be the most interesting Wing-Rider layout looks so dull now do to a lack of speed. I realise speed isn't what the Wing-Rider is meant to give primarily but of course, this Wing-Rider doesn't even compensate on themeing or near-misses well, and the lack of speed looks like it will actually be quite forceless after that ground-hugging turn, so I doubt it'll be rated as high as Wild Eagle, Raptor or The Swarm by those who have ridden them.
  2. And if anyone's interested, that's disgusting.
  3. The layout doesn't appear to be very economical on speed after the low turn into the second Zero-G. I mean, on any old B&M yes it'd be absolutely dandy and this wouldn't be a problem, and I'm certain B&M done the right calculations but perhaps, like their trims, they and Six Flags are just testing the water because of how comparatively enormously heavy the Wing-Rider trains are - and X-Flight in particular is B&M's biggest and heaviest ever train. They probably want to see that it'll make it back to the station maintaining sufficient speed throughout (that inline is probably going to be slower than Raptor's, hence the downward incline to get the train through it and then the final helix, which in itself could easily kill any residual speed with such a heavy train). It's also possible that this is just a period of choosing the wheel material combination to decide which is the best to offer the most acceptable forces and speeds at different parts of the circuit. But I'm no expert really. X-Flight is looking very good though.
  4. They've clearly got structure sufficient enough to have a façade bolted onto it - look at the holes in the main framework of the train's body. This is what all the Wing-Rider trains looked like before their façades were attached.
  5. Surely the final façade's not done on those yet? I mean, even the crappy obviously-Six Flags train design from the (p)recreation video show what the train should look like.
  6. Banned for banning the same member for the same reason I gave on page 1.
  7. Banned for not playing by the rules. Don't let's be a spoil sport.
  8. Banned for grammar. *You're
  9. Double post but oh well. Updated POV with all themeing in place. Considering the themeing structures are so big and interact with the track so much, do you reckon we'll so construction for them started before/at the same time as track construction?
  10. In her defence, Thorpe's photo sleeve of Colossus does say "Top Speed: 77km/h"... Perhaps a mix up in the metric/imperial system?
  11. Banned for being mainstream. Get indie.
  12. To be honest, even if the ride isn't 'timed' to duel, as it were, just looking at the POVs in NoLimits that have already surfaced tells us this ride is going to have plenty of interaction with itself just by running eight cars on the track at any one time.
  13. Oooh... DNA helices? Possibly a human testing lab? A 'correctional institute' for insanity? Merlin know how to send of nerds crazy, guessing their ride themes right from the off.
  14. Banned for being too slow on the draw.
  15. There's issues with space with a Jump2 though, and in my opinion they look awful. So... chunky and blocky. Like a fairground ride maximised. Hard to explain but I imagine it'd be hard to theme one even if Thorpe could find the space (they take about just a little bit over Rush's foot-print)
  16. It's still there! You just can't see it 'cause you're not a Mod. Actually I'll delete it now because it'd mess things up if I re-added it. Banned for also monkeying around.
  17. Banned for monkeying around.
  18. But in Wolf's opinion this is untrue.
  19. Banned for having pink in his signature...
  20. Banned for being a wild mouse.
  21. To be perfectly honest, Jump2's are ugly as sin from my point of view. They look like over-large pile drivers with frills on and, as Benin said, look boring to ride and, dare I say it, even from even a spectator's view.
  22. Welcome to TPM! Hope you enjoy your stay. Need anything, feel free to drop me a PM :) And if you're bored, don't be shy - drop into the Chat Room and say hi because we're all nice people on here :D

  23. Could've just gone to Stealth and let the speed of the ride waiting in the queue do it for him?
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