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Everything posted by Sidders

  1. I wouldn't have thought the fire engine counts as a 'experience' rather than a piece of themeing. The MTDP and more in-depth plans recognise themeing when Thorpe intend to build extensive themeing structures, and the MTDP also outline that the "Experience" will be of similar size to a flat. Hence, I just don't see the fire engine being classed as an experience piece - there's plenty more space for something else to go there, as Jack said.
  2. How is it different? One's a walk-through horror maze and the other is a walk-through ride experience... they're incredibly similar in terms of experience and both are bolt-on rides.If the introduction of The Swarm's bolt-on ride means that Saw Alive would be gone for good then I'm game.
  3. Sidders


    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IlG2zTMTiMI&ob=av2e Thanks Lana Del Rey; you were nice for a bit, but the real deal's back now. Shift it.
  4. Haven't they already tested the water with SAW Alive?
  5. How? Thorpe Belle is on the other side of the park and has been for years. It wouldn't make sense to have such closely linked rides separated by 500 acres of land.Is it just me, or is anyone else getting a bit miffed at the number of medium' investments which are basically bolt-ons of past rides' success? SAW Alive, Krake's maze and Sub-Terra just have a whiff of laziness about them, whether or not they're done well. I'd just like to see more medium investments that stood their own ground.
  6. The MTDP outlined an "Experience" that would be situated adjacent to the Flying Fish in coming developing years. It's most likely that this is what has been planned, even if those concepts are out-dated; I expect to see a Swarm-related ride for 2013.
  7. I swear I've changed your group before, Chris! :lol:Changed it back now.
  8. You'll still fit though; it might just be a little uncomfortable. This ride has restraints similar to Air, so it would really only be a problem if you had a large chest. I expect you'll still fit even though you're an inch over.
  9. 6'6"? You might be able to fit. I'd definitely try out the test seats outside the queue beforehand though. You should fit with a squeeze, and you might exprience a little discomfort later in the ride, but it's B&M so it's not going to be too painful - that you can bank on. I say go for it and enjoy your day, whenever you go!
  10. Ah I'm with you now! Had no idea what you were referring to at first; same as Lewish - I thought you were talking about X:No Way Out. But the Midnight Syndicate did throw me off... Ooft, Midnight Syndicate
  11. ?As for the HUSS Delirium, I've already said it before: people are seriously underestimating the ride's size. Think about it - 100m2 and 141ft tall. That's put it as the second-tallest structure at Thorpe. No other flat ride at Thorpe even comes close to that footprint; no other ride in the world in fact. The ride's enormous footprint, paired with the power required to run it and it's low capacity (it may hold 64 people per ride, but it'd take about 5+ minutes to load and offload), are the reasons no park in the world has bought one since it was introduced in 2009. In fact, only one of HUSS' Giant Rides has really taken off - the Giant Frisbee/Giant Frisbee 55. Comparatively, there are some Giant Top-Spins and at least one Jump2, but no Deliriums.
  12. Imagine a Wing-Rider in that beautiful grass green colour! Oh hot damn.[offtopic]It's sad but I've always wanted a coaster of that colour for Thorpe.[/offtopic]
  13. Not really shocking at all - it's Radio 1!
  14. I think it's just a case of photo-shopping in a bit of shrubbery. As for the path, well, Colossus wasn't always land-locked. The majority of the inlines were once over water.
  15. Sidders


    At least that shot of Shockwave had supports, rather than some now-homeless man's housing frames...Like on that Zero-G...
  16. The Delirium looks like a great cross-over ride, but I think people underestimate the size of the things. They're 100ft2! You can't simply buy one and "put" one anywhere. Deliriums are meant to be built over park infrastructure, such pathways and stalls, or even food outlets and boardwalk games. Also, their throughput would be terrible, even with 64 seats per cycle. Loading would take forever, so the hourly throughput would barely make 600pph, and that's being generous.Deliriums really are for parks of Cedar Point/Six Flags size. As much as I'd love the world to see one, I just don't see it happening at Thorpe - or at all, considering only three of HUSS' Giant Rides actually operate in fixed-setting theme parks around the world.
  17. Sidders

    Forum Posts

    One .gif image per post was the "agreed" "unwritten rule". So yes, as long as the quantity or frequency of posts with .gifs in them is not abused and the 'gifs themselves are not used in an overtly abusive way, then they can be permitted.
  18. *sigh*So true... :wub:OI. Editin' ma posts!
  19. Fright Nights 2011 saw some Cycle 6's I believe. Genuinely came off it thinking "Holy crap! Where'd THAT come from?!". This was at about 9:50pm though, and there were only about fifteen riders altogether. The guy operating was awesome; really friendly, absolutely hilarious and really got what little crowd there was going for the last ride of the night - I came off the ride and it was dead on 10pm - so we'd had an extended ride too!
  20. Indeed you do, Josh. We at TPM have plans to introduce our lucky members to a _______ ERT event in special commemoration of _______ later in the season. I'm sure it won't be too much of an ask to organise further ERT events for even more rides possibly on the same day or other days.I can't make this ERT, and most likely won't be able to make the ________ one unless it's after/during the Fright Nights season. I will, however, be all over Inferno ERT for it's own ten year birthday in 2013. Oh hot dayum I'm counting the days.
  21. Try BenC's photos at Total Thorpe Park - some great photos to go alongside Stokesyboy's. :)I'm sure he won't mind me plugging his site, so here's a link. http://www.totalthorpepark.co.uk/guide/theswarm.shtml
  22. I do agree with you. Jump2'sare ugly machines. They're bulky and I'd imagine they're hard to theme - the ride quality looks poor as well to be honest. If any new ride is added, a Giant Top-Spin รก la Talocan would be best because as said by another member here, it would suit the theme better.For some reason, I imagine a Topple Tower would suit Amity Cove better.
  23. And a warm welcome to you too, Stuz :)The Swarm has brought TPM some new members from distant counties.
  24. Still can't get over how optimistic Six Flags are about the speed of X-Flight in their recreation... Have they not accounted for the fact that X-Flight is going to have B&M's heaviest ever trains (going by the recreation, which shows eight cars to a train)?
  25. Hello Jonathan! Good to hear you've finally decided to join after such a while reading. Kick ya feet up and make yourself at home, but leave your shoes in the hall, ite?
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