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Everything posted by Sidders

  1. Okay, okay - don't shoot the messenger! Was just an idea - good counter-argument though. It is a shame that, like what Josh said, the minority have taken advantage and spoilt the ride for the majority, for however short or long a period of time.
  2. Probably playing Devil's Advocate here, but how would Thorpe look if, after the accident that prompted this limited availability, they did nothing? Perhaps it's a means of reacting for the sake of reacting; if Thorpe did nothing, how would that make them look?
  3. Banned for having been banned by me before and not getting the hint.
  4. Banned for thinking it's a chicken. It's clearly a kidney bean.
  5. Banned for not being able to properly ban people. You know not the empowerment of the banhammer.
  6. All seven of this idiot's posts are rude and have sent the swear filter into meltdown. We've no time for people like this so a short PM and a trip to the Admin CP later and both "Jesus Likes Colo" and "James McMurderma" (both accounts share the same IP and were registered within two minutes of each other) are banned.
  7. Banned for forgetting Nemesis Inferno...
  9. Banned for liking Natalia Kills.
  10. LOL at the well 'ard men trying to stand and even jump on a Tagada in motion Genuinely had no idea they moved that fast! Certainly does suit Thorpe's demographic.
  11. Banned for being another half of another TPM couple.
  12. Front rows on B&M inverts never have any competition with the back. That first drop looked insane from the front POV but at the back... Ooft.
  13. Banned for disagreeing with a Mod. :|
  14. Banned for looking like Justin Bieber in Hollister. 0.o lolbant.
  15. Sidders


    Well thank **** 'Only The Horses' is better than the crap they came out with for 'Shady Love'. So glad the latter was pulled as the lead single because it really was shooting themselves in the foot. 'Only The Horses' sounds so different though... What I like about it is it's spacious, psychedelic production but it does veer a little too close to wishy-washy handbag house for me. I want something like 'Fire With Fire' (I can see they tried to do that here), which to me, is the best thing they ever recorded. EDIT: I've always loved Paloma. There's something so genuine about her and it shows in her music. I don't usually go for anything like what Paloma does, and so it pissed me off a bit when Lana Del Rey swanned in a got all the credit for reinventing the doomed starlet/chanteuse of 50s Americana when Paloma did it to far more avail (as Del Rey simply came across as a sulky teenager in fancy clothes pretending she was enjoying the fact her fictitious life of drugs and fast cars was slowly killing her) three years earlier. Paloma's best stuff is her upbeat songs though; 'Upside Down' was the unchallenged highlight of her first album, so here's to a lot of that in 'Fall To Grace'.
  16. They look awesome! H&S nightmare though...
  17. I'd love a well-themed, good-length dark ride/experience. With the removal of Time Voyagers (there is a God), it's the only Thorpe haven't really got in terms of thrills and attractions (aside from year-round performance productions).
  18. Was genuinely wondering when you'd finish that NoLimits, Adam I like the first half (that corkscrew is taken at some serious speed!), but it gets quite jerky towards the end; in-joke about Intamin's roughness?
  19. I think a TopSpin would suit Thorpe, but I still voted no for the reason Rob gave. The only way I could see Thorpe installing one is if they go one better and buy a Giant TopSpin and theme the **** out of it, รก la Talocan. But essentially, they don't need one. What they do need is a decent dark ride/experience. Flats are something Thorpe have plenty of.
  20. Banned for having a Warning point.
  21. Love it Mark Made time to catch up on everything I've missed and started reading everything from "The Italian Dilemma" onwards. Love this quote: Hey Avatar!
  22. Can anyone point me in the direction of Samurai's 2007 Queue/End Ride theme? The one with the very sedate piano in it; it appears to have been lost during the new site upgrade.
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