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Everything posted by Sidders

  1. Sidders

    This Or That

    X:\No Way OutCURLEH or WURLEH?
  2. Sidders

    This Or That

    X:\No Way OutCURLEH or WURLEH?
  3. From Thorpe Park's official Facebook account. Weekly updates, you say? Yer pls. Mind you, no matter how impressive The Swarm is looking, I doubt we'll see an update like the one above every week. So yeah, y'know... pinch of salt and that.
  4. Wow. I'm very surprised to be seeing the first signs of stone rendering at this early stage I must say! I spy a world beater...
  5. Sidders

    Lady GaGa

    You're about the only person I know who's a fan of GaGa AND Laurieann. Laurieann was a pretentious bitch if you ask me :LI didn't get the whole carrying the weight of a headless woman though?
  6. This looks like it's going to be a very grand build. Very surprised to see it going ahead so early after confirmation too!Oh pleeeeeeease let there be a Nemesis Inferno room with ferns and palm trees and rocks and- stop it Sidders.
  7. I'm loving that the corkscrew will effectively be a head-chopper-ish element coming out of the Zero-G roll. It's going to look impressive diving straight down into that area almost completely dominated by track
  8. There's a static camera (apparently worth £6,000 didn't ya know? ) taking photos every 15 minutes, which it will collate into a stop-motion sort of film showing the construction of The Swarm. The Developer's Diary releases stills that the camera has taken that are of significant importance such as the completion of a new element e.g. the corkscrew, or the starts of something else e.g. the plane. At other times, they'll capture the up-close-and-personal shots of things like the trains as well as various viewpoints of the ride once completed and feed them to us nerds. :)As for Go-Merlin... no idea. We're the OFFICIAL THORPE PARK FAN-SITE, after all... Marc do something about that pls.
  9. Though I can't be sure of the dates, these are definitely old plans - you can see that from Stealth's planned application on the same MTDP draw-up. These plans are clearly from the 2003-2006 MTDP because Stealth's layout is a mock of Xcelerator's at Knott's Berry Farm, suggesting it hadn't even been built when these plans materialised. Indeed, the planning of the much-anticipated Thorpe Hotel have been in the pipeline for years.Here you can see that Stealth's layout is a mock-up Xcelerator, similar to when Saw's eventual layout was pre-proposed as Air's layout, purely to give a guideline of the space they were planning to use. Of course, that was back when Saw was going to be a B&M Flyer... But that's off topic. There may have been a renewed plan recently released but as far as I know the plan above is eight years old now.EDIT: It's rather strange that, if this is the 2003-2006 MTDP, that Island A, C, E and even F (Saw's island) also appear, though no such islands were planned to be created during this period (except maybe the commencement of Island F's infilling?). But even so, you can see Air's layout where Saw should be, making this ever more confusing.
  10. OMG. That is all. But it does at least look like those metal fragments we saw on-site a few days before season closure were indeed for the plane!
  11. "Nah mate, whack another flat in. Result. £££"Says Merlin.
  12. The possibility of a Nemesis Inferno room?GET ME TWO OF THOSE!
  13. Sidders


    Struggling to find a song that sums up my current mood. I'd have expected at least one good ballad from Coldplay or Florence's new albums, though Coldplay ballads have rarely been any good since 'The Scientist' and Florence - particularly her cathartic bellow - often comes across as something to be impressed by rather than something to connect with.
  14. Erika, one of my friends has a rather large trunk. Kelly Rowland had something/nothing to say.
  15. In other news, there are some sources (ahur-hum) on CF stating that the blown-up fire engine is to be the fire engine used for the themeing element in the pond under the up-curve into The Swarm's in-line twist.How reliable are these sources? Surely Thorpe wouldn't be allowed to simply blow up a fire engine and then use that as themeing - it'd have to match the plans exactly, surely? And built by skilled manufacturers to the exact specifications, would it not? Josh mentioned this on an earlier page so it made me pose the question as I'm quite unsure at the moment.
  16. Slammerrrr. :blush:Such an underrated ride, as you said in your article, Mark.
  17. Shhhh, I know ;)But don't tell anyone!
  18. A lot of these questions are really very interesting, and I'm sure I speak for the majority of the forum when I say I would very much love to hear exactly what B&M have to say about them. If only we could really ask them... *sigh*
  19. I must I did think that :L I wondered for a moment where all the scaffolding had gone! But the biggest give-away was the missing box support - the footer of which can just be seen behind the skip in the photo from the Developer's Diary. Very odd that they would do this...
  20. Maybe they simply ignored the Intamin model of the Wing-Rider seeing as it never really took off and the majority of the general public don't know as much about these technicalities as we do. Odds are very few of them have ridden Furius Baco and those that have wouldn't regard it as a "winging coaster".Besides, B&M Winged coaster have a look that's all their own. They shouldn't be down-played by a silly little Intamin who's ride-style went out of fashion as soon as it was built.
  21. Sidders


    There is one, though it's been forgotten about because it's stored in the Fun and Games section. :)
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