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Everything posted by Sidders

  1. I'm sorry... when did this become an argument? There was absolutely no need for an attack at such a jovial post that got misunderstood. I've told you what I meant by that post, so surely you should pay more attention to the clarification (that it was just a joke) rather than picking fault with it?I agree with Mer and Benin - do we really need petty little arguments like this in such a topic that requires more understanding than the vast majority of others on Mania Hub?
  2. I had that problem with school hours. =/ Getting up at 6am every day, not to return home till 6pm later that day is nigh-on crippling. So much walking and sitting around doing nothing on my commute this year as well, now that I get the bus.The worst part is I come home to a house full as bitchy arguments and snide comments. And after twelve hours fluctuating between uncontrollable stress and sheer boredom you just want to come home to a reception a little bit warmer than that. Seems like the only place I feel safe these days is in school, and that moves far too fast to be fully enjoyed.
  3. Sidders


    I love getting home from Sixth Form early.
  4. I think it had something to do with Mer wanting to be my #1 fan, obv. ;)But seriously, it was probably to prove that I wouldn't be the kind to make outright digs at people, nor make them look foolish over such a delicate matter.
  5. Where have you gone? -worries

  6. Oh good Lord I am so far out of the loop it's not even funny anymore.
  7. Aww gee, thanks Mer I may just have to rep you for your unequivocal show of kindness. ;)It was both actually; I was interested in what led Kevvy to say such a thing but my posts do tend to have quite a jocular connotation at times. No offence was intended. :)On a completely unrelated note: I hate the term "the gays". Since when do "the gays" call heterosexuals "the straights"? Seems a bit rude to bunch the gay population together and identify them by their sexuality when there's so much more to gay people than that.
  8. It's been three days, Kevvy. How do you feel now?
  9. I love me a rough ride... Colossus is always going to be in the win column for me. I don't visit the park enough to be contemptuous of the rides, except maybe Zodiac, which is rubbish.
  10. It's not advertising for The Swarm, as you said, but it is a huge promotional tool for the park's existing rides.
  11. That's exactly my point, Mark. Turns out it's not much of an update at all. Ah well, for those that are interested...
  12. Oh Mark, you... ;)Interesting developments (maybe?) : Theme Park Guide's Facebook claim to have information on a certain "update (no photos)" tomorrow Jeez if it's worth dedicating a whole status to it them just tell us!
  13. It's very clear (actually, it's probably not) : The track colour is grey like dull steel. The supports are darker grey. But still grey.It's like magic, I swear.
  14. But X had next to no theme... It doesn't need colour consistency/consideration. And neither does The Swarm, considering that the grey does it's job perfectly. Besides, the track colour is clearly different to the support colour. The photo just doesn't show it well: http://www.totalthorpepark.co.uk/features/future2012.shtml Total Thorpe Park have the colour scheme simplified about a fifth down their The Swarm Updates page.
  15. Sidders


    No such word as can't. It only means "I don't want to".

  17. A silly man treats himself to a tattoo. A religious passage from the Bible; Leviticus 18:22, condemning homosexual conduct:Silly man is not all the religious it seems. Leviticus 19:28: "Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor print or tattoo any marks upon you: I am the Lord."
  18. Well then, that doesn't give us much time! We must PREPARE A FEAST. A grand feast! Someone will need to do the guest list, someone the food, someone the decorations, the bouquet, the laying of the grand gingham blanket so we don't get muddy feet... Oh! And someone will need to keep the trolls away.
  19. Well, looking at the picture we can see how the full floor-plan of the station foundation has now taken shape, and the wooden structural moulds have been removed, so it seems the only reason the cement mixer is back on site would be because of the remaining footers. After that, the station will need just a little more structural integrity before they start bolting tonnes of metal to it, but track construction should commence soon. I figure Monday.
  20. Stealth's pressure control room, if by "the box" you mean the front of the small building just underneath Stealth's track.
  21. How rude! Well give it a while to process and you'll have loads of view from me trying to bump it up :P With any luck that is ;)

  22. Lovely shots Marc. It seems that maintenance shed skeleton is going up rather fast, and more footers have already been poured since Friday; nothing non-enthusiasts would like to see but it still send enthusiasts into overdrive.
  23. Some updates from Merlin Mania show that the footers around the lift, drop and zero-G roll are yet to be poured. It is believed that there is still a concrete mixer moving around site, suggesting that they're not finished - recent photos show the footer merely as shells rather than filled out footers ready for supports. My God this is slow. I don't think vertical construction of track will commence until by next weekend.Something to stimulate a little conversation to pass the time:
  24. Ahh no problem Dan :) I'll always be a few clicks away if you need a talk. Wishing the best for you and our car :D xx

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