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Everything posted by Sidders

  1. Ahh indeed it is James! My bad! :PBut corr, those pictures of the drop aren't half gorgeous, are they? Cheers for the update Liam.
  2. Is it just me that sees the first support of the corkscrew erected in the far left of this photo?
  3. I agree Sarah: Samurai's been very intense of late, particularly at night. It genuinely felt like my seat was going to come away!
  4. I know this but some people forget; I'm quite useless. It's nothing serious as I say, but it's more of a pet peeve that I've only experienced on this forum.Also, for some reasom my Chat autoscroll has been broken for about a month. Every time someone posts something in their, the feed rolls up about five posts, even after I've posted. I've PM'd Ian and had no reply, which I can guess is because he's busy.
  5. That'll be the section of track who's support is the large triangular frame extended right towards the Flying Fish would it not? There's two supports out there; one for the section of track just installed, one for the piece installed just before that. Looking at the plans, I figure the next piece in will be the inversion, which will look mighty impressive.
  6. Sidders


    I've always said that 'The One That Got Away' is the best song from that album, but I much prefer it's acoustic version. It's probably up there with 'Teenage Dream' and 'Pearl', and is such a wonderfully composed song; it's melodic phrasing gels seamlessly with her voice, even when she's singing it live. It's certainly helped her regain some integrity in her live performances after the car-crash of 'Firework' last year!
  7. Love your updates!

  8. Sidders


    Just so long as it's understood; I meant no unjust offence. :)And yes! They really are, aren't they?
  9. Sidders


    Some people don't like dubstep, Kevvy. This topic isn't solely devoted to those who like it. I must admit I like it on occasion, but there are other genres which are far more popular, and you'd do well to respect other's opinions, regardless of your own, strongly-held views. Other members can put up with your constant posting about dubstep (and other musical favourites of yours), so it seems only fair that when other members post the kind of music they like, you show them the same graciousness they've shown you.For instance, you've made it clear that you din't like Nicki Minaj. This is plausible; it's impossible for anyone to please everyone (something that exists on a much wider expanse than simply "music") and so now you've established this, it's doesn't need to be re-visited. :)On a lighter note, I love Hard-Fi.
  10. Okay, so imagine you've just endured the feeling of being slowly tipped out of your seat 127ft up. You then chance a look downwards and see nothing but a lake... That's going to look awesome! Not only will it make you feel as if you're going to miss the ground altogether, but if then sun hits it at the right angle you'll be looking straight at the reflection of the train and have the illusion you're going to crash not only into the ground but into another train!Small pleasures... ^_^EDIT: Been trawling through some old updates. Here's one from Theme UK on October 13. Hello themeing!Well, themeing still in it's shiny blue Studios North box.
  11. Sidders


    That easy enough if you're a member, but if an argument kicks off (because there can be little or no moderation in the Shoutbox), then how are the Moderators to act on anything that gets said that may be offensive to other members?
  12. Sidders


    Agreed. And if it were kept, I'd love to be able to use it. I think I speak on behalf of all Moderators. although for some reason, Ryan is the only Moderator who can post in it? The rest of us can only view it? Something must be askew with the Group Permissions on the Admin CP...
  13. Sidders


    The Shoutbox really needs to go.
  14. Sidders

    This Or That

    Southernnnnn. GERT.Downton Abbey or Upstairs, Downstairs?
  15. Sidders

    This Or That

    Dubstep.Tooth or Paste?
  16. Sidders

    This Or That

    Badman?Scrabble or Uno!
  17. I remember riding it at night not a week ago and my God it was like a different animal! I'd ridden in twice before and found both rides a little mediocre and they just gave me an enormous headache. Riding at night, with that music is highly recommended, even if the music is a bit naff and slightly cheap. Samurai, for once, felt very feral.
  18. Nemesis? Straight 10.The next post could be quite a contrast, but I'll open up and say I was waiting for a comment from Liam just because of it.
  19. Sidders


    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WdO85Qf4PocEveryone must've heard this song somewhere or other. It was pretty much a staple tune to many summer TV shows and adverts. I love it
  20. Sidders


    The Swarm will complete it's circuit first. It's much less spaced out and there's fewer pieces at any great height left to put together. Themeing will be interesting though. I reckon it could be Wild Eagle that is finished in it's entirety first, but The Swarm will have the last piece of track in place quite possibly a couple of weeks ahead of Wild Eagle.
  21. That helix is deliciously banked. Yes: deliciously.
  22. Loving the wheel-barrow. Really makes this photo.
  23. Sidders

    Lady GaGa

    Nah, s'just a ceremonial $h!t representing the ejection of all that is bad in the world.
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