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Everything posted by Sidders

  1. Whomsoever said machines can't have sex appeal has clearly never seen a B&M Wing Rider.
  2. Is there any way of changing how, when you click on a link it takes you to the page from the Mania Hub site? I think it would be much nicer of it worked so that a new tab was opened alongside the original tab. I find it a little irritating seeing updates with lots of photos, clicking on many of them, and then finding I'm forty pages away from TPM. It's just a minor niggle but one I thought could be addressed, because the current alternatives are a little length, even right-clicking. :PTy muchly
  3. Sidders


    Florence + the Machine - 'Shake It Out'.When will this song stop growing on me!? I've loved it from the moment I heard it, and usually after reviewing a song I tend to lose much admiration for it but this song is both perfectly executed, mericilessly borrowing only the most concentrated brilliance of innumerable genres, tossed into a blender set to frappé. She isn't definde by a certain form, choosing instead to take on an untangible concept of being diluted with more grounded subects, only to be thrust back up into the wild air once again with a handful of devices constructing mazes of twisted violence and equally as potent seductive charm.I hate to use the argument, because it's been overused by people who are too careless with the phrasing and use it as a staple to try and convert "haters" of whatever untalented ingénue they're hailing but, damn, I don't think there's anyone in the current music scene with as much an ability to tie down the hurricane-force music that Paul Epworth makes as Florence + the Machine. She is, simply, magnificent.
  4. Now, why would they include the cost of the camera? What does it achieve if not simply being an advertisement for any chav who might get their hands on it?
  5. ^ Not to mention they'd be harder to manoeuvre in mid-air.
  6. This one reminds me of my kittens.
  7. Sidders


    No, I met him later in the day (dusk) on Storm Surge. I was getting a little too excited and he was like "Stayyyy! Stayyyy.... Sit!" And it was hilarious People like him are my favourite kind of ride attendants - they really enjoy their jobs and make everyone's day that much better. When we were in the Storm Surge queue and the queue was delayed due to attendants having to empty the boats of excess water, that guy was skipping around the boats shouting "Hurry! Hurry!" and generally being amazing and entertaining so that myself and other guests included didn't get bored.
  8. Y'know TPM should have some kind of "liking" system for AWESOME comments like that :D Thanks so much Dan! :D xx

  9. Sidders


    I love the ride attendant in this photo. People like him made the day so much better. He really takes on his work with an unmatched zeal.
  10. Well my first guess for a trim brake position (there had to be at least one) was the up-curve into the zero-G roll. So I'm not surprised to see one materialise there.Actually I am... At the bottom of the drop? Who's idea was that now, really? Speak now, B&M/Thorpe. Let's hope it's barely noticeable or, like Air's, hardly ever in use.
  11. I noticed this in the close-up view of the plans that Neil posted. Look at it in comparison to Tidal Wave's lift hill - it's at a far steeper gradient.
  12. Re-evaluating that zero-G roll - that really is a very sharp up-curve! I spy immense positive G-Force... And I love how the first inversion on The Swarm is about 2 inches taller than Colossus and Saw
  13. My apologies; it does appear to be the only photo I can find on Facebook at the moment. But as said earlier, wait till tonight and there'll be a dozen photos, plus a report from Sheepie
  14. Pluk raises a very valid point, and one that sounds like The Swarm will actually come to fruition that way, with the lift hill being one of the last piece put into place, and the larger themeing/scenery being positioned when the track pieces around said themeing/scenery is being lowered into place. For those who're still having trouble finding the picture of the newly erected support on Facebook:
  15. Okay, so I love to write, and I love listening to music. Combine the two and waheyyy! We have lift-off. Unreality Shout isn't actually my website but I just have a blog there under the alias "OddOne" (I created it two years ago now, and have since moved on from that alias and would love if possible to change it to Sidders but oh wells).Basically, I review new songs/albums. Today I reviewed Marina And The Diamonds' new song, 'Radioactive': http://unrealityshout.com/blogs/single-review-marina-and-the-diamonds-radioactiveFeel free to give feedback and debate either here in this topic or on Unreality Shout.
  16. Probably the lift hill. I doubt they'd start placing supports and track pieces for the inline twist now because after all, they are very close to the station, which is only in it's skeletal stages as of yet, so bolting tonnes of track into place may make finishing that area of the station quite a task. I reckon they'll start the full circuit now and leave the inline twist till last, because by then the station will have far more structural integrity.
  17. Agreed; I fail to see why Thorpe would store half of the plane on top of/behind a building in the open?
  18. I actually prefer how Thorpe have marketed and built-up hype about The Swarm. With Saw, Thorpe saw the opportunity to market their newly-granted IP and ran with it. This method certainly got the story out but there was very little left to the imagination, especially from those who'd watched the Saw films because the rides would feature elements of the films so heavily that there was little Thorpe could do to surprise because they needed to stay true to their IP.With The Swarm, we know very little. And it's the same with the GP, not just the enthusiasts: nobody knows much about The Swarm. Think about it - the only thing we know is that 'something' is coming. We don't know what, and we don't know when (no pedantry please). Nor do we really know what kind of trouble the swarm will cause. Sure, we know the final outcome - "urban devastation" and there'll be elements of military/governmental intervention - but just how it is all going to happen? All these holes in the story are yet to be filled in and pieced together, and already the construction of it is better and far more intriguing than Saw's allowing the enthusiasts and any member of the GP with a little imagination to enjoy to process of coming up with any number of solutions. Small things like this are frequently overlooked by Merlin so I say well done to them on this because with Saw, the biggest surprise was merely discovering the indoor drop.I'm beginning to really warm to the name as well, after about a month of apathetic deliberation I really quite like it now. It's been branded "The Swarm". The use of the definite article "The" suggests it's the only "Swarm" worthy of such an important status that it's not simply "A" swarm, but more rather a swarm over all other swarms. Little long-winded explanation but it's not that hard to understand, really.
  19. Edited for a sad and unpleasant truth.
  20. In answering Adam's question - in the plan draw-up, you can see how one of the supports for the turn were originally meant to be placed in the water. It appears Thorpe may have had some issues with getting planning permission for that after closer inspection from the council, hence why it made sense for Thorpe to bridge the gap so the support could remain on land?
  21. All these arguments... Pointless arguments. Maybe Thorpe should just stop building coasters and we can save the fights?
  22. LEAVE? Out of the question. Don't think of such things; your presence is far too valued here. Besides - you're the only member who knows who hard it is living all the way out in Somerset! :P

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