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Everything posted by Sidders

  1. Sidders

    Music Genre?

    We're friendly, really. But demanding respect for a band that isn't of much interest to the majority of the forum isn't going to serve you well. "The ARE Good." just seems ignorant to other people's opinions. Music is subjective - what you find interesting might be crap to other people. The only real cause for concern is when people can't find a decent justification for their views. And as you can see from my earlier post, my justification is more than sufficient enough to support my dislike of them, therefore I am entitled to that opinion.
  2. Oh no, I meant that I thought the trench was intended for the plane, so I simply mentioned it because it'll be exciting to see the plane/how they'll install it in it's trench etc., etc. Not that the pane would be arriving before the track went up.
  3. You're probably right Josh; in the plans there are a series of "controlled ponds" around the helix, the corkscrew and to the right side of the drop, which is the pond I'm guessing is the trench we can see in the recent photos.EDIT: It's a bit deep though, right?
  4. Okay Kevvy let's take a breather! There's no themeing as of yet!
  5. A rectangular trench? Do I sense a plane arriving at Thorpe soon?
  6. That station is going to be enormous.
  7. Sidders

    Music Genre?

    My Chemical Romance annoy me because I don't even know who they are, despite owning three of their four albums. They seem incapable of being themselves on record, in their music videos and in their lyrics. I wish they'd just drop the front - it's like they're too afraid to go out in the big wide underground market without some façade on for show. And recently their music has been awful.
  8. I find the ride maintains excellent speed throughout the course though, so the track can't be poorly designed if that's the case. Also, I'm in the lucky minority and despite have very long legs (5'11") I really enjoy the ride and rarely get headaches from it. Colossus and Inferno are without doubt the best coaster on park for me. I mention Inferno because it's just happy as it is; it doesn't try to be anything it's not.
  9. The amount of girls I know that need to see this...
  10. RMC (the original owners) flooded the area around Thorpe, creating vast lakes so yes, it will take a while for groundwork - much more so than say, Raptor, or X-Flight, and maybe even Wild Eagle. B&M are well-known for speedy track erection, but I'd imagine they're starting with the station as supports, foundation and basic wooden panelling is in place already.
  11. THORPE PARK Official released a shiny new image today. Nothing exciting; the great irony being it shows in plain sights just how little has actually been done on the site in the last fortnight.But apparently vertical construction commences this week... Ooer indeed.
  12. Wednesday!? I go back to Sixth Form then! Trust Thorpe, right?
  13. Really? Well I must confess myself surprised! If that's the case then yes there must be some uncanny coincidences afoot. But even so, it's still great marketing from Thorpe!
  14. So...? So what? I was only clarifying with myself. Wild Eagle looks pretty much like your standard B&M Sit-Down model, with similar elements (loop, zero-G roll, Immelman, helices) and the only difference being you're seated on the outside of the track. Still, it looks awesome and with Dollywood's penchant for a stonkingly well-themed ride could easily overshadow X-Flight, ahem, "less-inspired" design.
  15. So wait, the coaster lift it built on a hill which makes it's height 210ft, but it's actually only about 150ish ft if we're to go by the length of the drop?
  16. Close friend of mine who's pretty clued up about Thorpe was on park today, lucky cow, but she came back with an interesting morsel of information to chew over. She Facebook mailed me what the day was like and, editing out some parts regarding other rides and how "sexual" the food in KFC was (we have no KFC in Yeovil or anywhere around here), she had this to say with regards to The Swarm. Spelling and grammar has been corrected, but I'm afraid she's a serial offender in excessive bracketology : How very interesting... And a sophisticated golf clap for Thorpe Park if this is true; yet more lovely in-park, infiltrative advertising. And if it is to be believed, then there's some very telling facts slipped in here, even though we're still no closer to finding out exactly why these "bug-like aliens" are here. We now know they supposedly came from underground; we also know that they are supposedly going to control the human race and drive it to destruction that way - seems more viable than a swarm of "bug-like aliens" having a good old gnaw at a bit of brick/metal. Possibly most interesting is this obscure link to the government. What could it mean? Why were they trying to hide it? How did they know? But I mean, come on, the THURG? That bit must be made up or a least subject to her attention at it's most vacant.Also, Les Coogan is still there, which is always nice to hear.
  17. Keep your eyes peeled for Paranormal Activity - The Ride! The scariest coaster in the world! Bar none! Not even Saw at Thorpe Park in the UK! Coming to a Six Flags Park near you!
  18. To be honest though, weed is the inspiration behind a lot of ads, particularly food ads it seems, cast your eyes video-wards:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P5pBm2UBTF8Pitch: Imagine a moose on a wall with crazy eyes and the ability to swing people about without touching them stay with me how's about we get him to sing too?http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t0SchmcLXMQPitch: We're advertising chocolate so what about getting a boy from the 1920's and funky lookin' girl in a turtle neck and ask them to move their eyebrows in time with an equally unrelated song?http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=owGykVbfgUEPitch: Let's just what happens, shall we?Other contenders that are so obviously thought up when someone was high are the ads for Crusha, Chewits, Real Fruit Winders, Comparethemarket.com, and the Evian Roller-Babies
  19. Well of course you go upside down, but it's more of an extreme banking than a 180o inversion. Ah well, never stopped some over-banked turns, inclined loops and junior immelmans being counted as inversions.
  20. I love how you can really tell by people's wishes who aspiring to secure their future and who just wants to quench a quick obsession.
  21. I'll do the honours then... Congratulations to all us Forp nerds.
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