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Everything posted by Sidders

  1. It seems to me the Zero-G roll looks steep from every angle. Look at the picture below and you can see just how steep the rise is:Hello, positive G's...
  2. That is enormous! It's hard to think that the Zero-G roll is going to be at the same height as Saw, as Colossus and as Nemesis Inferno when they reach their peak heights!
  3. Sidders


    You should go to my Sixth Form. It's such a snobbish place, especially when it comes to music. Everyone is 'indie' (which sort of contradicts the whole thing; none of them are indie in the slightest) because they have bright blue skinny jeans, their granddad's woollen fleece, moccasins, and Glastonbury armbands.It's like an army have just raided Top Shop and River Island. This is the kind of place where SuperDry is considered chavvy and Jack Wills, Hollister and Abercrombie & Fitch are the only brands you should be seen in, and anyone wearing anything unbranded is instantly an inferior and an outcast. Urgh.
  4. Sidders


    This band have always been a bit hit and miss with me, but this easily their best, along with the remixed version of 'Not In Love'.
  5. Sidders


    Agreed Dan. There's nothing more irritating than seeing a scrawny teenager donning skinny jeans/chinos and a Hollister T-Shirt complaining about chart music.Shut the **** up and go listen to your Crystal Fighters then.
  6. Sidders


    Kevvy K is not your friend. ;)Horses for courses as they might say, Ii'm all for differing opinions with music.
  7. Sidders


    Cheers'en! :lol:I did like them for about a day, but I have a habit of saying I like things and then waking up to all the things that are wrong with something/someone, so I like to withhold judgement until I'm sure, and I'm sure I don't like many quaint little indie bands with awkward names and silly guitar hooks. There's something very irritating about being fed life lessons from socially inept, pubescent white nerds. Bands like Two Door Cinema Club, Friendly Fires, The Wombats, etc., etc. They're annoying.An exception to this rule is Noah And The Whale's more recent stuff. Something about their third album is infectiously good, but their earlier stuff slots nicely into the bin next to Glasvegas. Glasvegas are awful. Just awful. I cannot write down how my hatred seethes for a frontman of such pretentious magnitude and a band who dresses up the past in unnecessary grandiose and tries to re-sell it as something new.
  8. Sidders


    He never knew he was a Tech-NOOOO FAN! Well, he did actually... But not that he was a Wombats fan. For me, The Wombats are a bit of a pile of indie turd.
  9. Not to mention the tower being a very destroyed section of the building and therefore will take less time to build, so they may just been concentrating on the harder build at the moment? Anyone's guess really.
  10. That's very strange. A boy in my year (year 13), nice as anything, had a dead blackbird placed in his bag and no=one owned up to it. I can think who'd do something like that? The guy was actually reduced to tears, after about twenty minutes of trying to stifle them with half of Sixth Form people crowding round him and the Director of Sixth Form after he'd found it and told her. Poor guy, he's not the kind who I'd ever imagine crying either, it was so strange to see that one act of utter cruelty could do this to some people.
  11. That's not the entrance to the bridge though, surely? Look at the shadow on the ground; you can see it dip into a barely visible crease which says to me, were the photo taken much closer to the ride, you'd be able to see the lake running through it - that area is, after all, where the mysterious piece of track was submerged into the water. The support in the foreground is positioned on the bank on the side that the photo was taken from, but the track at the bottom of the drop is positioned in the other side of the bank, leaving the small body of water to run through the 'crease' as it were. If you look at the site plan, you can see what I mean: If you look carefully, this photo appears to be taken just West of the small black arrow in the bottom right of the site plan, showing that the bridge is actually much further along the plot. The photo in Rollercoaster's post was not taken from the proposed entrance bridge.
  12. It had the piano music during the day for my last visit at the beginning of October, but it frequently cut out and was interspersed with announcements and/or silence. At night though, it was playing Blade 's theme music, which is some way detracted a lot from the ride. As good a section of music it is, it's not at all what Thorpe or Samurai needs. Plus, there was a congregation of chavs just having a bit of a rave next to the queue, making the already very dull queue even worse (praise ta lawd that queue wasn't that long).
  13. Sidders


    "Tell me you noticed/Tell me you heard?/It's the most beautiful pain in the world"."I've been losing my mind;/I'll pretend that it's fine;/Trying to keep it together while I crumble inside".People underestimate the potency of these lyrics. Easily Scouting For Girls' best song.
  14. I get these every day. All The. Time. Particularly the mother's thing. Okay, you have a pram, that's great, congratulations, but some people need to walk where you've stopped to pacifiy your wailing offspring. Do the world a favour and don't stop outside the entrance to a shop, because it's also annoying seeing the electronic door slide open every ten seconds.And because I get four buses a day, I'm well accustomed to the look of thunder when people don't want strangers sat next to them. Praise tha lawd that I get on the bus from the station and get off at the last stop on both these journeys, but I'll always offer the seat next to me because on one of the journeys the buses ends up carrying well over 30 people.And just to add to the rant list. I really hate some people. People who pull out the racism card, the age card or the gay card when even the slightest bit of criticism goes their way, even when the criticism is completely justified. A black student at my school had his feet up in another chair in the library, a chair that a Year 8 wanted to use. The librarian toldthe black to move his feet as "the chairs aren't for your feet, they're for your ass" (he's always been a funny guy), and then the black guy storms offf hurling some indecipherable Hackneyed abuse, knocking over a shelf full of books along the way.
  15. To further what Mark said, I don't see what's so "American" about using supports as near-miss elements. Gardaland's Raptor is the only other B&M Wing-Rider in existence and can therefore be the only real comparison for what the near-miss supports be will like (being the Arrow Dynamics and Intamin coasters position there riders above and to the sides of the track, whereas as B&M positions them lower). And don't forget, The Swarm will also have a mint's worth pumped into the themeing department so hopefully the combination of both will be very effective. Either way, we get interaction so I'm not complaining!
  16. GaGa could get an 8 if it were fully those silly prosthetics. For that she gets 5/10. I've always thought she looks like Cher's skeleton with those "bones"...
  17. What I love about this ride is that, even in it's most fundamental state, it's already passed the interaction test. B&M and Thorpe (and Gardaland, for the matter) know the opportunities that lie in wake for Wing-Riders and the potential proximity to their supports. As Mark said earlier in this topic, there's a near miss for the word "Go" - as soon as the train disembarks the lift hill, the right side will have a foot-chopper support. Further on in the circuit, there's a foot-chopper for both sides in the Zero-G roll; one for the right side in the inclined loop, which is sustained all the way through the helix. The corkscrew should have awesome foot-choppers on it as well, and all because the train protrudes so far out at the sides.For illustration of my point, look at the first inversion on Raptor, and how the support acts as a foot-chopper:Second inversion is similar:And now the helix. Observe how the supports double-up as foot-choppers:And that's just a few examples of where the supports could play a far more important role in the ride experience than one might assume!
  18. High five for a Zero-G roll before the end of the day. ^_^On the topic of the trim. I'm in agreement with Ryan and Kevin. Whilst B&M are reknowned for their super smooth rides, I don't want another SAW incident where my head detaches every time I hit the bottom of the drop.
  19. That third picture is gorgeous, Marc. :DGood to hear about the speedy track installation plans. And I think we now have an explanation for why the helix was installed so early - the water effects in the "controlled pond" are being put in place next week. Things are moving fast.
  20. YAY. I'm imagining the train gradually turning over and diving then flying of the end of the track like the koolkid I am. Can't wait to see what the train looks like on the track.
  21. That's another possibility, of course Adam - and it would save the time in fitting them if the time ever came.And I know you were referring to the crane It's just the thought crossed my mind about the trims on the track.
  22. It seems to me that the trims won't be added until ride testing. There doesn't seem to be any kind of trim appearing above the track as of yet, meaning they've probably been bought and stored, and the track piece has been manufactured in order to allow for them to be installed at a later date if Thorpe see fit. The idea does puzzle me, because I realise it's easily more cost-effective to to prepare for the trims to be needed (should they be) instead of having to send for another piece with trim holes and fitted brakes in a season or two down the line, but the bottom of the drop is probably the easiest place to calculate the train velocity and so, why would they need these holes in the case that trims only may be needed? Surely they can work out how fast the train is going and decided whether to put them in from those calculations?I'm at a loss, but time will reveal all.
  23. It's definitely a support but not the one I thought it was. The support in that picture is the one connecting the inclined loop to the helix. It was a mistake of mine to think what was actually a digger looked like the support leading out of the helix and into the corkscrew.
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