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Jack The Sack

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About Jack The Sack

  • Birthday 02/01/1993

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  • Favourite ride
    At this precise moment ^^ either Rush or Detonator
  • Favourite Theme Park
    Thorpe Park

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  • Interests
    Thorpe Park. Anime/Manga. Shopping. Music. The list is endless

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  1. I looove you too Jack! ^_^

    xxx <3

  2. I actually adore a good cup of tea :')

  3. U? Ouchh I failed business studies in my GCSE's, the teacher was an absolute **** and I hated the course-huggles- YOU ARE A SMART YOUNG WOMAN ELLIE-PIE so don't get pessimistic 'cause I know you can achieve the marks you want :PMy rant is: My drama teacher might be getting fired because he's a crap teacher and ****ed up our controlled AS Drama coursework, this isn't good new seeing as I have my exam later in the year
  4. I applied for a position on the Thorpe Park Recruitment website, doubt they'll want me for a job though HA.
  5. Noooooo! Will you have to come! Otherwise we can't have another poking duel xD LOL
  6. (Me likes Chantelle's post below Jack :P)

  7. Yaaay Jack has a boyfriend!!! :D

    Jack&Shane forever soooo cuuute <3 ^ ^


  8. Jack The Sack


    Well, yesterday I plucked up the courage to tell the guy I loved if he wanted to start a relationship. AND HE SAID YES I was so happy and still am welling up with happiness, all those mistakes and valentines days I spent alone and all those nights of crying and feeling so lonely I just wanted to end it all were worth it, 'cause I found the most amazing and perfect guy in the entire world. And I'm NEVER letting him go Hes PERFECTION.I love you Shane Lezynski 11/02/10 <3
  9. Awhh Paul I know how you feel All of my friends (and I mean ALL of them) seem to have happily found their significant others and as usual I'm the loner with no-one, for a while I thought I was single because I wasn't good enough for anyone but now I know its just a matter of finding that special guy for me. You've already found your person so don't give up on them! Cause if you never let them know how you feel about them you'll regret it in the future and trust me I know how much that hurts.RIGHT, my rant tonight is that people can be so insensitive, I mean really - EVERYONE must have a conscience right? But there still seem to be a large majority of people out there that won't stop at making you miserable until you A) Have a complete mental breakdownB)self harm C) kill yourselfAnd another thing I hate is wannabe scene-kids. Come on, STOP TRYING SO HARD GODDAMMIT. 'Nuff said
  10. That aerial shot of Hogsmeade is fantastic! The attention to detail looks so well thought, and it looks so authentic, can't wait till it opens
  11. Jack The Sack


    The new facebook is absolutely DISGUSTING Ew ew ew. I hate it. Although apart from that little annoyance this week has been awesome so far! Saw Rammstein at Wembley Arena on thursday night which was SO F****** AMAZING and the use of pyrotechnics was brilliant, Andddd went to a fancy dress party last night as a zombie, sadly thats as far as my creativity goes ahaa.
  12. Yeah they are all quite fun once everyone decides what they are going on! :L xx

  13. Yeahh ^_^ I miss everyone, TPM meets are so much fun and I loveeee them :D

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