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Everything posted by JoshC.

  1. JoshC.

    Logger's Leap

    The Derren Brown press release mentioned the attraction wouldn't be suitable for under 12s. Whether that's some Th13teen style marketing, or if an age limit is actually necessary, is of course a different matter. But marketing thus far doesn't suggest it will be a family attraction.
  2. JoshC.

    Logger's Leap

    Totally agree. Loggers is a popular, all-rounder ride which everyone can enjoy. Closing it is really going to damage the family ride line up and could prove quite problematic in the summer. Obviously since I was younger and it was the first season I could ride 1.4m rides my views will be rather biased, but 2004 Thorpe in particular was pretty good on the whole I think.
  3. I'm assuming it was just another silly Merlin publicity stunt to get more people talking about Fright Nights (even if they did go to a lot more effort for this stunt compared to previous ones). Certainly don't see how she would have fit in with the attraction. Thank goodness.
  4. Forbidden Cave was done by Holovis, not Simworx.
  5. JoshC.

    Logger's Leap

    And Jamie has shown the exact reason why I'm concerned by this whole thing. I just don't see Loggers getting a massive refurb. A small refurb / spruce up / whatever you want to call it, I can see that happening. But a massive refurb which justifies closing it for a whole season? Nah; I just can't see it. I'd love to be proven wrong, but I just don't see it happening. This all means that, come reopening (or in the event that it doesn't reopen), Thorpe are going to get a lot of angry response from people who expected something which was never on the cards. It's a difficult one. Yeah, they're still making a profit. But when a company expects to make a £90 million profit and only make a £40 million profit (I believe they were round about the figures at least?), they can't just shrug it off. Is closing rides down the answer? From a business perspective, possibly.
  6. JoshC.

    TPM Awards 2015

    This is so bad ItsHurtingMeInside.
  7. JoshC.

    Logger's Leap

    AstroDan pretty said my thoughts on this. We know Merlin will be making lots of cuts across all areas for next year, and I wouldn't be a bit surprised if Loggers' closure is a budget cut more than maintenance one. There were rumours of X and Slammer also hitting the SBNO list for next season, though maybe they've been spared. Presumably on a day-on-day basis, Loggers costs more to run than Slammer and X, which is why out of the 3, this is the one that has been dropped. And if the park do reopen Loggers in 2017, I'd be surprised if we see much beyond just a general clean and maybe a (much needed) water cleaning system. Which will lead to much backlash considering it will have been closed for 16 odd months. So I'm worried about later repercussions that this announcement may have. Don't get me wrong, I'd love to see Loggers completely done up, or even replace by a Intamin log flume a la Chiapas. Or even Loggers stay and Slammer and/or Samurai go. But realistically, I just see this as either being the end of Loggers, or just a season-long break for the ride. --- On another note, I wonder where this leaves Canada Creek next season. Beyond the CCR tracks, you have Rocky Express, a less-than-popular noodle bar, a poorly rated Hot Dog Stand and the alright Naughty-but-Nice. Given that Canada isn't a popular area as it is, and there's not many rides round that area, I genuinely think Thorpe would be better off just closing the whole area (except for Fright Nights). It's not worth keeping that area open for one ride a couple of sub-standard food areas.
  8. JoshC.

    TPM Awards 2015

    Ummmm who are you again?
  9. Officially, the disused / abandoned theme has only been done once, with Saw (twice if you count Saw Alive). The website suggests that Derren has 'found' this warehouse, and is seemingly converting it into something which can house his experiment / whatever. Given the amount of hints to a train theme, it could still be an abandoned train warehouse or some sorts, which still leaves plenty of opportunities for theming in my eyes.
  10. JoshC.

    TPM Awards 2015

    I'm surprised you made it to another Awards Ceremony. Kudos Project LC, kudos.
  11. You're not the first one to suggest / want it, and you certainly won't be the last! It's a great idea and has lots of potential for a scare attraction. I think it would work better in a more of a 'scare zone' scenario, or at least in a route which isn't quite so linear. I imagine it wouldn't happen given Thorpe want to go back to original ideas apparently. But I'd never rule anything out just yet. I'd personally hate a totally crawling attraction. Not because it scares me or anything, I can't stay on my knees for very long, so it would be a pain.
  12. Island Beats wasn't officially announced until April (too late in my opinion), so I wouldn't read into things too much just yet. They're probably still considering some options and ideas, and still in the process of updating the website fully. The Fright Nights tab is the same as it has been since September for example, which is why there is no mention of any summer events.
  13. The most recent plans (from May last year) said that construction would start in Summer 2016, with the intention of a 2018 opening. Small round up of the plans here: http://thorpeparkmania.co.uk/news/16-05-2014/Resort-Submit-Hotel-Plans I haven't heard anything to suggest the hotel isn't going ahead, and I don't think they've encountered any more problems since then. So touch wood all should be fine from now.
  14. JoshC.

    Logger's Leap

    https://www.thorpepark.com/rides/loggers-leap/ 404 error on the old ride page too.
  15. To be fair, it could be a disused train warehouse or something. Funnily enough, the plans did say that the style of the building was designed to fit in with the rest of the park. Anyone see a vicious cycle developing / already developed?
  16. ^If anything, it looks slightly taller to me! Going to be some mighty fine air time there, that's for sure.
  17. Benin wins this thread. Interested to know what you thought of Bobbejaan's immersive tunnel / how it compared to Movie Park's one..
  18. Thorpe: 20 Efteling: 3 Chessington: 3 (Eurghhhh) Alton Towers, Legoland, Drayton Manor, Phantasialand, Plopsaland, Toverland, Walibi Belgium, Bellewaerde; Bobbejaanland: 1 Decent season for me. Next season will likely be quieter in terms of number of visits, but should see me on more new horizons at least.
  19. Closed Season is upon us, and sooner or later, the forums will descend into chaos (read: the forums will become dead quiet as we have nothing to speak about). To stop that happening, here's the 2016 Thread, where we can discuss all non-WC16 2016 Thorpe things. Share ideas for what you'd like to see Thorpe do for next season, post the few-and-far-between updates on any other updates for 2016, and views on those new things. And to repeat, any WC16 stuff should remain in its own thread. What I'd like to see... -Rumba Rapids work. Almost as infamous as a Colossus repaint, but this is surely a cheaper project, and is just as needed. -Introduce themed areas again. If the pop badges are anything to go by, Thorpe seem to already have some sort of plans for themed areas. Introduce them again, even if it's just on the map or something, to pave the way for stronger identities to these areas in later years. -Rebrand the whole park. The park feels like how it did in 2009, with a mixture of brands that conflict one another. There's some 'Island Like No Other' branding around the park, but still lots of fat head branding about. They need to get rid of all the fat head stuff, and really go all-out on the Island branding, which seems to have worked for the park so far. -A strong Easter event. Thorpe have gotten Summer and Halloween events pretty spot on, but have always played about with Easter events, with varied degrees of success. A strong Easter event, which they could potentially bring back each season, would help do the park wonders, and help kick start their season. It's by no means a necessity, but it would really help the park. There's, of course, plenty of other things I'd like to see. Colossus repaint / general work is one, Entrance area re-done, Tidal Wave work, going full-out on themed areas, etc. But given the current situation at Merlin, along with the fact there's a big-shiny new attraction coming to the park next year, it feels just a tad unrealistic to see some of those bigger projects being done for next season.
  20. I've always thought that the roads were designed to be theming, since the old areas ('Central Park' was one, the names of others escape me) leant themselves to having 'roads'. Could of course be wildly wrong and it might have been due to a more boring / practical reason, but that's the logical explanation I've always thought of.
  21. JoshC.

    Cats or Dogs?

    Hmm, this is a difficult one for me. I like them both equally. I'm going to have to go down the middle and say Cogs. Low maintenance, live for a long period of time, don't get too attached to you, etc. Plus no nasty vet trips.
  22. The remaining train track isn't in the way of anything and it's removal isn't going to do much beyond creating a bit more path or tree space in the area of the park that needs it least. It's a sad fact, but until they need to get rid of it, it'll just stay there. Just look at Miss Hippo's Fungle Safari - that closed at the end of 2008, but they only removed 6 years later when they needed the space for access to WC16.
  23. Might attend; depends on my work situation.
  24. As SCB says, there's been no confirmation or reports about the total cost of this project. I've no clue where RR has got this "reported" £20 million number. All the rumours I've heard have suggested £30-35 million for the entire project. But then I've also heard rumours that it's not that large, and is more like £22-24 million. I expect we'll be told a number in a future press release, since it looks great in advertising, but until then, we're in the dark about cost.
  25. -Don't forget that your experience today is still only a minority of staff. -When you talk about the ride staff knowing the manufacturers of the rides they work on, who do you mean exactly? The dispatchers? The operators? The Team Leaders? The engineers? All of the above? Let's face it, it's not exactly something the dispatchers and operators need to know is it - it's not going to help them do their job, and anyone interested enough will probably find out that information online. They may well have heard it from somewhere, but it's not essential to their job in any way. The Team Leaders and engineers likely need to know it just in case, but again, not something which I think is essential, 'off-the-top-of-their heads' knowledge that they need to know.
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