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Everything posted by JoshC.

  1. From the FN page on the park's site...
  2. JoshC.


    I did my first scare maze when I was 9, just sayin'. I was scared to death throughout the whole experience, but I still did it. A strict age limit is an interesting one, though one has to wonder how strictly they will enforce it. I remember when I was 15/16, the only official form of identification I had was my passport, and I rarely carried it around with me (and I definitely wouldn't take that to a UK theme park for a day). So it could prove tricky to verify someone's age. There's also the problem that some under 15s may already have purchased tickets. I expect this is more of a marketing strategy / psychological thing than anything else. Upping the age by a year won't really give them much more lee-way I'd assume. Will be interesting to see if Towers' give any more details about the reasoning behind it.
  3. A pretty awesome update of the overall area, featuring a look at the trains for FotP, over on Theme Parks UK: http://www.themeparks-uk.com/other-parks/news/photos-of-lost-kingdom-at-paultons-park
  4. You're a window from some Cabin in some Woods getting a photo taken of you with some Freddy Krueger toy being cuddled by someone?
  5. I *think* the wallpaper depends on whether or not you have unlocked the first clue.
  6. For everyone making comments about this being an unfair comparison. Usually I would agree (and in some ways, I do), but in 2013, Thorpe made a very daring comment and said that Fright Nights is an event that can compete with ones in America (something along the lines of "people shouldn't need to fly over to America to get the best quality scare event" or something). However, I'm fine with the smaller changes Thorpe do. There's not necessarily as much scope for them with IPs (after all, they will likely want well-known / popular IPs, and these could quickly dry up) and they do have a smaller budget. They still do make changes every year to the line up, and keep things fresh and original. I do hope we see a couple of new mazes next year though replacing the current crop. I don't seem to remember it happening last year? Definitely happened in 2013, but I don't remember seeing any choices last year. Would be great if they could bring it back this year, since it really suits in style of the maze. Also, I hope there's less clowns in the maze this year (especially with Big Top around now); have more variety of monsters! (Can we have a Merman monster please Thorpe?) I remember thinking this too, but apparently it wasn't present on any previews. I think they did say 'There might be electric shocks in this maze', but it turned out to just be the vibrations (which would be just as scary with the psychological factor taken into account). It was definitely planned, but didn't seem to happen. Would be interested to see who wrote about it though!
  7. I feel it's best not to say. Mostly because I'm not entirely certain how I did it myself (I have an idea, but not too sure), but also to keep the fun alive.
  8. ^And here we see a classic example of looking too hard to see something that isn't there. Neat little update, should keep us geeks ticking along (did you clock onto what I did there?) for the next couple of months, whilst keeping the general public entertained too. The about section is particularly interesting... I've cracked the first clue and look forward to seeing next month's clue:
  9. Kind of a silly thing to say when Mark9, an admin, has literally just posted before you. Rest assured that the team are always checking the forums and will act accordingly to any trouble on there. Of you do have any problems, you should either file a report or contact a member of the Senior Team.. Much excite for your review.
  10. Sounds like Marmalisation failed for someone. Get me Dr Kelman's number please.
  11. It certainly would have been shocking if they did actually open with it... The vibrating fence left me buzzing though, and scared many others.
  12. Sometimes, it helps just to dive straight into the deep end and just do one of the bigger, scarier-sounding mazes, since the anticipation and thinking about what could happen is usually worse than the maze itself. It may not sound like the most sensible thing to do if you are scare of mazes, but it really can help. Saw Alive would be a good shout to genuinely see what you'd be like in a Thorpe maze. It doesn't have many claustrophobic moments compared to the others and highlights many of the standard scare tactics Thorpe actors will use in the other mazes.
  13. After not even putting a toenail out of line during this whole thing, I'd be surprised if Varney really did say it in the manner that the Fail are describing it. Then again, the victims have been very reasonable and understanding when it comes to the public speaking about the event. So it's hard to tell really. Maybe there was a misunderstanding when a question was asked or something? Whatever it was, I just can't see Varney or anyone from Merlin saying to a victim 'We're losing money because of the crash and we want to reopen the ride as quickly as possible', as is being described in the article.
  14. My worry about any outside scene is that it could potentially lose atmosphere with normal guests going by over the bridge. I'm sure it's something that's already been thought of (and it's of course still possible that there is no outside scene), but it's something which I keep having worries over!
  15. ^ I doubt the location will affect how long the queues for Big Top will be that much. Queues will naturally be very long though, of course, because it's the big new thing and the most heavily advertised. Hopefully the throughput will be decent and, equally importantly, has a fun to be in queue line. Those set pieces do indeed look good!
  16. Ah, I see. Don't get why they can't just do the Wheel of Misfortune at the BBQ at 9:45 though; odd decision!
  17. The way I read the post was that X, Slammer and Loggers would be closed for 2016, and Colossus would be closed for good at the end of the 2016 season? The Colossus thing sounds like rubbish for sure; I doubt they'd have made such a decision so soon, let alone have something like that be leaked out already. Treat rumour with a hefty pinch of salt I say.
  18. How would that work, if you don't know what maze you're doing?
  19. Hmm, my memory might be a bit hazy, but I don't remember one? I only did it in 2012 and I know they did change some scenes slightly some years, so it's possible there was one. I guess if it had a fortune teller scene, it couldn't have been memorable on my go!
  20. As eB said, this investment is alongside the 2016 attraction that is going into the park. So they are investing in both the resort side of things and the park side of things, it would seem. I've nothing against the High Rope Courses, they're fun things to do and I'm sure no one staying at the hotel would be against even more choice whilst staying there.
  21. The RnR page is still live and saying October 2nd to November 1st: https://www.thorpepark.com/tickets-passes/reserve-n-ride/overview/ Maybe they've hidden it from view for the time being whilst they update the page / decide whether to make the mazes or the coasters (or both) available on the system? I don't get this obsession about people thinking the park will reuse theming from old mazes? I can't remember any time when the park have reused theming from old mazes (except Passing, where they basically didn't change much from Hellgate)? But I can't think of a time when they've specifically moved sets of major theming pieces from one maze to another maze in a different location. I can see why people might consider it, given things like budget cuts and the like, but from what I can remember, Thorpe have set no precedent of reusing theming in different mazes, so I don't get why everyone jumps on the idea every time they see something that's remotely similar to another maze? I really don't think it is. COS was a very well executed clown-themed maze, which mixed a good amount of humour with scares. It had a lot of scenes which one would expect from a clown-themed attraction. Big Top also has a lot of these classic scenes, including things like a Jack in a Box and the main clown feature. But Big Top sounds like it has plenty that COS didn't - a fortune teller scene, a mirror maze, an apparent dungeon scene, etc. There'll of course be similarities between Big Top and COS because they're themed around very similar things. In all honesty, I'm surprised there weren't more grumbles about originality with this choice! But Big Top won't be a rip off of COS, I'm sure.
  22. If that's the case, then I'd prefer to do the BTS during the day, but get that others might be different. Perhaps we could set up a vote to see what is more popular? Containment is a paid for attraction which seemingly has to be booked for in advance (£8 for AP holders, £10 for normally). Happy to offer a helping hand in running the meet though, whatever the decision.
  23. Interesting comments. The rating system has always been a weird one to me. I've always felt that Thorpe should advertise their maze with higher age recommendations, since it creates a slightly different expectation. Plus, some of their mazes are pretty full on - The Passing had some disturbing scenes, Experiment 10 was very shocking, MBV is an intense experience; it's surprising in some ways that it is only a 13 age recommendation. I certainly know I wouldn't have coped with some of that stuff, and many others will be beyond scared by some of those things too! The one about actors touching you is much more interesting though. I always feel like touching is a very cheap scare aimed to surprise you, and very rarely do the Thorpe mazes have touching that fits in with the maze. It's all stroking or jabbing aimed to try and invade your personal space whilst surprising you. Actors who don't touch you can be a lot more intimidating, since they can still invade personal space, and keep you questioning what they will do. It also means they can work more with scenery and the like. I think touching has it's place in more extreme mazes, but in standard maze environments, I always find the scenes where actors don't touch me to be better compared to scenes where actors do!
  24. This doesn't exactly make sense? You grey out on coasters because of the high positive forces experienced when on a ride. So, the more intense a ride, the more likely you are to grey out. If you're greying out on Swarm, but not on a more forceful ride, then there's something not quite right there... Unless you're saying that you grey out on Swarm on a higher percentage of your rides on it now then compared to Khan, in which case, it's a stupid comparison since you've surely ridden Swarm many, many more times than Khan?
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