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Everything posted by JoshC.

  1. Definitely blue/purple 'n' black. *Awaits toofpikk to post an Illuminati picture*
  2. Now that theming is nice and quite clever too. Really do like that!
  3. Yeah, Storm Surge having over a 2 hour queue (even if that was on reduced capacity) definitely means no one was interested in it.
  4. I don't think last year's or 2013's AP preview days were that busy for Thorpe though in fairness? The only bad AP day they've had was 2011, and that was because of seriously under-estimating how people would turn up.
  5. It was on the site at one point for this season I think. I guess it's possible that they've just taken down any mention of it until they have dates decided, if they bring it back this season (and I expect they will!). Last season, they started in the second or third week of July I think, and happened each weekend until the end of August.
  6. TPM have an exclusive picture update: http://www.thorpeparkmania.co.uk/news/24-02-2015/%27I%27m-A-Celebrity%27-Construction-Update (I won't post pictures here in case people I tyring to avoid all possible spoilers). Does look very nicely themed though!
  7. Well I hope you find it as spoon as possible Tommy. I want to get all the dishy gossip on this.
  8. I would like to see your saucer for this retheme Tommy.
  9. I like bowls. Bowls are plates too. Just because they're curvy, it doesn't make them any less of a real plate.
  10. I agree about the furniture likely being temporary (hopefully!). The park have said they opened it more up to get guest feedback; presumably about prices, quality of food, the look of the place, etc. Presumably using leftover furniture was easiest for the time being. Hopefully the park got some good feedback and act accordingly!
  11. See it as an opportunity to create your very own Leaning Tower of Pizza!
  12. Normally if a broken down ride is having no visible work done to it, there's a reason for it (waiting for a part, behind the scenes work, etc etc). Presumably (read - hopefully) it was one of those legitimate reasons, as opposed to something else (laziness, lack of resources, etc). It's a shame that Chessington has been plagued with reliability issues over half term; certainly not the best advert for the park. Hopefully the issues are sorted out for the main season and the park can hit form.
  13. With regards to the one train operation, I'd assume that they've only got one train ready for the half term event. Whilst having a half hour wait on one train is a pretty nasty experience, it very much seems that was an exceptional case. If Swarm and Stealth are averaging queues under 10 minutes for the majority of the half term event, you could argue that 2 trains really was not a necessity. Also, let's not forget that similar things happened at Alton Towers - Nemesis had a 30 minute queue last Saturday on one train operation. The (rare) problem isn't just exclusive to Thorpe. You see, with something like this, when we're literally talking the space of a couple of minutes, it's a bit difficult. Thorpe's clocks might be synchronised differently to your phones'. Or there could have been a small reason which made them feel it was best to just close a couple of minutes early. In theory, I'm usually against rides closing before the advertised closing time. But when you're speaking about closing 2-3 minutes early on a filler ride like Depth Charge, it does feel a bit more insignificant in fairness.
  14. Shall we just crown Nemesis king now?
  15. It's possible they might; after all, CBeebies Land was advertised on other channel (though I guess that's different since BBC don't have adverts). If worse comes to worse, Thorpe could run two adverts surely - one on ITV advertising I'm a Celeb, and a more generic one on other channels?
  16. Would be interesting to see the percentage of AP holders visiting the park during half term, and compare it to the other Merlin parks (especially Thorpe, given that reports suggest the majority of people have been AP holders and that's one conjecture for the AP charge..). Also interesting about the lack of stick Chessington have got ride reliability for half term. Seastorm down for a few days, Tomb Blaster down all of today apparently and incredibly long queues in general to top that off. Whilst rides aren't the main point of the event, it's still not good to see the line up being affected quite so badly.
  17. Hex - The Legend Of The Towers (6) Nemesis (5) Oblivion (4) Hex + Oblivion -
  18. Because other days might have been less busy / had shorter queues?
  19. YAY. POINTLESS MERLIN-BASHING. Oblivion: The Black Hole amalgamates the names of two coasters, one of which also happens to be a a dive coaster. However, just because of that, that doesn't take away from it being an attraction in its own right - indeed, it targets a different audience (the Italian one) and has it's own theme and story, separate to any other Merlin attractions. By your logic here, we cannot compare Swarm to any other wingrider, since it just reuses existing concepts. Similarly for many other rides.
  20. The name of Tayto's woodie is going to be...The CĂș Chulainn Coaster. And we've got a look at the train design... (All details from Coasterforce's FB) Named after an Irish mythical legend apparently. Certainly is...interesting...
  21. It's possible that they're only temporary - remember it's only open for today and tomorrow to AP holders to get guest feedback about the new place and to presumably make some improvements.
  22. Filming for either the advert or Ant and Dec intro to the attraction is happening today: ALRIGHT, IT'S A WORLD FIRST, WE GET IT.
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