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Everything posted by JoshC.

  1. I think what people should remember is Thorpe's definition of family is 'adults and children over 8' (at least, that's what I gather from press releases and such). I do think that whilst the line up is limited, there's enough for families within that age range for a good 3-4 hours (which admittedly isn't great).
  2. Banned because even I'm bored of the banning-related puns .
  3. It sounds like here you're suggesting Thorpe would open rides without carrying out full maintenance... Surely you realise that's nonsense? If the park are going to open rides (especially 2 of their top rides), they're going to ensure all necessary work is carried in (indeed, they wouldn't be able to open them if they hadn't!). I'm pretty sure Thorpe are quietly hoping and praying that the rides don't break down, as you're right - it will lead to complaints, and there's no way they can open any other rides to replace it. Just as another hypothetical situation: Say Nemesis and Air broke down simultaneously at Alton during their half term event. All of a sudden, the line up doesn't look much more than CBeebies Land and a couple of fillers. So this situation is exactly the same at Alton; not something exclusive to Thorpe.
  4. Saw and Colossus simply cannot operate under 5C; it's just too cold for them to operate. Arguably, it's not cost effective for them to run Tidal Wave in particularly cold weather (Tidal Wave is a very expensive ride to run, and very, very few people would go on it). Similarly, even Loggers and Rumba won't attract many people in cold weather due to the association of them being quite wet rides. So, you quickly realise it's not really worth even giving access to a good third of the park (space-wise, that is) during cold weather, as it would mostly be to open Rocky Express and Slammer (and the latter needs a fair amount of maintenance itself). In a couple of years time, I don't see any reason why - if given a reasonable enough maintenance budget and appropriately sized team - they couldn't open the current line up, Inferno, X, the dark ride and a Lost City flat or two for a February event / winter opening. That would then be a good line up and very much worth it. Personally, I think Thorpe have been a bit too optimistic opening this year in February. The maintenance team were seemingly over-stretched last season as it was, and they just didn't have the time to be able to get enough open and, arguably, not enough variety. Even as soon as 2017, we could have enough variety, enough indoor attractions and in general a good line up. But I guess the park have got to start somewhere, ey?
  5. The building for the dark ride will extend towards the current CRC location, and then the queue line will also take up a bit of space that was there. This shows the building's location with respect to the locations of everything last season, but doesn't include the queue line with extends the overall location further. It would just be impractical to keep CRC there this season whilst trying to construct the building and such. Remember, it's not been officially announced that CRC is leaving, just very much widely assumed. However, I expect it will be leaving, and the main reason for it is to make way for the dark ride (and the ride's lack of overall popularity and outdatedness being a contributing factor!).
  6. With regards to Detonator... When the park first advertised the event, they did indeed say 'Stealth, Swarm, Angry Birds Land and others...' (which did imply Detonator). However, when the full line up was announced, they did not include Detonator (instead, saying 'Stealth, Swarm, Angry Birds 4D, Dodgems, Depth Charge and Flying Fish'). So, the most recent line up always suggested that Detonator wasn't going to be open, so shouldn't have been expected to be open really.
  7. Everyone loves pictures of construction: Weird settng the space without the seats. Again, these photos are from TPM's FB (cheeky little plug )
  8. Bar 360 has been returned to "Fin's Bar and Grill"; which was in the concept art for the Shark Hotel: Pizza Pasta is looking good too: If you're not on park today, keep an eye on TPM's FB for more 2015 improvements!
  9. From Towers Nerd Live http://live.towersnerd.com
  10. So people complain about Merlin using outdated IPs, and yet at least two people suggest that a show that finished 9 years would have been a better choice than a show that airs every year and has averaged 10 million viewers during its time. Because logic?
  11. It's not a world's first, so it must be terrible.
  12. ^They do mention in the press release that actors 'guide' people around:
  13. I find it interesting that people keep mentioning Saw Alive. Saw Alive had about 10-15 actors a day, at £70 a day. That adds up very very quickly. And it just turned out that people weren't really fussed about scare attractions outside of Halloween (which can also be seen with Sanctuary, when that was open in early 2013, and even back when they ran Freakshow 3D for a couple of weeks over summer 2005). I'm expecting this attraction to be less actor-heavy. I'm seeing it more as a Hocus Pocus Hall with actors to guide you in the right direction. I'd be surprised if, on a normal day, there were any more than 4 or 5 actors at any one time in the attraction. So the cost is going to be significantly less than Saw Alive. The other Merlin parks have attractions with actors (granted, mostly shows, but look to Sub Terra at Towers and Krake Lebt / Krake Lebt Kids at Heide as well). So long as they advertise this right, this can easily be an attraction which has lasting power. And by the looks of the construction pictures, the theming is actually decent, so it may have some 'reride' factor. Of course, the problem lies with the need to advertise it right. I'm worried that by calling it a 'maze', it could potentially put people off, given the reputation Thorpe's 'mazes' have. Which seems to be why they would go for the easy option of an IP and by giving it a quick explanation to say it's family friendly - making people know what to expect a bit more. As I've said before, I do think this could turn out to be a neat little attraction if they execute right (and, I feel slightly embarrassed to say, I am looking forward to giving it a try!). But I'm a bit sceptical about it all at the same time...
  14. Couple more details from Thorpe's main site: https://www.thorpepark.com/rides/I'm-a-celebrity/
  15. Is it out of date though? According to Wikipedia (don't shoot me for quoting that! ), it had it's contract renewed for another 3 years last year, and the average viewership has remained pretty consistent (and if anything, has slightly increased). It might attract the biggest celebrities these days, but then again, it very rarely did. The ITV IP is a good point. One has to wonder if we'll see any "breaks" midway during the attraction, reminded us to go to Iceland because Kerry Katona does... Or, conjecture on behalf, if 2016 does end up being an IP, does this now rule out a BBC IP? So a BBC and ITV IP being able to coexist in the same park, let alone next next to each other?
  16. A dedicated topic for the attraction has just been set up here: http://forum.maniahub.com/topic/10879-I'm-a-celebrity-attraction-2015/ From now on, use that topic to discuss all 'I'm a Celebrity' attraction related things, and this topic for any other New for 2015-esque things. Thanks!
  17. So it's official, this season we'll see a 'I'm a Celebrity...Get Me Out of Here' themed attraction: http://www.thorpeparkmania.co.uk/news/12-02-2015/I'm-a-Celebrity-Attraction-for-2015 Warning: The article containers some construction pictures and possible small spoilers. A quick run down: -Opens March 27th -Located in the Hideaway -Quite a few special effects -Family friendly -Retheming of the Calypso BBQ to the 'Bush BBQ' --- I must admit, I'm a Celebrity was a bit of a guilty pleasure of mine until a couple of years ago (when I just couldn't be bothered to watch it). I remain a bit sceptical about all of this, but I think it could turn out to be a neat little addition.
  18. JoshC.

    Thorpe music

    Ah, that playlist was the best! Was so disappointed when they changed it; whilst the newer one is alright, that older playlist is just what Canada Creek is to me.
  19. X? Studio 13 (if we include attractions)?
  20. Closed Season seems to have dragged on for a bit too long this season (and I have a bit too much spare time on my hands this afternoon), leading to fanboys, enthusiasts and anyone who visits these humble forums in general over-analysing black and white drawings of a square posted by Thorpe. But lo! A saviour has cometh! Meet Tucker: Tucker is here to save our closed season, and reveal the new thing for 2015. But what is it? Tucker likes to pull funny faces, so people won't ask what this NEW FOR 2015 thing is: He gets particularly pouty when people keep bugging him about it: So he escapes to Alton Towers occasionally, and gets corrected... And occasionally to Chessington, where he visits their Burger Kitchen restaurant: No Tucker, the burgers are even smaller than that! Tucker realises he made a grave mistake - the Burger Kitchen is a terrible place to eat! The food there makes you feel funny and queasy. Fortunately, a friend of Tucker has come along to save the day, and push Tucker back to the safety of Thorpe Park... Will Tucker reveal the secrets of 2015 soon? Who knows. But until then, post your favourite faces of Tucker here, for he's the hero Thorpe Park Mania deserves, but not the one it needs right now. So we'll hunt him. Because he can take it. Because he's not our hero. He's a silent guardian, a watchful protector. A dark knight. And he'll help make the last couple of days of closed season fly by! Oh and Thorpe, give this man a bonus!
  21. Going to have a change of heart and say this will be an I'm A Celebrity themed experience / show. Clue 1: Snake Rock (a camp on the show). Clue 2: I originally thought it was a square toilet, so maybe it is that? Clue 3: Push someone called Tucker maybe? - relates to Bushtucker (trial). Followed by an eating challenge. IAC was an option on last year's survey too. Despite being a post-watershed show, it could be made family friendly in my opinion. It would be a bit of fun and could draw people in too.
  22. A square toilet? Seriously though; agree with Ryan that it could be some sort of pool though. I'm placing my money on something happening to Neptune's Kingdom and/or the Dome.
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