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Everything posted by JoshC.

  1. Banned for implicitly deciding Mark didn't want to go to the meet.
  2. They replaced the restraints (well, repadded at least) a year or two back, so I can't see them replacing them for this. I doubt we'll see them paint it green though, but I guess you never can be too sure!
  3. Still feel like that tilt when you're dropping is going to be really uncomfortable... Does look quite intimidating on ride though. The slow tilting to face forward will no doubt scare the living daylights out of most!
  4. Are they thinking about safety though? Or are they just slapping seatbelts on because as a knee-jerk reaction to something?
  5. Judging from the fact this says 'advertising pitch', I assume it's one of the possible proposals for the new advert... Some more info would be appreciated from the poster though of course... Looks okay, going for a similar style to the map it seems, and presumably if this becomes the real advert, they'll get rid of CGI dodgems, etc. But it felt a bit corporate to me, especially that annoying voice...
  6. It's a difficult one; presumably anyone who was at the Meet or even been in Chat the past couple of weeks knows there's a fair level of banter between the two (like there is with many members on here in general). Sometimes it's fair to assume that people will just recognise that there's banter and no hard feelings between people, just like it's fair to assume that most of what some people post is just sarcastic, and not harmful. Maybe a ' ' smiley or something wouldn't have gone a miss in one of the posts, but hey-ho. No harm done and may as well just move on. Live and learn, etc. etc.
  7. Banned for being a day younger than me.
  8. I hope Chessington isn't turning into one a park whereby you can only enjoy it if it's really quiet... Based on my experience over Easter and recent experiences from members on quiet days, certainly seems like it's that way at the moment.
  9. Pretty sure Air was meant to be the oasis away from the monster or something. I know there was some sort of general idea that Air was part of the 'happier' side of Forbidden Valley or some general mish-mash theme. Remember though, you don't need a flyer to counter The Swarm!
  10. (From Thorpe's FB about their group rates). Pretty sure there's not 6 seats there... Perhaps not the necessarily the smartest thing to stick on Facebook.
  11. Banned for using the expression "M£rlin". Hate that so much.
  12. planenut backing out of riding Stealth? I didn't think such a thing was possible! If that doesn't demonstrate how painful riding Stealth is in the rain, then nothing will!
  13. Yep, saying a Dive Machine wouldn't suit Thorpe is simply my opinion... Just because guests wouldn't necessarily complain about there being two similar rides on park, though, doesn't mean they should go for that option. Think of it from another perspective though. In a time where Merlin are focusing on having a key feature to sell a ride, what would a Dive Machine's key feature be? Saw has always had a focus on a drop, and you can't make people forget about that. So focusing on a 'Vertical drop' when there's a coaster with a 'beyond vertical drop' seems silly. You can't go for height, as there's no way they'll be able to build a coaster taller than Stealth. The only way is to come up with a theme which will sell itself, and with there already being a couple of IPs on-park, going for an IP would be a difficult choice in my opinion. I just can't see how Thorpe/Merlin could sell the idea of a Dive Machine to the public without it being undermined / undermining another Thorpe ride. (Just pointing out, I don't necessarily agree with the thought process here, but this is likely going to be what Thorpe/Merlin are thinking...) Another thing to remember is a lot of people visit / have visited both Thorpe and Alton. Even if they've just had one trip to either of the places, I reckon it's quite likely a guest who visits Thorpe will have visited / want to visit Towers. I just struggle to see how Thorpe could create a better Dive Machine than Oblivion, given Thorpe's restraints and how well Oblivion utilises the concept (going underground and general theme). I guess you could say 'Well that's exactly what they did with Nemesis and Inferno'. However, even though Inferno is good in it's own right, I just don't want to see Thorpe essentially copy Towers again - everyone wants a bit of originality! Simply my opinion here of course, but I just don't 'get' why anyone would want a Dive Machine at Thorpe.
  14. The real reduction in the capacity* will be enthusiasts taking pictures of the seatbelts and showing how big they are! EDIT: *Meant throughput. Silly me,
  15. It hasn't always been themed to Atlantis; when the park first opened, I believe it was rather generic and normal. The Atlantis theme is quite dated now. I think the Dome in general needs a good amount of attention; it's a focal point when you enter, and is used for events quite frequently. It deserves it really. Still, nice to them putting the branding out through-and-through; baby steps, ey?
  16. Don't quite get why anyone would want a Dive Machine at Thorpe? In a park that has Saw and Stealth offering beyond-vertical and practically vertical drops respectively (and with one of Saw's main focuses being the drop), it just doesn't make sense. When you further consider the main key features of Dive Machines are their drop and they usually have short ride times, it makes little sense for one to go to Thorpe. The clincher would be the theming / landscaping of it. Since Thorpe cannot go underground, they're going to have a great deal of trouble making the drop special; they'd have to go for something akin to Krake and make a cool theming feature. But I doubt that'd be anywhere near as effective as Oblivion, which many members of the GP will no doubt draw comparisons to. tl;dr - Dive Machine wouldn't suit Thorpe.
  17. I don't even think it's been pointed about about this sign change (only just managed to find a picture of the old sign). Okay, so it's only a sign, but I found it quite striking on my first visit this season. Amazing how much one sign can change things...
  18. Banned for still being called Luke Ain't hypocrisy, even my middle name's Luke!
  19. Banned for being called Luke!
  20. The trims on the airtime hill only play a role if the train is going too fast; they're not like Th13teen's and operate all the time, for example. I didn't find Smiler's airtime hills that great to be honest. I can't remember if I got that much airtime, but the main reason I enjoyed them was the fact that they weren't an inversion and broke up the monotony of being rolled upside constantly...
  21. When people say 'being forceless' is a bad thing, that all comes down to personal taste. Some people will prefer rides like Nemesis, which is just intense all the way through, some will prefer rides like Air which is very floaty and doesn't really inject much force on the riders. I don't have any personal preferences either way really; if it's a good ride, with an interesting layout and theme, then I'm happy!
  22. Banned for having a problem with people having a problem with... You get the idea
  23. It's hard to tell from a set of pictures, but I reckon that the soundtrack will fit in nicely with the ride and area. Granted, it's not an example of IMAscore's finest work, but it looks like it will work well with the area.
  24. Not going to lie, when I here 'Derren Brown' and 'wood' in the same sentence, my first thoughts are this: Maybe with a Derren Brown theme, they could say it's the first roller coaster in the world to play with your mind and even call is a 'The world's first true Psychcoaster'!?!?!?!
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