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Everything posted by JoshC.

  1. The first piece of concrete evidence pointing towards this happening: https://www.sinchew.com.my/content/content_2037421.html?fbclid=IwAR25SGFW5k4h9W1n5rISMI44OXeVUXE8QTf3VfCoAxh2dTHXGGyH2yOHvtM The 10 inversion coaster which was meant to open in Brazil but never did, which was then shipped to open in Malaysia but never did is being sold. The exact quote: Though of course it's not necessarily Flamingo, it seems highly unlikely to be for anywhere else. And at a cost of £2.3m (excluding shipping and construction, which I believe isn't as expensive as people may think), that's a proper bargain for such a large coaster.
  2. I am pretty sure there was music before, but I don't really remember it. I think when I went in July last year Troy was still actually playing it's old music. In general, despite the quality of the music if you do hear it, I don't really remember any music from the park aside from D'Werevelervelervelwind and Merlin's Quest of foreverness..
  3. Was one of the best parts of the meet too, if I do say so myself...
  4. The 270 double inverting corner stall in about 3/4 of its glory.
  5. The question everyone I've been asking, "WHAT'S IN THE BOX?", for the past couple of days has been answered thanks to PhantaFriends... A model of how we can expect a small part of Rookburgh to look. This is a section of the first launch (I believe train will travel right to left), and it shows a bridge/walkway will go under the covered section. Steampunk + Phantasialand was only ever going to be this good tbh
  6. Been a while since we had anything Taiga on here.. Linnanmaki have been doing a making of series on Instagram (though totally in Finnish, with no English subtitles), till this random one which focuses on Intamin. Hopefully more to come over the coming weeks.. Ride should open in June/July.
  7. Making of Untamed Episode 6 is live, showcasing the unique element, which RMC are calling a "270 double inverting corner stall". Sensible name. We also have a photo of the trains:
  8. From PhantaFriends.de... Track is almost complete - that is the final piece to be installed! This view is from main street outside the park, and it's expected that a wall will be erected soon enough. Some more work on the new marketing feature, which I expect to be ready this weekend:
  9. Some more marketing has come about... Source - https://www.facebook.com/rideoutde/ The middle piece has something that you can look into too. However, the platform hasn't been opened up just yet, so what's inside is a mystery for now..
  10. JoshC.


    I believe it's an issue with the ride hardware itself (although not parking, which is the common problem for Madhouses). Obviously stuff like this happens with new rides, but if it's a lengthy closure, that could suggest they tried rushing it to get it ready in time.
  11. Some views of one of the launches from bumblebrick on Instagram... It's now expected that the track for Fly will cross over itself 46 times (Taron has 58).
  12. I think Hangover should be Sunken Gardens, as they're both places where people get high, which is how I assume this topic came about.
  13. In fairness, the actors are trained to notice these things, but they can miss them. If the actors don't see the incident, it can be hard to know the difference between someone who's injured and someone who's scared. Equally the actor may have been trying to help the person, but others may not have realised that given the heat of the moment. Though tbh, if you bash your head at a theme park and you and the people you're with refuse to get looked over, you either: 1) only bumped it 2) have no sense and need better judgement/friends
  14. It was raining Monday I believe. When it rains, a rust-coloured liquid drips from the trains (happens on many B&M inverts). That will be the reason they were offering ponchos. Inferno doesn't run in the rain, so staff were probably offering the opportunity to ride with the poncho, or wait until the liquid stops dripping. If a vinyl was coming off from the trains, then the ride would be shut down. No theme park, especially a Merlin one, would run a ride if they're aware that there's a risk of something flying off. Plus with those things, I believe they have to use suppliers approved by B&M else they risk breaking their warranty on the ride. Tl;Dr - don't believe everything you read on the internet (but believe this post, cos I sound like I know what I'm talking about maybe)
  15. Popcorn Revenge opened this weekend, and has been getting good reviews: The surrounding area isn't technically finished, with extra touches still being added. The kiddie coaster is completed and due to open this month: The park had originally planned to do up the entrance plaza this year, then their Wild West area next year (including a Mack Twist n Splash and Gerstlauer Sky Fly). The new entrance plaza didn't happen, but will now happen next year. The Wild West area is being delayed for now, and instead a new area with Pulsar, Pskye Underground (Schwarzkopf shuttle launch) and the park's log flume will be themed up; a smaller thing which wasn't meant to happen until 2022/23.
  16. Me posting multiple posts in a row in one thread? Whoda thunk it.. Trains have been revealed... The entrance feature is up: Theming is up in the surrounding area: On top of this, old pieces of Robin Hood wood will be used as theming in the queue. And we have details on the unique element: It will follow the first drop, and be a sort of double-zero G roll. You'll spin 270 degrees to the left, then 270 degrees to the right, inverting you twice. The element is partially constructed:
  17. You only need to provide basic info (name, address, email, etc). I believe rules have changed so you can get reprints at any attraction, not just your 'home' one.
  18. Put them next to the tills so they can harness the screams of people when they look at the prices for pretty much everything.
  19. And an alternative view because I love spamming: Source
  20. JoshC.

    2019 Season

    That video has been used since mid-2017 I believe!
  21. And an overview of the layout, as shared by roomraider on Coasterforce... As said before, this is an extended version of Vekoma's new Shockwave shelf model, see below for how that looks: So this one effectively just a small launch with a little extra twisty turny bit before the ride.
  22. Been a while since we've seen some track in place: We can also see some new theming points (the white wall on the left for example). It's expected once all track is in place (which make not be too long now!) that this view point will start to receive it's own wall, meaning views of inside Rookburgh will soon become non-existent!
  23. Energylandia was getting bored of Zadra, so they decides to start in their other big 2020 coaster... (Source: SkyScraperCity) The Vekoma double launch, potentially over water, coaster appears to be going behind Zadra / the Dragon Castle area.
  24. JoshC.

    2019 Season

    I was at the press event tonight. Some general thoughts/comments: -There sections are PlayStation 4, XBox One, VR and retro (plus a tournament area) -There will be 16 VR options available, each priced at £5 a go (you buy tokens for the VR experiences at the bar) -It's not necessary to book a time slot, but if the marquee is full, you need a ticket Personally, the retro area disappointed me. It was old consoles with certain games. No doubt it'll bring nostalgia to some, but it didn't do it for me (I expected like retro arcade game machines like Pacman, Space Invaders, etc). There was a small selection of VR experiences to try tonight freely. I tried a walk the plank experience, which was fun, but I wouldn't think it's worth £5. Some of the other VR experiences are a lot more involved though (team zombie shooting game will be there apparently). Personally, this wasn't my thing at all. I'm sure for some people, it is their thing, and plenty of people were really enjoying it. And I kind of get it I guess - it's just like an upgrade on an arcade, except you can't win money. It also adds something indoors for people to do, which is good. I really don't know how it will be received and how successful it will be. Hopefully it will do the trick for some people though. As a final point - cost. This is a free thing, but there's a lot of upcharges (the 16 VR experiences really do feel like the focal point). This isn't a money-grubbing thing from Thorpe. Hypd (the company Thorpe are doing this with) get all the money from that, since they're not making money from it in any other way. I'm under the impression Thorpe have had to pit very little money into the event, so this isn't an event where money has been spent in one way when it could have been spent elsewhere. This event purely exists to try and diversify the line up, it's just an unfortunate scenario that the focal point of it has been made an upcharge by a third party. Hopefully this doesn't cause too many problems.
  25. Just to clarify, as I wasn't totally clear: -Containment has signage saying it is returning for Fright Nights -Saw Alive has no signage saying it is returning for Fright Nights Usually, both have signage out.
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