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Everything posted by MikeC

  1. ^you're complaining because you visited one of the world's largest and most cosmopolitan cities, and wasn't served by an English person? Hmm...
  2. MikeC

    The Smiler

    Argh, sorry! I honestly thought I'd posted in this thread earlier
  3. MikeC

    The Smiler

    Right, well if people are going to remove my posts, at least have the decency to inform me as to why
  4. I love the new Smiler logo on the top of the Rehyrdator. Thank God that ghastly Fanta sponsorship has been removed. The Smiler is fast becoming my favourite ride at Alton, and I haven't even been on it yet. Nemesis, you might just have a contender
  5. I was rather hoping The Sanctuary would remain open throughout the year. It'd make sense considering the maze ties in with The Smiler.
  6. MikeC

    Wicker Man

    Hopefully we'll see that Cross Valley B&M hyper.
  7. MikeC

    The Smiler

    Right, but I'm pretty sure Horseshoe Wood was there long before Oblivion, so...
  8. MikeC

    The Smiler

    ^One of the things I love the most about AT is the vast woodland which bounds much of the park. I can't see AT removing these trees any time soon, as they obscure the rides from visible areas. I should also imagine the trees help with the noise to some extent. I love how Oblivion can not only be heard, but felt when visiting the Chained Oak tree itself.
  9. Well one thing's for sure, Drayton certainly don't need any more family rides, either.
  10. The hotels don't need nearly as much as space on the map. Absolutely awful mess, and I feel for any guests who are visiting AT for the first time.
  11. Chessie have always been a family theme park though, haven't they?
  12. MikeC

    2013 Changes

    I think that the name being changed to X means nothing really... I don't think any kind of re-theme or improvements have been made to the ride unfortunately...again...
  13. MikeC

    The Smiler

    I wouldn't be surprised if the syringes spray water in your face, similar to the marmalisation room in the Sanctuary.
  14. Another white-knuckle flat ride wouldn't go a miss. We have 30 or so attractions aimed at families/kids, with only five rides on offer to thrillseekers. There's also talk of Drayton doing away with the zoo in order to expand Thomas Land.
  15. I hear what you're saying, but the fact is that the park is very much geared up towards kids these days. We haven't seen a major thrill attraction since 2005? Thank God the dreaded Dexter's Lab retheme of Apocalypse never went ahead.
  16. I'm pleased that Drayton have found a market base, but they also need to uphold their promise of being a family park which caters for all. Something tells me we won't ever see that launched coaster over the lake.
  17. MikeC


    Th13teen was one intense little coaster back in 2010. That first drop was pretty gut-wrenching if I remember rightly. Didn't they add the trims to stop the cars speeding onto the second lift hill?
  18. MikeC


    Er, why is it awkward? I think it's grand that Mer and Ben still have a strong friendship going. Just been for a long walk after being cooped up all week with a bad cold. Bliss!
  19. MikeC

    The Smiler

    There'd be no point from the rider's perspective...although as someone else pointed out, people offride will be able to enjoy the ride in typical Wardley fashion.
  20. MikeC

    The Smiler

    Don't get me wrong, I love the current/planned themeing, but The Smiler definitely doesn't need any other bells and whistles. I don't want to lose the sinister dystopian atmosphere is all.
  21. MikeC

    The Smiler

    Yes, I'm thinking the same. There's such a thing as too much themeing, and it's almost verging on the edge of tacky with the Smiler. Less is more!
  22. MikeC

    The Smiler

    Not the case with me at all. I love the game and honestly can't put my phone down. I was thinking earlier actually, this game will help kill some time queueing this season.
  23. I wouldn't turn out for half those acts, let alone purposefully purchase tickets. Why bother, Alton?
  24. Lol, no. Funnily enough, I'm told that Squirrel Nutty saw queues of 60 minutes at on point during the week
  25. February Half Term PTR - 18/02 After sorting out my pass at the Towers Street Box Office, it was straight over to Forbidden Valley to meet up with friends and ride the greatest. We did Nemesis three times (which was walk on all day) before heading over to Air. The queue for the front row was only five minutes at that time. I had a good look round the Air shop afterwards - loving the new Nemesis hoodies and other merch <3 We did Nemesis again before making our way over to Sonic Spinball. Sonic was quite busy all day, as was the Runaway Mine Train (45 minutes at times). Hex next! I cant comment on the new effects, but the experience was as good as ever. Interesting to note that the exit has been diverted. No doubt due to the Sanctuary set. It was over to FV for some lunch in Fresh Fish and Chips next. The queue was out the door at this time and there wasn't anywhere to sit unfortunately. It was back on Nemesis for another ride before doing Duel...twice. This area was pretty busy, although Duel was walk on, funnily enough. RMT next and then home. You can get some great shots from the full length queueline. Ride count: Nemesis x5 Air x1 Duel x2 RMT x1 Sonic Spinball x1 Hex x1 Thanks for reading
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