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Everything posted by Phyciodes

  1. Lol well I did get a lovely crowd of people waiting for me when I got out The carpet would have been nice but I'm afraid there wasn't enough time to set it up for my grand arrival back.
  2. Lol it was the sunday before the Easter holz started that I got stuck, have a few lovely pictures of me up there taken by Martin on fb.Nah I didn't really find it scary, the large jolt you get when the chainlift stopped right at the top was a little bit worrying But after that I found it quite fun, it was the guys next to me first time as well so was pretty fun having a convo with him. I also had a crowd of people I was with below me. Or maybe its just cause I'm brave =]
  3. Got stuck on the top of Saw chainlift for about 5 mins which wasn't a nightmare at all, infact as Thrillseek3r says was the highlight of my day . Nice view from the top as I've never really managed to enjoy it before, ususally only for a couple of seconds. And it was fun having a convo with the guy next to me.
  4. I know for certain that Ultimate doesn't cover Saw. I was speaking to someone in the SRQ for it yesterday who had ultimate fasstrack and he was saying how it didn't cover Saw.
  5. remind me how to change my display name? I need to change it to my REAL name lol

  6. HAHA oh your welcome :P

    Just reminding you who I am

  7. Well it must have been, there was a good turn out for the 5 shows in the arena, from what I could see. Tbh it does sound as if last year was better with the BMX's near Stealth, or maybe its just cause the weather was rainy yeserday. Anyway thorpe always say somethings back due to popular demand A way of attracting people.
  8. Yes its just the annoying loud noises and the queue line loop video which goes of every couple of minutes or so Can get very annoying after a while whilst trying to have a conversation in the SRQ.Don't worry though, it really ain't the sort of ride which will leave you having nightmares after, unless you have a strong phobia of loud noises.
  9. Yeah the stage outside Stealth was for a band "Lucas" who performed a variety of famous songs throughout the day. They weren't bad. Unfortunaetly the BMX thingy didn't hapen yesterday due to weather conditions and they only had the motorbikes with a limited jump height and limited tricks. Still good though.
  10. Ok another trip report for you guys to feast upon.Got to thorpe today around 9:40ish, place looked packed from the outside. Intended to ride Saw first but it wasn't open so went on Samurai with about a 20 minute queue, during that time Saw opened and half the Samurai queue left to ride it. Anyway went on Samurai then headed over to Saw and went single rider, got on it in about 10 minutes or so. Pretty good ride in the rain . Then went over to Loggers and queue 20 seconds for it if that. Then went to Slammer I think and queued 5 mins.Ok I can't remember or be asked to give details on my whole day so heres a ride count with general queue times from what I saw-Saw- 3, all SR, longest queue for saw was about 2hrs, 30 minsStealth-2, from what I saw it reached about 70 minsLoggers Leap-1, looked pretty dead all dayRumba-1, Around 20 minute queuesSamurai-1, didn't really reach more than 40 minutesSlammer-1, Max about 20 minutesRush-4, Reached about 60 mins but went right down to about 10 mins in the late afternoonQuantum-1, Erm... quietMotor show- 2, Pretty good show, shame it was limited due to weather conditionsThink thats about it, Colossus and Nemesis both looked pretty busy with around 80 minutes queues.Oh yeah met a very interesting Isralian man from Theme Park Review at the park who joined us around the park for about 2 hours
  11. Is there a jolt at the bottom of the main drop ^? I don't remember there being one.
  12. Just seen the new Alton Towers advert, pretty much focusing alot on this new sealife. I do think its a bit stupid that they don't advertise their bigger attractions to. They have some amazing, world class rides there and I personally think its a bit stupid their not advertising some of these bigger rides, even if its not meant to be a thrill park as such.
  13. I'm sure Helen Castle would be more than satisifed reading all of this ( if you don't understand that never mind)Saw really has had far too many breakdowns, doesn't seem as if a days gone past yet when it hasn't broken down and by this time you really would hope it would start to settle in lets say.
  14. You guys think you had a good ride? Woahh you should try queieng SRQ THEN getting stuck at the very top of the chain lift for 5 minutes! Nice view by the way, oh yeah then stopping in the block brakes completely and JUST making the dive loop, really my next ride won't compare
  15. Yeah I guess it is annoying but its there way of getting you back to the park quickly. Its like anything, a discount you get from a cinema or shop after buying a certain amount is usually only valid for a couple of weeks.
  16. Lol I was on one of them! I rather enjoyed it though Was different to the normal ride.
  17. Phyciodes


    There we go Skins series is now finished =]
  18. Saw the new legoland advert on TV during the simpsons. Quite a nice add focusing mainly on the new pharoh tomb ride, which does look pretty impressive, themeing wise.
  19. Bloody Hell the contrast! I forget what a beatuy it once was. Ahh well on the up side the track is looking a lot nicer now.
  20. You can't really, lol. Website, when it manages to get an update. Or see if theres anyone you know at the park and ask them what rides are open.
  21. Phyciodes


    And what the hell instrument do you play? Don't criticise people if you don't know how to and have no ground to stand on! I'm also guessing everyone who plays guitars, drums and everything along those lines are well unoriginal? Yes I agree its nice to see someone playing a more "original" if you like instrument but as people have said above me these instruments are popular because people like them.
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