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About thorpeparkjunkie

  • Birthday 10/23/1990

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  • Favourite ride
  • Favourite Theme Park
    Thorpe Park

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  1. I think youll find there is a hole there so no you dont...
  2. Check out my idea for Thorpe Parks next coaster! https://youtu.be/od3PBK-C08E
  3. thorpeparkjunkie


    Check out my idea for Thorpe Parks next coaster! https://youtu.be/od3PBK-C08E
  4. So within the space of a few years Thorpe get a dark ride and Alton get a woodie! Talk about giving us what we wanted!
  5. How many more glum run down buildings do Thorpe need? Depressing...
  6. After having visited many theme parks across the globe I just can't seem to understand why are parks are so badly maintained eg dirty faded tracks, worn out theming and effects etc... Places like port aventura coaster tracks are gleaming all year round year after year but ours are either faded or rusting anyone know why? I am aiming this more at Thorpe as Alton are sorting some of their coasters tracks slowly
  7. They weren't my items... but I appreciate the forum jumping the gun and making me out to be a fraud.
  8. I'm selling a gerstlauer cap on eBay if anyone is interested here is the item number 171898610167
  9. WOW! amazing pictures! Thank you so much! I'm 100% going to do it! looks awesome! Thanks again
  10. Hey guys I just wondering how they were work? can you choose the coaster you want to do it on and can you choose a time? many thanks
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