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Everything posted by StevenVig

  1. Well you know where the exit is.....
  2. But this is the best news ever, this is literally my dream come true!
  3. Not really look at the angle of the track, the train would be tilted far too low, for that to be counted as a near miss
  4. I have a copy of it, but I'm at work at the moment
  5. or that may not be the modified train....?
  6. That may have changed since I worked there then I suppose. Dont see why they would have taken it away
  7. StevenVig


    It's good to be back... somewhat
  8. StevenVig


    It was sarcasm. BOOM.
  9. You may be a permanent member of staff, a contractor working over closed season, you may have an interview or meeting. There are many reasons for people still needing to get to the park....
  10. StevenVig


    Has this thing been removed yet?
  11. Thats a part lie. Stand's offer discounts, Carts do not. The stands have the proper tills whereas the carts have corner shop tills.
  12. Does it even matter? As Jammy3112 pointed out, the rope shouldn't affect your enjoyment of the ride. This is a very petty subject imo.
  13. Someone who simply writes on Facebook, "I had a **** day, I queued 300 hours for Seastorm, it was crap. Merlins crap" Doesnt really help grow a business...... Besides, its been said before, dont expect these places to be empty. Yes you have an AP, but so do thousands of other people, these things aren't uncommon anymore, everyones got one and alot of passholders will be there! I on the other hand will be with my mother, being as that day is for her.....
  14. Whoever thinks that the billboard will not fit in, please elaborate..... I think the billboard is an excellent idea. The area is supposed to reflect a small town/village that has been devestated by The Swarm, adding a billboard only adds to this idea. I think it's great. All of you need to stop complaining and be grateful that there is still a hefty amount of investment still going into this ride. Can any of you honestly name another ride that was this heavily invested over multiple seasons? Yeah....
  15. http://www.thedungeons.com/london/holding/ So its been confirmed, cant wait!
  16. I Never even realised until Tommy just pointed it out...
  17. Did anyone Shazam anything at all?
  18. Dont start going down that road, trust me, it's not pretty. Been there done that, got the blacklist
  19. I Wonder whats happening on 29th March - 1st April for 10- 7 closes? Also noticed that theres no November times, could this mean that the season has become even shorter for 2013!? Finishing on Halloween itself
  20. Tell me this post is a wind up?
  21. Erm, that was all a bit of a mind****. There were loads of unsubliminal messages and random adverts by the looks of it. I dunno, it was just a bit crazy!
  22. Unfortunately not, I imagine there never will be again. Your thinking of the gate figure for that day, the capacity the park can hold is somewhere up to 24,000 I believe
  23. It's all done electronically. Theres a reason why tickets and AP's are scanned, more than just to check validity
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