Take it from me, ive worked for every Merlin Park in the South, including Back Office Business Support ;)Your obviously doing something wrong in your assesment centres, 9 times out of 10 its the group work or the general interaction with people you dont know. It's amazing that Chessington have given you 12 hours worth of chances. My advice to you is to give Human Resources a call, not an email, will take far too long to get a response. Give them a call and ask them if they can provide you feedback on your Assesment. They will or should be happy to provide this for you, they have done with me before.I wouldnt go applying for other positions now, take very careful note of this from me, of all people. Dont apply over and over again for different positions, you'll eventually just have your name pretty much blacklisted. Every HR Department in every South Park knows my name now and if I were to apply again, I'd get an instant rejection. Honestly, dont go down that route. Especially if you *actually* want to work for the company, you'll only just end up f*ckng things up.Call them, get the feedback, re-apply at Halloween, get the job, get invited back, 2013 you could be there all season