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Everything posted by StevenVig

  1. Does anyone have anything else that could be reported that isnt Swarm related?Nice to know Rush is getting some attention, I think it is slightly overdue.
  2. The event may be successful, financially, but the quality is poor.Saw Alive seems to get worse by the day, and actors just dont happen anymore in the ride. I dont doubt that we may see actors during the opening stages of The Swarm, but they will not last long, if theyre there at all.I say Ents is a flop, because most things are so flaky, if your going to have actors in the queueline for example, you either have them or you dont.....
  3. I wouldn't worry about actors if I'm honest. Lets face it, the Ents Department is a massive flop....Both Saw Attractions are a prime example of this.
  4. I Seriously have no idea why people think Thorpe should install a second ride. Just because the new infill is dedicated to one ride, doesnt mean that it has to have another.Look at the Saw Island, 1 Ride, does it need another? No.
  5. StevenVig


    There was seriously no need for that. BAH HUMBUG >__>
  6. StevenVig


    Ive found that the only thing I tend to watch is Family Guy or American Dad when I'm at my boyfriends house!
  7. There is a real potential here for a great opening ceremony. We have seen a new style of marketing from Thorpe for The Swarm, unlike most things we've seen before. Perhaps maybe Thorpe might have something planned up their sleeve, who knows? We will literally have to play the waiting game....
  8. Amazing photos, and impressive if they really did manage to not get spotted.
  9. Well first of all I'll start with your Hopper Shuttle Bus idea, will never happen. Essentially that would be Thorpe sending its customers to its sister park, which is for a completely different audience. While both parks are owned under the same name, they are still in a slight competition as individual parks. The shuttle bus between Thorpe & Staines, will serve perfectly.The theme for the hotel at Thorpe would be Generic I would say. The target audience for Thorpe are nothing close to Rock & Roll, more your R'n'B, Funky House, Grime etc. It would be a very basic hotel in my eyes.
  10. I have a feeling there will be a little more than the average hype for The Swarm. Well, on the opening week at least.I'm thinking Les Coogan, Police Officers etc
  11. Fastrack will definately be implemented, and that probably goes for any new ride thats ever installed from now on. Purely because its a profitable service. I highly doubt SR will be introduced, it's a system that is now practically abolished, that and theres no profit from it.Who knows though?
  12. Now where have I heard that before? *Saw*
  13. StevenVig


    I Currently work for Vue Cinemas and The Geek Squad, part of Carphone Warehouse. I also have an upcoming interview for The Royal Bank of Scotland!
  14. Just to add to this, I havent seen said sign, but perhaps the fade could add to the theme?
  15. StevenVig


    I havent been able to get enough of this song lately, its very chilled and rather catchy imo.
  16. StevenVig


    I believe Free WiFi is on the cards at Thorpe, from what ive been told. Supposedly access points have been installed already around the park. But AFAIK they're not running just yet.
  17. I'm just absolutely stunned at how quickly this is all going up, this time last week there was barely anything up!
  18. They're once again mostly tracks from Saw, Saw 3D I Believe.
  19. You've hit the nail on the head right there NathP, cant put it in better words myself. I specifically chose to go on the 6th as I knew there would be no school children. Probably my last Thorpe Trip this year, which is a shame because ive only done 4. But it was most certainly a fantastic way to end my Thorpe Season! I had an absolutely brilliant day, Experiment 10 (X-10 as I like to call it) is by far one of the best moves the park has made in a long while.
  20. Edited for accuracy & truth
  21. I Think this is the 3rd time in a row its been down, coincidentally around the same dates too >__>
  22. that picture shows the very ending of the attraction, as your walking or in some cases, running out!
  23. An interesting night, and all the booze in this photo was free, courtesy of the random guy in the Jack & Jones shirt!
  24. It is, it came on E4 last night
  25. I Cannot believe that this ride is STILL being advertised after two years! >__>
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