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Everything posted by StevenVig

  1. It is indeed to distribute the flames onto either side. The effect will become slightly bigger.
  2. *Bump*I got this unlocked, so I suppose I'd better post something here.Wasnt it this year that the IL Contract expires?
  3. Actually, I'm pretty darn sure 98% of guests would rather listen to Rihanna than the General Entrance Theme We have a huge 900 Seater Arena, located in Ranger County. Surprised you've missed it. I think the view of the rides that you see at the turnstiles, gives an ample amount of anticipation. Thorpe Park hold an annual event called Sun Scream, which has been running since 2009. This is focused on a range of live music, shows and activities.The Park also launched Reload last year, the nightclub for under-18's, where selected rides are open and music is played in the Lakeview Marquee. Your a fanboy, you want to hear the classic stuff. Well I'm sorry marketing just doesn't work like that I'm afraid.Brush up on your facts before you post please
  4. Just wondering why the Bubbleworks topic is locked?
  5. But they wont, so thats settled then.
  6. Has anybody noticed that the 2012 Season ends on the 30th September!?
  7. WRONG! I was invited back to Lego after Halloween.Zero Points to you You were applying at the very start of the season, there are well over 500 positions available. No experience is required, every Merlin Career site states this, and yes Rides is a popular department, obviously. But, if there were no positions available in that department, then they would ask you or offer you a position in your 2nd or 3rd choice of department.You were doing something wrong in your Assesment Centre.
  8. StevenVig


    This ladies and gentlemen, is where all the inspiration and "magic" is first thought of. I give you, Merlin Studios London.
  9. Take it from me, ive worked for every Merlin Park in the South, including Back Office Business Support ;)Your obviously doing something wrong in your assesment centres, 9 times out of 10 its the group work or the general interaction with people you dont know. It's amazing that Chessington have given you 12 hours worth of chances. My advice to you is to give Human Resources a call, not an email, will take far too long to get a response. Give them a call and ask them if they can provide you feedback on your Assesment. They will or should be happy to provide this for you, they have done with me before.I wouldnt go applying for other positions now, take very careful note of this from me, of all people. Dont apply over and over again for different positions, you'll eventually just have your name pretty much blacklisted. Every HR Department in every South Park knows my name now and if I were to apply again, I'd get an instant rejection. Honestly, dont go down that route. Especially if you *actually* want to work for the company, you'll only just end up f*ckng things up.Call them, get the feedback, re-apply at Halloween, get the job, get invited back, 2013 you could be there all season
  10. Airgun brake could stay, 99% of the themeing could stay. Anything that specifically says Saw would have to go. Ive stresed about this before on here. The only thing that would really have to go is the Billy Puppets, Lift Hill TV Footage, and any sign that says Saw. The rest can stay, because it doesnt *actually* say saw, it just happens to be coincidental. Does everyone know that this *is* Jigsaw?
  11. Well thats the Tidal Wave rumour over then. Wonder what they are *actually* doing to it then? Probably just a repaint.Stunning set of pictures, best TP CSP Set of 2012 so far.Thanks!!
  12. Funny, this was uploaded to Facebook by Alton Towers today.
  13. And then the irony is, majority of people on this site are fanboys O__O
  14. The fact that your a member or even log onto this site in the first place, is something that Merlin arent keen on either.
  15. Can I step in here?All I'm going to say is, it isnt the parks fault that your "conversation dries up", thats just poor social skills. Like you've said, the park dont *actually* have to provide this service, they could easily just make you queue, or you dont visit at all. The way I see it is, your in their court, so you need to play by their rules. It's quite simple really, and if you dont like it, well, nobody's forcing you to be there...
  16. I was lucky enough to see the water tower, but not the fire
  17. Sheepie touched on a good point, and most probably if that diagram above carries some accuracy, then surfaces that run under the actual ride need to be ripped up. It's not a small job, but if this is the case, as ive said, Kudos to the park if their making the effort.
  18. It really does make me wonder though, why on earth have they bothered to focus on it? When it's been neglected for years, and has never had scaffolding around it since the flame projectors were removed.....Something substantial must be happening for them to go to this effort.Just wondering who or how were these photos taken!?
  19. Kudos to the park if the effect is really coming back. I'm very happy to see this!
  20. Still waiting for Round 2 of the Stealth Questions to be published....
  21. First of all HB Leisure have nothing to do with Merlin Staff, because theyre not Merlin Staff.Commercial Staff tend to be more chatty because theyre pushed quite hard to meet targets, KPI's, and Mystery Shopper Scores/Incentives. You'll also find that Commercial Staff that are running a unit on their own or in a two tend to speak more to their customers, than that of those in the Mega Store lets say. Purely because Units such as Naughty but Nice or the Donut Shack opposite Vortex, dont see queues and queues of customers, like Amity Fish 'n' Chips or The Stealth Diner, so alot of the time it really is a genuine conversation they try and have with you.But just make sure that Retail staff offer you a bag if you buy two chocolate bars, otherwise they might get fired.........
  22. Storm Surge needs to be demolished with several sticks of dynamite, what a waste of utter space. This colorful, yet disappointing eye-sore enrages me.
  23. What the hell was that!? Looked like a schizophrenic having a seizure/fitt
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