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Everything posted by JamesB

  1. I was surprised Twist & Pulse got into the top 3, they were good but I didn't realise they were that popular. Spellbound deserved to win, they did fantastically. Though I thought it was a little unfair that they are competing in the world championships too... slight advantage?
  2. Cant stand the drummer kid last night, hes a bit overrated, I have friends who can play the drum just as well, plus I don't like his personality, sorry, but hes just not likable in my eyes! My favourite is Janey, she deserves a shot and shes such a lovely lady... Susan Boyle version 2, anyone? Second favourite has to be Paul, he was amazing the other night, so funny!
  3. JamesB


    Indeed, he was amazing!Oh and in response to Gemma - Yes! Yes! Yes! I didn't know it was coming back so soon, that's made me so excited now!
  4. JamesB


    I was amazed the dog act got through last night, it was good but it just shocked me that they got the top votes. I was expecting the cute boys to go through first, so glad they got the judges vote! Cute, cute, cute.
  5. JamesB

    This Or That

    Stealth. I found Rita to be overrated and a pretty boring ride, sorry!Inversions or airtime?
  6. Yeah, thats true. My main question is there any room for rides, I don't know this area of Chessington very well?
  7. Thats good they definitely have the potential to turn this into a nice safari exhibit, maybe some giraffes and rhinos. Is there any room for some rides... they could turn this into a new area?
  8. Are there any other animals planned for the are in the future? It seems a few minor species at the moment. Is there any plans for rhinos or giraffes? If Chessington pulled this off well then this could become a very popular attraction. Maybe they could even move the lions up here?
  9. Crush's coasters queues can get ridiculous, they got up to about 60 minutes and we went in the school time. Plus it has a really good habit of breaking down, it broke down twice while we were queuing. Plus the cars get stuck in the station and have to be pushed! So yes... a reliable ride!
  10. JamesB


    RADIO 1 BIG WEEKEND! Oh yes.
  11. JamesB


    I am so dying for a job there! Everyone I've met who works there says its fantastic but sadly all the ones down here dont have any job openings.. well actually, nowhere around here seems to have any job openings at the moment. But anyway, I'm going to start collecting some application forms soon and see what comes around. I'm not too fussy about where I work, I just could do with some extra cash, especially as I'm thinking about driving lessons soon.
  12. Hopefully I wont be needing one of those this summer! Though... Considering the English weather, its highly likely.
  13. Oh my, I'm hoping to ride that beast this summer. I feel a bit... cautious now.
  14. I saw about 10 minutes of it yesterday, looked pretty good for a kiddies show. I thought the Detonator game was pretty good, especially for those with a fear of heights. Am I right that Jordan has been a regular visitor at Thorpe Park several times before?
  15. JamesB

    Doctor Who

    I thought this weeks episode was a bit of a let down compared to the first part. Everything was just too fast and there were too many dodgy moments (like when Amy suddenly gets teleported) It just seemed they tried to pack too much into one episode. Lets hope next week will make up for it.
  16. JamesB


    You could be right! Its just the way they act around each other, hes kind of like teachers pet. But as you said, our class were pretty quick to jump to conclusions. Who knows!
  17. I adore Disneyland Paris, ahhh. I have been there twice, the last visit was last year so I know of most of the latest attractions.Shall I just give you a quick overview of both parks...Magic Kingdom:Must not miss: Big Thunder Mountain, Space Mountain 2 (updated since you visited most probably), Indiana Jones (a bumpy but thrilling ride), Pirates of the Caribbean and Phantom ManorNewer attractions include the Buzz Lightyear Laser Blast and also this year they are replacing Honey I Shrunk The Audience (which was a great attraction, sad to see it go)Studios:Must not miss: Tower of Terror (just amazing), Crush's coaster (be careful of the queues, they get really bad in peak times), Animagique, Cinemagique, Studio Tram Tour and Rock N Roller coaster... oh and I forgot the Cars show (this must not be missed!)A lot of these things are new so you will most probably not remember most of them but they are all worth a ride. Also dont miss the parades at both the parks.Of course as you probably know with all Disney parks they run a great fastrack service, which is best to get at the beginning of the day, you can only hold tickets to one ride at a time so its best to get these for the busiest rides (Space mountain/big thunder mountain/ Rock n roller coaster) My best advice is to head to something big first like big thunder mountain quite early on before the queues really build up. I hope that helps PM me if you have an questions.
  18. JamesB


    It was pretty obvious he didn't because the teacher replied hopefully.. so... The case continues!
  19. That sounds pretty good to me, I've always thought Bubbleworks didn't really fit in with the Transylvania theme alongside Vampire. Something laboratory like would fit in pretty well in my opinion. When I was thinking it over I was thinking something to do with magic or even something connected with Vampires but nothing really came to mind. Water rides can be pretty hard to work with theming wise (unless its pirates )Edit: Just a general request... Is there any overview/map of the inside of Bubbleworks? I have no idea what the layout looks like.
  20. JamesB


    English Literature just got interesting... In class a pupil who gets on very well with the teacher was talking to him about todays weather (this was yesterday) and then for some reason the teacher let him go early and he said "Cya tomorrow"... The class literally fell quiet. It was so creepy. Now there are loads of rumours going round on Facebook, it could be nothing, but still meeting a teacher outside of class does sound dodgy.
  21. JamesB


    Just finished all my AS coursework today. Feeling very satisfied!And that picture is fantastic Mark
  22. JamesB


    The Daleks: I know! What are these new ones... Childrens toys? All I could think of was the Teletubbies when they came on. I preferred the old gold ones much more. Its such a shame, they shouldn't have bothered even bringing them back. Ahhhh yes, I remember that episode, I do agree that also scared me a lot too. "Are you my mummy?" I think I had nightmares about that one too.
  23. Ahhh cool, Yeah there were a few new rides, one was in a Egyptian tomb and was a laser shooter, wasn't bad, could have had some more interaction... and then there was a new horror maze but I didn't do that (too chicken haha) Yeah, its a great park, really enjoyed it.

  24. JamesB


    Gahhh, I totally agree. No other Doctor Who enemy has ever scared me but the Weeping Angels scared the hell out of me. Its the way they are so close to reality that makes them so terrifying to me, For weeks after that episode I didn't care look at a statue!
  25. I have never met another gay person at college apart from my two teachers, I'm sure there are plenty just none that are open about it... or unluckily not placed in my class. Unlucky for me A guy from my old school recently came out as bisexual, but we weren't really friends, at least thats one person!
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