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Everything posted by JamesB

  1. Opps thats was meant to be have, sorry!

  2. Hey paul, do you gave msn. I'd love to chat.

  3. ^ Thats the one! Sorry, I had no idea what the room was called.
  4. How long ago was it when you visited London zoo last? In my opinion the zoo is one of the best in the country (myself being a big zoo fan) The past few years it has opened several new attractions and its a great collection, just my opinion!
  5. Hex is one of my favourite rides at AT, I wasn't quite sure what to expect from it when I first rode it this year but I thoroughly enjoyed it. Its a different experience and the build up before it is well worth it. I do think they could improve the last room (the one with the statues etc) Maybe some more effects would make that room more impacting.
  6. I was going to mention inset days, but as you said some schools all share the same date. When I went in July I had finished in June because of my exams and my my friends college also finishes a week earlier than most schools, so thats why we chose to visit that day. Maybe you could persuade your school to take you on a trip there, they do offer educational talks and other stuff for schools, worth trying I guess?
  7. None at all, but it is possible its an event they are doing outside when the queues are extremely long (maybe mid afternoon) But I saw nothing that would suggest it, it is a little puzzling.
  8. My worst queue at Thorpe Park was about 70 minutes queuing for Saw in July. The worst queue I have seen at the park again is Saw when it was roughly about a 100 minutes. Generally I prefer to visit in school time to avoid the queues, it makes the day much more enjoyable.
  9. I saw nothing to do with it, despite it being advertised at the entrance... I hate to make a negative comment about it, maybe some staff were off ill, but they could at least had a notice that it wasn't running.
  10. We waited about 2 hours but the queue line quickly grew after we joined it, so 3 hours is very possible!
  11. Haha, stalker! The priority pass online "deal" was ridiculous if you ask me.. The website claims you save money booking online but only if you book a time slot before 10:30 am. Otherwise the price is much more, the peak time (12 ish) I think was about double the entrance price.. and what for? To queue for an hour and a half.. Priority, I think not?
  12. Visited the dungeons yesterday, heres a quick reviewGot there about 11 (ish) and waited two hours (we knew it was going to be about this wait when we planned it) The main problem with the queue is that stupid photo thing before you enter, they could at elast add few more photo rooms so to let a few groups through at a time. ...Moving onto different bits in the attraction... The new surgery section was good, one person is picked to demonstrate various medical methods back in that time. For the final part the actor holds a giant axe, the curtain is pulled across, the room goes dark and suddenly water sprays at you. I found it quite effective but it was over rather quickly.As always the court room was hilarious, even though the judge messed up her script several times. The boat ride stills bores me to the core, the effects are pretty lame and its not at all thrilling. For me it doesn't live up to the thrill of the rest of the attraction.Jack the ripper section was much better than I remembered. I was right at the front in the pub section and so got a fantastic view of Jack. It was very effective and even made me jump for a second or two.Sadly the drop ride didn't live up to the first time I rode it, the whole element of fear was gone and I was unimpressed by the animatronics at the top. I feel they could have done a lot more to add to the atmosphere here, maybe a few more strobes and some better effects at the top. Overall it was a good visit, I probably wont be coming back for a few more years till some new bits have been added.
  13. JamesB


    Thats no problem! And yes me too, I'm very excited to see how this finally turns out, I log on to the main AT forum every day to check the construction Haha.
  14. JamesB


    These are the latest pictures from the construction site:
  15. Lovely video! Shame they added all those silly safety nets and stuff. Though I must admit the queue does seem very open without them.
  16. I did awfully the first time I rode Duel, the shooting makes my hands sore Its still a really fun ride though, the music is really catchy and its a really atmospheric ride, actually one of my favourites at Alton Towers.
  17. Since visiting for the first time In July, yes I'd say I have become a bit obsessed with it! After all, it is the nations thrill capital
  18. Oh okay, thanks! I just call that the squirting body (when it works!)
  19. Stupid question, which bit is the bathroom scene? When I'm riding I never really remember to look around at the scenery, silly I know!
  20. I hate to say it but detonator doesn't strike any fear into me what so ever, sadly drop towers just don't do it for me. The main thought I was having at the top was hurry up, I havent got all day! I just don't get that feeling in my tummy on drop rides, maybe theres something wrong with me Its still a fun ride though1
  21. ^ Thats a shame, I've heard many comments saying that its been done up very well for Fright Nights, one guy said it was the best hes seen it for quite some time.Seeing as I havent really posted on Nemesis Inferno before, I will just quickly say that is one of my top rides at Thorpe Park. The first time I rode it back in July it went straight to the top of my list, but that was before I rode stealth and saw! I still think its a great ride, unlike stealth it never loses its ride-again factor for me. So there you go!
  22. Personally I love the dungeons, I have never been to the tombs so I can't comment. Parts of the dungeons are definitely scarier, the drop tower at the end really packs a punch and some of the other parts really have a thrill factor to them. (For example sweeney todd and the boat ride to hell)Just a question, does the tombs have any rides or is it all walkthrough?
  23. Oh totally, everyone I have come out to has been fine with it, its more just the immature boys at school who find it funny to take the piss out of it.Off topic: Thats the idea
  24. Yeah, gandhi was your old name on atari :) And thanks!

  25. Totally agreed! I thought moving up to college would make everyone a little more matture but the stupid comments still exsist, especially when Steven Gately died. Its a shame people just can't accept each other for who they are. I've had a few boyfriends in the past but never anything serious, they lasted about a month or two before it just kind of feel apart of whatever. At my age I guess the best thing is just to be patient!
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