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Everything posted by JamesB

  1. Its not actually summer holidays yet, our college breaks up a week earlier. We went to Thorpe this time last year and the queues were pretty much 20-30 minutes maximum for all rides. But of course its weather dependent, Monday looks like its going to be a good one. Thanks for the information, did help a lot! We are planning to get there pretty early and then hang around the zoo during the busiest times and let the queues die down. Going with friends makes queueing much better anyway!
  2. I have never taken my glasses off on any ride apart from Rita (when I was asked to) and they have never come off... So, I didn't think you have too much to worry about!
  3. Okay... I have some questions for Chessington:I am visiting on Monday, any ideas roughly on queues times... when is it best to do the busier rides like Kobra, Fury and Vampire?Plus I am being dropped off with my friends by my Dad, can this be done at either car park or should we go to the Main Car Park, is it easier to get in to drop people off?
  4. Haha, thanks Mikey I feel special now!
  5. Saw this on another forum earlier, it looks fantastic. Its going in the space that was occupied by that rubbish jungle cruise ride. Its quite a large space... and Gardaland has some impressive theming, so expect something good!Just to add, I love this park
  6. JamesB


    Happy birthday to me
  7. JamesB


    Talking of animals... we found a field mouse in our garden last night, no idea how it got over here but it looked pretty shaken so we captured it and took it over to some fields near our house and released him/her in the hedgerow there... fingers crossed its okay! It was a cute little thing.
  8. Are you not even taking this seriously? Your a complete douche... First your vandalising and secondly your ruining the reputation of Chessington and ruining guests days. Well done, I hope you feel proud of yourself. This certainly proves your age and mental age!
  9. At Thorpe (just to say) they let us use three 2 for 1 vouchers in one transaction... either we got a really generous staff member or thats just general procedure, I don't know?Enjoy your visit, I'm of too Chessington next Monday
  10. JamesB

    This Or That

    Lily Allen (I cant stand that stupid Professor Green, I really want to slap his childish face... sorry!)Robyn or Goldfrapp?
  11. Whats your msn Gemma? :)

  12. JamesB


    Okay... you can have the bottom half... I'll have the top half! His face is so friggin gawjus, I cant part with it!
  13. JamesB


    Right now I'm loving Eliza Doolittle, lovely summer songs! And a little band called Grace Potter and the Nocturnals, adore them too.Next week its my birthday, so I've asked for (ta dah, long list...) Adam Lambert (In person, of course, boy hes fit).... Agnes and Daisy Dares You... should all be good!
  14. It is confirmed on various music forums that Dance in the Dark will be the last single from TFM, it hasn't been confirmed on Lady Gagas site as of yet... just wanted to add that. Cant wait to see a video for this fantastic song.
  15. JamesB


    Young hormonal girls have finally proven they have no taste and will buy anything with attractive men in...Lets face it... what if JLS were ugly... they wouldn't even have a single hit.
  16. ^ If I was you Gemma id report it to the council or maybe the police, you shouldn't tolerate that crap from neighbours. I ring the police immediately if a fight breaks out over here, its pretty rough our little road, haha. Just last week we had someone try to commit suicide by setting fire to his flat, luckily he survived with no major injuries.
  17. JamesB


    Interesting! I hope general park improvements includes ride upkeep and repainting *cough Rapids cough*
  18. Thanks everyone for the kind words, I will keep you posted. I don't blame you Josh for being pee'd off at them, I would too. Its not like their lives are constantly taken up by other things, just a few minutes on the phone can make a difference. Sorry to hear about your Grandad, I hope your Nan feels okay, at least you were there for her, you did the most you could.
  19. Thanks Glad to hear your Nan is well, thanks for your thoughts.
  20. Found out today that my uncle has cancer in his throat But according to the doctors they have found it quite quickly and a operation can sort it out but if it spreads then further treatment is going to be needed... am kinda gutted... so everyone please keep fingers crossed. This is the first time I've ever had cancer in my family.
  21. That doesn't sound good. I'm hoping she will be back up for my visit in July. Edge at Paultons has never had problems like that, has it?
  22. JamesB


    Same here Paul, I've been organising my birthday trip lately and they all want to go to Thorpe Park but I put my foot down and said no, we are doing Chessington. Theres noting wrong with it, theres still Dragons Fury, Vampire and Ramses Revenge to enjoy. Plus I kinda seeing the cute animals too After all its my birthday, shouldn't I be having the fun!
  23. I agree with everything thats been said. I must admit that I have gotten tired of visiting theme parks lately not because I don't enjoy them but just because I don't have that feeling inside you that really makes you want to go. It just seems that parks like Chessington and Thorpe are slowly losing their appeal. Partially its the queues and prices that put me off but also just the general state of the parks and the effort made. We are so in need of some world class attractions. I agree Saw was a step in the right direction but already its gotten rough and the reliability is slipping fast from what I've heard. I cant quite put my finger on it but I'm just quickly going off theme parks, particularly in the UK.I was ready to give Merlin a chance and thought they were doing a good job but looking back on it it seems they are slipping up a bit. The focus shouldn't always be on new rides but also upkeeping the current, classic rides. (For example Vampire, Nemesis, rapids... and all sorts) It was sad to so much of the budget go to waste on Thirteen, surely a lot of the budget could have been spent on upkeep than advertising the ride to be such a big, new thing. It was almost Saw version 2.
  24. JamesB


    The funeral is for her heart. And the puppet strings are supposed to be about men controlling her, its all about her being accepted by her gay friends and her wanting to be around them but they reject her. Thats what all the throwing is about near the end. I think its an amazing video, much more creative and reflective than any other I've seen. Its basically a tribute to Madonna, lets face it, without her, Gaga wouldn't even be this big. I love the cold, hard feeling to this video, it reflects her feeling amazingly... why does she always have to do a big production video, this time it was nice to see something toned down.
  25. Do not leave Crush's to the end, do it first. Apart from that, everyone else has given good advice.
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