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Everything posted by AdamY

  1. I can't wait to see these lights tomorrow!
  2. Hey there Jord, that was a very cool introduction ;)Oh and welcome to Jimmy as well, my name for you shall take on a Spanish twist... I hope you like Jiménez.Think I win Ellie
  3. AdamY


    £80 each I assume? Would a buyer have to take all three, or would you sell one or two?
  4. I agree, I've been following this one for a while elsewhere and it does look very good! I'm looking forward to seeing the finished article.
  5. Well to combat the slight drop-off, turns out I can now come Looking forward to seeing everyone again ;)If the list ever gets updated, please add me to it
  6. AdamY


    Nervous as sh*t right now! Had my second and final A Capella audition today, now I just have to wait for the result
  7. The brake run track and final turn are up, as well as some of the track in the station! - WebcamAlso, a great update has been posted over at TPR with some great shots of the track and supports ect - Link13/10: Track continues to go up at quite a quick pace!
  8. AdamY


    I'll take a bow then!
  9. AdamY


    I also heard many people saying "look, it's not finished" when I went on the ride in June.
  10. Rockit's problems are indeed very serious, and ruled it out of HHN some time ago...
  11. AdamY


    Einaudi's Nightbook, love it.
  12. Track has started to arrive on site!
  13. AdamY


    Daniel, I demand you return to your previous signature!
  14. AdamY


    Ocean Trader Market from the Islands of Adventure soundtrack
  15. That link was very interesting, cheers Ricky!
  16. The pen did it to me as well Weirder still though, during the time it was slowly disappearing there appeared to be more in it if it was one way up, than if I turned it up the other!
  17. AdamY


    Mars - Fake Blood
  18. Erm, when I was at the park last Sunday the scrolling bar at the exit said pre-booking was only nessecery on 28th - 31st.Anyway, I should be able to come... There's some idea being kicked around about going away that weekend but I don't think it'll happen. If it doesn't then I'll be there!
  19. With the Heide Park thing, I've been following it on TPR and the general consensus does seem to be that it's too narrow for a Dive Machine... But that's not the end of it, notice the new brakes in that picture! Could mean a new style of train, and hence narrower track... One to keep an eye on
  20. They certainly weren't on 2 on Saturday at 11 :/ Forgot to mention, due to the stupid length of the regular queues Inferno's fast track queue was back to Rumba
  21. Decent day today, very busy but managed a good ride count with some selective queuing and trickery... Colossus and Inferno were on one train most of the day so had 90 min queues, but then Saw went down and pushed Inferno to 2 hours. Still managed to do pretty much everything though
  22. AdamY

    News Desk

    How does it make it look worse? It's completely unobtrusive.I like the new features! Cheers guys
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