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Everything posted by AdamY

  1. AdamY


    Just got back from week-long CCF camp (I'm an army cadet)! I'm absolutely knackered but it was great fun
  2. When you make lists of merch to buy before you get there...
  3. AdamY


    I must say it did un-nerve me a little the night I watched it, but that's part of the fun It is actually very creepy though - I find films like this far scarier than any Saw / Hostel slasher could ever be.
  4. AdamY


    Paranormal Activity is an amazing film!
  5. It is ribs. My history looks a little weird now!
  6. You're right. This is where I think Saw and Th13teen may prove to be the 'make or break' kinda thing - we can say to Merlin now ok, you have a fairly clean slate. So far new attractions have been better than those from the late Tussauds period, so that's a tick. We say they don't seem to be doing much on upkeep yet but as you say, damage is already done really. The true test will be if Saw and Th13teen are kept in tip top shape, we will see that from now on upkeep will be a priority even if upkeep of older stuff isn't possible. If Saw and Th13teen are left to rot, we'll know for sure they aren't committed. To be honest, for all we complain Saw isn't doing badly at the moment really. The area is still generally clean and tidy, the queue screens and audio still work perfectly, the queue shotguns still work, the station timer still ticks. If you compare this to say, X:\, it's winning already. If by the time Merlin are fully into the swing of the next major development the same can still be said, they'll get a pat on the back from me.
  7. I totally agree with all that's been said. If it weren't for America and Europe, I'd have lost interest in theme parks long ago. We're just not in the same league any more. It honestly makes me sad to say that to have an experience which truly fits the name of theme park, you have to leave the UK.
  8. Hmm, that's odd. I felt almost certain. Thanks guys!
  9. And as a proud member of that minority, I have a question! :unsure:Was "Wonderful World" by Sam Cooke ever used on WWTP? I feel like I remember hearing it but I'm not sure...
  10. AdamY

    This Or That

    A Level, because I'm not doing them right now!Ultimate geek question: DC or Marvel?
  11. The only part of Saw I find even remotely scary is being in the back row on the lift - without stadium seating it's impossible to see where to top of the lift is! That scares me I hate just staring at the sky and wondering when we'll ever go over the top!
  12. AdamY


    I think Telephone was better but 'tis very very cool
  13. AdamY


    Hope it turns out the right move for you Josh! Good luck! :)My park tickets for Universal and WDW arrived today! I can't wait to be back
  14. When you peruse Facebook and Youtube correcting people
  15. Am I the only one who read it as a joke?
  16. I feel for ya Michaela - I have supremely noisy neighbours too. I'm not as badly off as you by the sounds of it - they are a family so don't have the swearing / drugs problem - but they are an absolute curse. They're from Eastern Europe somewhere, and are constantly having shouting matches at each other in their native tongue, at the most inappropriate times. They have before now started about 4pm and carried on well into the small hours. It's a nightmare! Plus they have a dog who loves ice cream. Not so bad, I hear you cry, but no - this particular dog loves ice cream so much that he howls and howls and howls every time the ice cream van comes past. Which is every day because there's a school down the road They also must be deaf I think - you have never heard a TV this loud in your life. We can hear what they are watching from every room of our house (which in these terms isn't a small house), and if we should be watching TV ourselves in the room with the adjoining wall - we can literally hear every line the presenter / actor in their show speaks.People are so inconsiderate!!! Thankfully the girl is starting a new school in September so they're moving in the summer
  17. AdamY

    Your Thorpe Park

    It was marijuana, not weed!
  18. I agree, it's almost unimaginable. Stuff of nightmares. Just think though, on the news they said America has 90 guns per 100 people!? That's crazy. I can't see any possible reason why people should be allowed to posses firearms. I'm against shooting & hunting animals so I can't see a reason to have them on that front, but surely anyone can work out, no matter the restrictions on the licence or whatever, if people are allowed guns things like this will happen occasionally.Bad stuff.
  19. I do know of you from SouthParks! Hai
  20. AdamY


    I love Crush And Witchcraft... And The Island pt 1&2... Ah I just love the whole album
  21. Very early stages, my latest project!Link - Shyguy's World
  22. Could go up to The O2 tomorrow and get a ticket yourself... Then she wouldn't know! :)I'm getting mine tomorrow
  23. I forgot about Wishes! Ah, sitting outside Casey's Corney with a hotdog in the cool evening breeze, the music, Tinkerbell... I can't wait to be back :)I remember that episode of The Season Pass with Touring Plans on, those guys do an amazing job.
  24. AdamY


    That's a relief. All I remember really is that last time I went on it there was a hailstorm going on. Going through the fly-to-lie and getting smashed in the face with hailstones was... Interesting
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