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Everything posted by AdamY

  1. Unfortunately I missed Fantasmic so that's on the list for this year. Indiana Jones was great as ever, and I loved Mickey's Dream Come True Parade But yeah, I love all the little street shows too. Cameraman lost on Hollywood Blvd was brilliant at Hollywood Studios I can't wait to see the Durmstrang stunt performances and the Beauxbatons dancers at WWHP!I also just watched a POV of Hulk, and it brought back memories of the only snappy transition I can remember on any B&M - the transition into the bank on that upper left turn. Ouch. Don't know why it hurt so seeing as I felt we were going so slowly, but I remember it did.I also loved ROTM! Very cool and quite different in terms of queue and outside setting to the one in Hollywood, which I did the year before in 2008!
  2. I forgot JPRA! I think that's my second :PDidn't you find though with Hulk, it flies through the first half of the layout, loads of cool elements, then after the MCBR it just sort of flopped?
  3. AdamY


    Ah right cool! I can't wait to get back on Air again Will be interesting after going on Manta last summer!
  4. AdamY


    Gah! I'm going for the first time in about 6 years on Friday! If Air is down I will actually cry! How do you mean had an issue "all weekend", but then say "it wasn't too long"?
  5. For me best coaster is a tie between EE and Manta. Kraken was also pretty damn fun, but Hulk for me isn't really in the race. The first half is quite good - the launch, Zero-G, cobra roll and loop are a great start - but after the MCBR it just fizzles out which is a shame.Water ride has to be Splash Mountain I think. It just has a bit of everything really! Kali River Rapids close second.Flat / Thrill is Tower of Terror absolutely without contest. Can't be beaten.Dark ride has to go to Spiderman currently, although I'm expecting Forbidden Journey to overtake it as of July. Current second is Dinosaur.Oh, and... GET OUT!
  6. AdamY

    This Or That

    Navy :)Fish and chips or bangers and mash?
  7. *Runs and hides in cave* I'll watch Spiderman POVs to pass the time...
  8. I agree Mikey! Aah I can't wait! Oh and if you put anything about FJ kindly say "Spoilers!" first When I saw Attractions post on Twitter that they'd posted a POV I was just like "Aaah!" *Drops iPod and runs*
  9. Also remember the Uni Creative don't have limitless funds... It's reckoned all in the WWoHP cost around $250,000,000 - but cuts are known to have been made in certain areas. I can't even imagine what more they were planning to put in which didn't end up in place, apart from possibly the MagiQuest thing in Hogsmede.
  10. Glad I didn't come! Although maybe as an objective onlooker I can offer some insight...I reckon with the new members thing, it's probably 6 of one half a dozen of the other really. On my first meet in March I made a huge effort to mingle and talk to people. Ok, I already knew one person but that was it. When I talked to people, I must say I didn't have the problems some are complaining about of being pushed aside or anything. People like Andrew, Mark, Holly, Sam, list goes on... I found everyone to be perfectly nice. Obviously I don't know because I wasn't there, but if you were just sitting on the rocks feeling a bit sorry for yourself surely you can't have been making that much of an effort? You can't expect to break into a group by sitting and waiting for people to grab you and start talking.On the rides issue, I think it's possible to do group rides. I remember having 16 on Rumba in March! I don't think it's practical to decide in advance, things like queue times ect would make it impossible. What could work would be to agree that we'll do x number of rides as a group, and then decide on the day what to do. At the same time you can't chain people to each other if they'd rather go elsewhere. I'm sure it's possible to strike a balance.Just my 2 cents.
  11. AdamY


    Well. After a wait which seemed like centuries since I got tickets, I saw Lady Gaga last night!! :P She was soo stunning. Absolutely amazing! She had about 12 different costume changes, amazing huge sets, there was even a story to the whole show!Best gig / show / anything that I have ever seen!
  12. Looks amazing - at least what I'm allowing myself a peek at! Not watching the queue vids or POV of FJ I've been following it on Orlando United every day for the past 2 months, the excitement and tension has been crazy! I'm walking through the gate exactly 2 months from today!!
  13. AdamY


    Immersion is brilliant!Pendulum are back on top form
  14. Yes Marc, because cable snaps and derailments are teh lolz tbh. While I can see that given the parameters set out for the attraction a Eurofighter made the most sense as a transit system to achieve those aims, I agree with you Mark that something better really could and should have been done. Given all the myriad ride systems out there - both new and old - that Thorpe could have built within the same budget, with the same throughput, it just doesn't make much sense. This is a case where maybe as I was talking about just now, the brief should have been changed in view of difficulty of fulfilling the original one to a decent standard.
  15. I agree with the speed in the inlines - by the end of last season the train absolutely crawled through them, but now you really fly through quite fast! Reduces risk of phone / iPod / wallet leaving pockets too
  16. I agree with both point there - on Tuesday the pendulum and spike strobe were out of action and the crossbows were out of time, to the extent that they started firing as the car left the end of the brake run and could be heard behind you. Also, I found it very bumpy on both my rides, but I stick by my opinion that the left is worse than the right - I did both outside seats on Tuesday and found the left to be more painful in both the areas I find to be painful - the bottom of the main drop and the dive loop trench to final turn transition.
  17. AdamY


    Anyone on here use Twitter? I just made an account so, yah
  18. Ok, epic self-pity rant here, now that previews have started I have to avoid Wizarding World of Harry Potter spoilers until July 31st!! This is soo unfair!
  19. Stealth did go down for 10 mins while I was on the platform actually, but the problem was soon resolved. The only other tech problem I saw today was Vortex for a little while.
  20. I was with Dan but stayed a little longer, overall count for the day was a solid 30!Stealth x6Nemesis Inferno x5Colossus x2Saw x2X x1Rush x4Vortex x1Loggers x2Rumba x3Detty x1Samurai x2Rocky x1Excellent day
  21. Yes Should be nice and empty - it's become a bit of an annual event for my school
  22. AdamY


    For a change I decided to be selfless rather than selfish, and I entered this competition in the hopes of winning tickets for Mrs Mum who really wants to go! I'd be really, really grateful if you'd follow the link and vote for my entry, thanks guys n' gals.http://www.fanshake.com/contests/Carmen/submissions/6767/
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