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Everything posted by AdamY

  1. When you drive off a cliff and yell "Woooo!!"
  2. I'll be on park Tuesday with TP Daniel and MonsterDan... Anyone else about?
  3. AdamY

    Video Games.

    Picked up my copy of the original Gold a few days ago - nearly at Indigo Plateau! My team is Red Gyrados, Sudowoodo, Typhlosion, Krabby, Sandshrew & Geodude
  4. Yes, custom scenery. Once you start using CS and CTRs (Custom Tracked Rides) you'll never look back. It honestly turns in into a completely different game. The possibilities are quite literally endless! Oh, and join the community at Shyguy's World so you keep up to date with the latest releases and can see other people's work to inspire your own. At first you'll be blown away and think, "I could never do that!" but you'll realise like I did that all you need is practice and patience.Oh, and I have started planning my new project! Just a warning, I did 6 month's work on my last one before I even began posting updates
  5. Looks very nice, considering you use no CS! I'm considering starting something in RCT3 again... Watch this space for a potential new project from me!
  6. No, one was definitely quoted on the news as extending polling hours by 30 mins.
  7. I think the thing everyone is getting annoyed about is the inconsistency - some places with these huge queues brought everyone in and let them vote because they were inside before 10, some extended polling hours and some just got turned away. There should really be some consistency on how these things are dealt with. Of course the Electoral Commission are saying the law is clear, but I think it is their responsibility to ensure that Returning Officers are familiar with the law so that they know what to do.Either way it is unfair and pretty disgraceful, considering we march into god knows where trying to help the democratic process. We should learn to get it right ourselves.
  8. Well, the first constituency has returned! It'll be a long night :)And on the war discussion, I agree with Marc that it would be an insult to the memory of those who have lost their lives, to give up now and give them the satisfaction of beating us. We can't do that.
  9. AdamY


    ^ Like!!!In related news to Daniel's, I have my Universal tickets for the summer! WWHP time Now all I have to do is avoid spoilers and FJ POV videos until July 31...
  10. Hmm... But I send them as pictures? They're jpeg, should be fine? Did you remember to save them? :P

  11. Aha - I did a similar topic fairly recently!From the top of my head, I'd go something like...Where you went and did - Para mi [work experience], fue a... [where you went]What you did and didn't like about it - Me gusta porque... No me gusta porque...What you want to do - Quiero trabajar a / quiero trabajar por... [where you want to work] porque la trabaja es... I'll have a fish around at school tomorrow and report back tomorrow evening
  12. Shhhh Yes Slightly... What do you need, exactly?
  13. Totally feel for ya Josh. I tell you though - you're doing things exactly right. I've had similar experiences with, ironically, a french teacher as well. The thing to do when you have serious issues with a teacher is just to remember the correct route to take. If you flip out or anything they won't take you seriously - in our case my form just asked to speak to our forum tutor, registered our problems in a mature and sensible fashion, and then they will listen to you. They have to.Keep calm and it'll be ok. Good luck
  14. This has been bugging me for ages... What is the coaster in your avatar!? I reckon Montu but I'm not sure!

  15. AdamY


    Dr Who sucks.*Hides*Well, it used to be cool with David Tennant. Now it sucks.
  16. As I said in the other thread, I won't be able to come *Cry*
  17. Never noticed that before! Nice spot!
  18. I love Pizza Hut as it happens, and I hope it stays. However, it doesn't beat Calypso BBQ for me
  19. AdamY


    Feeling quite sad at the moment... Last night was my school's spring concert. It was brilliant and great fun to perform in, but it's always a bit depressing because it's the last time we're all together before year 13 leave... The whole music department are so close and we're all friends, across every year group boundary everyone gets on so well. So last night, I performed with some of my closest ever friends for the last time. They'll be missed badly. Quite a depressing thought.
  20. I'm listening right now - well done on an excellent job, Nick!
  21. Just wondered... Does anyone have any massive collection of Canada Creek music like that posted of all the WWTP music?
  22. I'm straight but I have no problem at all with gay people :)As for the 'gay as an adjective' thing, my citizenship teacher said something quite good: "You wouldn't go up to someone and say, 'your shoes are so Muslim!' would you!"Made us all laugh :DDisclaimer: Not intended in a racist way, ect ect...
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