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Everything posted by Benin

  1. I've had that precise situation with Kobra before with Fastrackers/Disabled, and I complained about it on the day... It's not great at all... Chessie's operations have fallen off a cliff and sunk into that massive gorge in the ocean...
  2. Who really cares if Dragons Playhouse is closed?
  3. It reaches a top speed of 30 odd mph... Yep, 30... So it's not going to be an amazing huge world beating coaster, but with Dollywood's pechant for quality theming and interesting layouts, this is going to be a fab little coaster for the families... A shame the adventure course thing got spited though...
  4. Oh, well there goes the odds of the event being any good then
  5. Let's be honest, Blair Witch is begging to use the CCR rail-line...
  6. 25 minutes for Fury Fastrack? You say the queue hit 2 hours... That is not a valid complaint... Fastrack does not grant instant access to the ride, it shortens the individual's queue-time in comparison to the main queue... Everything else sounds about right though... 45 seconds for Vampire was for 2 trains mind, 30 for 3 trains... Not surprised in the slightest the staff wouldn't believe it could be done...
  7. A Blair Witch and Cabin ones done right could be amazing and more than likely the best mazes there... More surprising to me that Lionsgate own that many franchises...
  8. Raptor doesn't have a dull ending, final inline into the brakes without the silly helix after them... Granted it has a turn dive into the final final brakes, but it's not as bad as the usual 180 degree plus helix the rest have... Clearly the best Wing-Rider as a result... EDIT - Another pic...
  9. A few parks already do Fastrack via phone sales... Flamingoland springs to mind over in the UK who at least did it a while back... The survey regarding this also asks how much you'd be willing to pay for the service, so it really does look like a replacement for Fastrack's current guise, because if it were to be used as a full on queue replacement, I wouldn't expect to be paying for it... Unless it's aiming for a tiered service...
  10. You mean the front row queue which didn't particularly work well either?
  11. Benin


    Same as last year then... Silly Slammer...
  12. Yeah... Typically, the theme of this would SUIT black/grey, instead we've got the same colour scheme as half the coasters already in the park... Merlin logic <3
  13. It's the problem with having old infrastructure not designed for the modern crowds... Expand the bridge, refurb the entrance and dome, make it look less messy with hoardes of metal barriers... Simple things, but will make it look a lot more nicer... As for the Thorpe getting stick, they got the stick they deserved with their awful operations and general atmosphere in the past... This year that's changing... Shows the difference a knowledgable marketing team can make to a park...
  14. ^That's a strange one, usually the back row queue is packed out, and due to poor batching is completely empty in the station... Messy queue is messy...
  15. Benin

    The Smiler

    First major reported breakdown in a while hasn't it been? Unless someone's still been updating the Wiki with EVERY... SINGLE... BREAKDOWN...
  16. Just because a film has an 18 certificate does not make it scarier than other films... The rating comes from usually swearing (hence why most 'action' 12A films have no blood and only specific levels of certain words) or gore/violence... Besides, gory stuff is less scary than atmospheric stuff...
  17. All of them pale in comparison to the fact they're doing American Werewolf in London... That'll be the best IP maze <3
  18. All this talk of IPs is making me feel like we're an Universal Parks fansite... Especially as they're doing Cabin, Insidious and Evil Dead this year... Weird to see it happening here, just thinking of how much the Saw licence cost... Wonder how much it would be for a temp attraction...
  19. Viral marketing is what gets you the hits... Thorpe's marketing team seem to be well on top of it now...
  20. Benin

    The Smiler

    Not sure what this is, some form of competition I would hope... But it doesn't sound good...
  21. And you get to go on the ride in September...
  22. No one enjoys queuing for anything, but it's something that does happen unfortunately... However, I think a major issues are queues that are just boring with nothing to look at going insanely slowly are issues that are easier to tackle... Inferno's queue as an example is boring, but fast; Colossus' is interesting and slow; Saw's is just terrible at both factors I'm looking at... Swarm (hidden cattlepen aside) is a good example of a fast moving queue with things to look at Thorpe... The "Queuing spoilt my day" KPI isn't to me, just about long queues reducing the ability to ride everything, but more about the experience available in a queue... If queues were more interesting, I might be more liable to queue for rides that I don't usually want to queue long for rather than just thinking forget it and riding Rocky Express again... If the amount of options of other things to do increases dramatically, then this might be of some extreme use, but then it also actually adds problems on (as proven when the system crashed) to something that was pretty much basic and unbreakable (aside from Fastrack over-selling)...
  23. That's actually a cool layout tbh... Quite hyped...
  24. Not that I've been reading much up on it to be quite honest, but I was referring to their interactive queue systems seen on Dumbo, Haunted Mansion, Little Mermaid and soon to be on Big Thunder Mountain... Ways that make you queue but at the same time keeping your interest piqued (or in the case of Dumbo, letting the kids run around a play area for ages)... Isn't Fastpass+ meant to be uber expensive (like Platinum style Fastrack here?), I need to actually fully read up on it as I have no real idea as to what the system is planning on entailing in full because, well, I just haven't given a damn about it... Although planning your rides months in advance is slightly better than on the day as more time to research and what-not... I still think such limitations to guest choice as to their day out can be slightly detrimental to experience... Problem is with a lot of parks these days (Disney included) is that it's all a lot more focused on the income side of thing at the expense of guest experience...
  25. There is of course still the issue of really limiting guests to what they actually are able to ride at specific times, which is more of an issue unless there is a massive change in stuff to do aside from actually riding or queuing like it is now... On a personal level, that's my main thing... I don't want to have to be that selective of what rides I can do at certain times of the day, it does result in an excessive level of planning that could easily result in confused and annoyed guests... There are ways of making queuing 'fun', although for promoting the whole "guests spend more out of queues" in the Disney style model this works best without removing Fastrack in it's current guise... Of course, in general, queues do move faster without Fastrack...
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