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  1. Like
    Coaster got a reaction from MattyMoo in Closed Season   
    I went to Thorpe today to renew Merlin Passes.
    The entrance is in exactly the same state as it was in November, so it looks like we won't be seeing an updated entrance this year. Aside from that, nothing out of the ordinary to comment on (although the staff in the annual pass building did have angry birds mousemats!)
  2. Like
    Coaster got a reaction from Inferno in SAW: The Ride   
    I agree with this, it should be indoors as it would create a much better atmosphere!
    To be honest though the standard of UK queuelines is poor, the best is probably Raptor Attack at Lightwater.
  3. Like
    Coaster got a reaction from StealthRider in Closed Season   
    I went to Thorpe today to renew Merlin Passes.
    The entrance is in exactly the same state as it was in November, so it looks like we won't be seeing an updated entrance this year. Aside from that, nothing out of the ordinary to comment on (although the staff in the annual pass building did have angry birds mousemats!)
  4. Like
    Coaster got a reaction from FrightNights04 in SAW: The Ride   
    I agree with this, it should be indoors as it would create a much better atmosphere!
    To be honest though the standard of UK queuelines is poor, the best is probably Raptor Attack at Lightwater.
  5. Like
    Coaster reacted to MattyMoo in Scorpion Express   
    Said this myself a few pages back - I still hope to be pleasantly surprised but I reckon it won't be back until the Summer. If we're lucky.
  6. Like
    Coaster got a reaction from MattyMoo in Scorpion Express   
    I'm not at all happy about this.
    Chessington really has gone down the pan in my opinion. Runaway Train used to be good because, although the ride hardware isn't that good, the rocks really made it special.
    Merlin coming in, ripping it down then not replacing it is ruining Chessington in my opinion. They pride themselves in being a themed experience - in 5 years there won't be any theming left if they continue this way!
    I'm sure they could more than afford to re-build the rockwork - look at how BPB restored the facade on Valhalla.
    If Rameses Revenge isn't back this year then I don't think I'll bother visiting.
  7. Like
    Coaster got a reaction from dragon2000 in Drayton Manor   
    A second train for G-Force would be nice!
  8. Like
    Coaster got a reaction from FrightNights04 in Fright Nights 2013   
    Just seen this post.
    To be honest, the amount of work Thorpe did on The Asylum last year (repainting all the corridors, new walls, new lighting in the final corridor, a new scene at the end and new scenes in the main "show room") says that they weren't planning to remove it IMO.
    They did a lot more work on it last year than they usually do.
  9. Like
    Coaster reacted to stretchy in Calling all adrenalin Junkies   
    OK peops. The time is here to formally unveil

    Our mission statement says it all really - I want to help YOU to go out and do something less boring than what your doing now, whether that is with novel ideas or part of group trips where we can all try something new and thrilling together, and having a laugh whilst doing so.
    So the forum is there, nice and void of too many posts. A really basic web site is also there. This will also grow over time, currently it is designed as purely a front portal to the forum but if anyone has any ideas, please add them to the forum. So what now? Well that is basically up to you guys. I have built, with help from Joss and Ethan the groundwork. You now control what we do, what you want to do and when.
    So this is my formal invite to each one of you out there to come and join in. If anyone has any sign up issues please feel free to PM me here. I am sure that there will be one or two evil buggettes so if you spot any, there is a topic just for that purpose.
    Once again Thanks to Marc and the rest of the TPM team for allowing me to post this.
    I look forward to all the adventures we will undertake together at
  10. Like
    Coaster reacted to TraX in Scorpion Express   
    Had an assement interview the other day at Chessington, and I can confirm that NOTHING major has changed on RMT!
    The flat (yes totally flat) queueline roof (that seems to situated in the pathway beside the childrens zoo, and leads into the old underground tunnel section of the old queue/inbetween the second helex) is slowly going up..
    Bland B&Q style decking on the load platform is in and the building that was once hidden by the rocks has been painted a smoky red colour.
    The surrounding flats arent installed, and the whole thing looks exactly the same and open as it did most of last season. I know, I know that it's not finished, but it's not looking good!
    Other interesting discoveries was that no vertical signs of the new hotel and hearing that NOTHING is changing on falls. That too will be the same bare mess. So much for re-delelopment. :lol:
  11. Like
    Coaster reacted to Merry-go-girl in Scorpion Express   
    I don't think the current negative attitude towards Merlin is due to us having unreasonably high new attraction expectation. It's due to all the downgrading that's been going on. We're seeing themeing getting taken down and either minimally replaced or not replaced at all. Throughputs for ride's are getting slower and slower. Too many attractions closed in a single season and yet tickets prices are raised.
    Towards the end of this year there was less to do, the peak time throughput of rides was painful and they respond by making the hotel bigger? It's a size 11 in the face to the customers really.
  12. Like
    Coaster reacted to Matt 236 in Scorpion Express   
    Maybe it's me, but am I the only one who thinks we may not see Runaway Train Aka Scorpion Express reopen at the park til June, even if it is still rockless as they really are taking their time on this retheme considering they had all of the 2013 season to fix this.
    Chessington really have become lazy, dull and unimaginative recently, except for Wild Asia.
  13. Like
    Coaster got a reaction from Cal in 2014 Season   
    The preview dates have now been taken off the website.
    Not sure why.
  14. Like
    Coaster got a reaction from Merry-go-girl in Scorpion Express   
    I'm not at all happy about this.
    Chessington really has gone down the pan in my opinion. Runaway Train used to be good because, although the ride hardware isn't that good, the rocks really made it special.
    Merlin coming in, ripping it down then not replacing it is ruining Chessington in my opinion. They pride themselves in being a themed experience - in 5 years there won't be any theming left if they continue this way!
    I'm sure they could more than afford to re-build the rockwork - look at how BPB restored the facade on Valhalla.
    If Rameses Revenge isn't back this year then I don't think I'll bother visiting.
  15. Like
    Coaster got a reaction from Inferno in 2014 Season   
    The preview dates have now been taken off the website.
    Not sure why.
  16. Like
    Coaster got a reaction from FrightNights04 in 2014 Season   
    The preview dates have now been taken off the website.
    Not sure why.
  17. Like
    Coaster got a reaction from FrightNights04 in Angry Birds Land   
    We are essentially getting two undercover attractions here, which is great as that is what Thorpe was lacking.
    The only thing I don't like about this investment is messing about with Detonator (and the location in general, splitting Amity Cove in half), aside from that it should be good for families. "Piggy egg bash" though? Really!
    Of course that opinion will change if it messes up Amity Cove in general!
  18. Like
    Coaster got a reaction from Mer in I Remember When...   
    I remember "Switching to Manual Control..."
    (Who else knows what I'm talking about? )
  19. Like
    Coaster reacted to OldFarmerDean in 2014 Season   
    cheers, I mean I guessed that as that's what they done last year - but surely to the general public this would look as if they were closed? :/
    great to see thorpe working on their great opening times from last year, for even better ones... thorpe are really setting an example for alton towers here.
  20. Like
    Coaster reacted to FrightNights04 in 2014 Season   
    Isnt it weird that normal fright nights is the 4th and 5th, but the preview days are 8th 9th 10th?
  21. Like
    Coaster reacted to AJ in Maniacs Brave The Bloody Valentine Tour - 19/10/13   
    Double, Double, Toil and Trouble, the next trip report has come, which will make your blood bubble. But what tales will unfold as some of you grow stubble, well come on sit down before you get a nubble
    Camera, Set, Action! For the TPM Crew: Pumpkin Man, Peaj, TNJonny, StevenVig, James & Co, Ryan, Mr. Fish, Han30, J.S217 & ScaryCoasterBoy

    Plus this will be the last Official Meet before this gem gets taken into the movie land of the Angry Birds

    The Queue Line's await and due to the horror of the popularity of the event it's something our devil's will need to get used to today

    So to start off with they all spring into action by rushing to rush!

    On standby for when the victims get off. The two newest Ministry of Joy's recruits Cornflakes & Mer, get ready to Marmalize anyone who dares cross them

    But the biggest question remains Who is that pumpkin guy standing next to James & Co.

    Styles in a bid to find out, uses the internet on his phone in search for the answer whilst Cornflakes remains in deep thought

    Watch out it's the pumpkin guy again! Take cover Oh....actually forget what I said, It's only Han30 sporting her new clothing line.

    As it's still quite early in the morning, StevenVig is too tired to work out this mystery, so has a snooze in Logger's Leap whilst he waits for the others

    More members of the TPM Crew arrive led by a very eager Liam_T You'll also find EC!, Luke_A, Ricky & Marc

    They seem to take so long to be released but Part 1 of 5 always seems to end so quickly. However, who is the identity of Pumpkin Man? Who is Liam_T Scared of? Who will be greeting you back for Part 2? I must get going as my cauldron is boiling and the last thing we need is my potions mucking up the adventure!
  22. Like
    Coaster got a reaction from Matt 236 in The Legoland Topic   
    Why can't we have something like that at our Legoland? I might actually visit once in a while then!
  23. Like
    Coaster got a reaction from OldFarmerDean in The Legoland Topic   
    Why can't we have something like that at our Legoland? I might actually visit once in a while then!
  24. Like
    Coaster reacted to Benin in Heide Park   
    Testing video ahoy!

    Looks good, and if the music playing is the ride's theme? Offfft...
  25. Like
    Coaster reacted to Doc in Scorpion Express   
    I find it disappointing that a company as big and financially funded as Merlin lack that little ambition to really go all out on a new attraction.
    I know Chessington isn't the easiest landscape to work with due to height restrictions etc but in the case of refreshing an old attraction, I don't see why the rocks can't return. If Pleasure Beach can take the time to replace the giant Valhalla facade, Merlin sure as hell can do the same with RMT.
    Maybe I am jumping to conclusions, but from what I hear, I am not expecting much.
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