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Everything posted by Dan

  1. That's great I love the smoke great to watch from queue line and makes the whole feel of stealth even more exciting
  2. To me to you legendary program
  3. Favortism there's nothing worse .
  4. Dan


    All I can say is "down Boy down "
  5. Dan


    Great taste I love that song it's great one my gf loves more lol
  6. Dan


    great song from UKF there awesome .
  7. Thorpe park is happy to open the ride called bumper boats
  8. Yeah it can be a bit same same sometimes but still love the xbox
  9. Omg ! Get out side mate and enjoy the sunshine
  10. Queues are not to bad when you take your nintendo DS and play mario
  11. I really just don't think that Thorpe is bigger enough for a night club , and the atmosphere wouldn't be the same and the speaker setup at Thorpe wouldnt take the abuse of club music either . I could see this being quite funny and be more like a Childs party with the music style rather than dance music because thorpe sometimes play some unusual music .I would totally agree that I also think that people would drink before going and cause fights there too. Would the security be there to check people too like usual clubs It's a nice idea to jazz up. Thorpe a bit but don't thinkWill work out that great .
  12. Dan


    I knew you would you will make great teacher !!!
  13. I've always found thorpe park really busy most of the season , The staff on the ticket booths are working flatout and as fast as they can . I renewed my annual pass last month and my friends collected there new ones and we got all done in about 10 minutes which I was amazed .The earlier you get there the better , you don't expect ever to turn up 10 minutes before opening and expect to get your pass and go straight in before opening to time with the queues .
  14. Dan

    Logger's Leap

    Looks like the tunnel has more light in it and seemed to be speeded up a bit .
  15. Well I believe you Lauren ! It's horrid when happens ;)Josh stop trying to cause arguments
  16. Dan


    Aaaah nice gorgeous little babby kitten it's nice your giving it a nice new home mer I hope she's not going to be to much of a little devil . But I know you will train her well I wish you all the best ! ( I want one now ! )
  17. Dan

    Logger's Leap

    I went Monday and was a really nice ride on loggers I love it ! I went on 5 times in the day and gets better and better every time and the staff were really friendly and bought two photos too . The change if design in tunnel looks good too and I'm sure I got wetter this time too
  18. That's expensive I agree on the coke but have you seen the chocolate bars in the machines 85p each And £2.30 for a bag of sweets that are usally £1 .
  19. Seen a dead seagull in the safety net on stealth on Monday messy site feathers every where I bet that would kill someone you were sitting front row
  20. I went on storm surge yesterday and the water was still in boats . And I was first to go on ride too at opening time an water was brown in colour so been there from previous day . I was shocked they could at least have cleaned the boats out for the guests it only takes a few minutes
  21. Welcome I hope you enjoy your stay
  22. Dan


    I can't get this song out of my head
  23. The train tickets sound very reasonable I think I'm going to do the same option when I go next but won't be lucky Like you Jake I'm passed the 15 yr border lol , but with the train at least I dint have to drive 4hrs each way Thanks for info sheepie !!
  24. Me and 4 of my mates will be there if you want meet up to say hiii I agree I'm hopping to be a non busy day , but never works out like that for me
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