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Posts posted by alexander

  1. therefore won't we be exposed to The World's Second Derren Brown Created Ride within the next 10 years? [emoji23]

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    It sounds ridiculous, but I can just see them doing it. Reminds me when they advertised Smiler as the 'Worlds First 14 Looping Roller Coaster' because it won't ever lose that title but it always will be, obviously they'll be coasters with more inversions but they can keep those tag lines because of how its phrased. I'm hoping it's not like that though, but didn't they advertise I'm A Celeb as a World's First too?

  2. I understand what you mean, but I genuinely believe that the "world's first" label will be in relation with the rides mechanisms. As we know, this is supposed to be a "psychological ride" which couldn't be classed as a world's first whatsoever because The Smiler and Thirteen have branded their rides as psychological experiences as well, hence me believing the ride itself will be the "world's first" rather than the theme.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    Or it'll be something like 'The Worlds First Derren Brown Created Ride'

  3. Honestly my biggest concern with the ride (well concern isn't really the right word) is how Derren Brown will feature, I mean I like his shows and I'm sure he has some great ideas but I can't really imagine what a ride designed by him would be like.


    That's not a bad thing neccessarily though, I imagine it'll essentially be a unique ip with just his creative input which could lead to some interesting things, bringing someone in who isn't just focused on creating the next big ride with the most inversions, steepest drops or whatever, but more of a unique experience that'll focus on the mind could lead to something pretty cool.


    My only worry is that'll he'll somehow feature all over the ride for the celebrity factor instead of just being a creative force, not that I have anything against him but if the ride is just him saying mysterious things over some speakers while a few trippy visuals play out I'm not sure about that.


    Though I guess this is still all speculation anyway at the moment.

    Pretty much my thoughts

  4. Hey guys, first post!


    Derren Brown just tweeted this


    Hate to tease, but I've been working for 3 years on something new & different, not TV or stage; a world first. Bit excited. More very soon.

    Looks like it's more and more likely to be this. I don't mind him being involved, but I would like it to be an 'original idea/ride' of Thorpe's. I guess by having him as the IP it means there's a lot more manoeuvre as there is not already a story to base it around. So this could be a win win situation!

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