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Everything posted by Valentez

  1. Just to backup Marc's about the boat link it's illustrated here: http://www.totalthor...tdpoverview.jpg (Credit to Total Thorpe Park)Dependant upon how busy the service would be I should imagine they would use something like this :-Is the viking longboat still knocking around?
  2. Yesterday was a bit of a hectic day being the first day at work so I haven't had a chance to comb through the new pictures and throw my two cents at it so to speak.In it's present state yes the island looks rather exposed and theming looks sparse but theres a number of units yet to be installed and the small matter of all the area fencing to be taken care of which should 'bulk' up the general island space, the angle of the camera doesn't help either.I'm sure the roof situation was brought up a few weeks ago? I'm pretty disappointed that the station is likely to be exposed to the elements. The main factor being that dark echoey cold feel that churches give off as you walk inside. I personally don't want bright sunlight beaming down on me considering the context of the attraction nor do I want to be rained upon if I'm stood in a queue for an hour and it's pouring down, it would be nice to be dry even if it's only for 5mins or so....Also an enclosed building would retain the bass from any soundtracks or station announcements really well with that huge roof structure, I'm pretty sure lighting would look awesome along those trestles.My own personal gripes aside, I think the decor on the whole looks fantastic and I'm very impressed with every update that passes.
  3. They were uploaded using TPM's file attachment system, sorry to anyone unable to view the article.I have now uploaded the images to Facebook and made the album public https://www.facebook...94897802&type=1
  4. My pleasure :DTry right clicking the image and loading it in a new tab, should work fine if you are having problems.....
  5. As promised I've finally put the scans up. Originally I was just going to cut sections out but the article provided such an interesting read, sorry about the image quality folks!Credit to "First Drop" magazine, Margaret Drinkwater and Chris Chedzey.Happy Reading https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10150538873837803.431036.694897802&type=1EDIT: Tidied Up
  6. It was Alton Towers indeed :PLoving the new batch of pictures, might just be me but I couldn't really grasp the size of the fuselage from the Lobster pots position...it's huge!Makes me wonder what we have in store as far as the helicopters concerned.
  7. Sorry If this post seems a little random but originally it was just a reply in construction updates, I've got a little carried away I've been following the project very rigorously and not seen this mentioned anywhere? Do you have a link?Considering the amount of money spent and the fantastic elements of theming we've seen so far I'd be very surprised (shocked) to see the same train design used. LEDS or not the train on the poster was one of the things I'm most excited about. It might just be me but it has an "Aliens" feel about it....could be interesting for any station sound effects On a separate note, I would love to see a series of "build up" queue line videos so to speak. Could be like news reports such as in "Apocalypse" below....just an idea.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C-S_Faqscug
  8. (taken from developer diary) :wub:EDIT: http://go-merlin.co.uk/theswarm/ Thanks to Go Merlin, heres a time lapse of construction.....
  9. Marc and Mer On their way to lost property to find her arms....PS. I spy a floater!
  10. A lorry carrying Marmite has overturned on the M1 it is on the yeast-bound carriageway

  11. Wow...... I've let that "I am Lez Cougan" one slide but this is just awful, it's like stock footage filmed for Blue Peter with a potato. Can we not just have more of those excellent big bass videos like before?A few choice track shots here and there, maybe cut in some dialogue from those original Les Coogan 01/08/11 videos. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lumLLKf3iUs
  12. "And next up is Valentez, who is a profiterole chef from Lincolnshire"

  13. I too have gone with indifferent, I really couldn't tell until I've ridden the thing. I think both sides will have their moments at various points along the course and without going off topic, I wonder how the front will differ to the back going on the same basis as left and right?
  14. Looks like there's a little shifting about to do looking at the plans but great to see it all starting to come together, for some reason it's the helicopter section I'm looking forward to seeing most
  15. I love how the sky behind acts as the perfect backdrop for the ride
  16. Valentez


    love this track....and Friendly Fires for that matter
  17. It would be nice to give a little background to the attraction as a build up, maybe doing something with the Les Coogan videos. I would also agree about some quality off-ride footage, just looking at some images over the last week or so theres some great vantage points.
  18. http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/3902633/RIP-JIMMY-SAVILE.html
  19. ^^ Disney superfan, Straight talking and hates Skype
  20. Argh! I've spent the past few days driving the works van with some delicate cargo tied down in the back. Why do people feel the need tailgate? What do you hope to achieve from this? and anyway there were plenty of oppertunities to overtake safely but no they stay right where they are.......one of these days I may need to brake sharply, maybe then you'll learn Mr BMW driver
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