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Matt 236

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Everything posted by Matt 236

  1. Here's my hopeful 2014 list Definitely Thorpe Park Chessington Alton Towers Legoland Hopefully Oakwood Blackpool Paultons Adventure Island Extra Disney Land or Port Aventura
  2. In terms of 2014 investments, I'm really looking forward to the new Harry Potter World plans for the new Diagon Alley area with also the Gringotts Coaster and Hogwarts Express ride. I doubt I'll be going there for a while but from what I've seen it looks brilliant. Seven Dwarfs Mine Train is a interesting one. For a small coaster, the theming being implied looks excellent and if this experience is impressive like Cars land, this could be a big hit for the park. Banshee could go two ways, especially with those Wingrider restraints, it could either be an impressive thrilling ride, or another typical American B&M with little to no theming or experience involved. Fire Chaser express, looks a great fun family coaster and will hopefully fill the gap of a family coaster at the park following the mystery mine and eagle wing rider coasters they've built for thrill seekers in recent years. Must say, Goliath doesn't impress me, the layout is strange, the supports look out of place and the whole coaster just seems to be made for the gimmicks. Heide Park's Wingrider is what I'm most looking forward to next year. It looks a big and impressive coaster with great interactions of the surrounding area plus also the theming and other elements being added to the ride. Arthur the ride at Europa looks another great coaster for the park and though perhaps not quite as impressive as Blue Fire and Wodan, still looks a very exciting coaster and addition to the park.
  3. TBH unless something terrible happens, I can't see any of their existing coaster removed for at least another 10 years at the very least and if I could say which one would go first it would possibly be Colossus. But removing rides for rides with steeper drops, higher speeds or height is quite pointless, especially if the ride itself is still in go working condition and one day, the speeds,heights and drop steepness of rides will reach a peak where either people won't be willing to ride them or won't be possible to be done further. Nemesis is 20 years old and although a little rough in places, still runs remarkably well and I can see that ride doing another 20 years providing it's still as popular as it is today and in a good enough operating state.
  4. Matt 236

    This Or That

    Stealth by a long shot. PS4 or XboxOne?
  5. Matt 236

    This Or That

    Tidal Wave, I haven't done Valhalla yet. Spirit of London or Traitor boat ride to hell.
  6. Must admit, pretty concerned about this introductory fastrack thing as this could salt an already painful wound especially if operations at some parks remain as dire as those seen this year. Despite Standard being price frozen, I fear some perks could be removed from it next year such as Towers ERT and even discounts which despite its £4 rise I hope to stay with Premium next year providing a new major attraction appears within at least one of the parks. VIP sounds very interesting, with the tours, free drinks, complimentary parking, special events and unlimited entry to international attractions , however costs far too much for what will presumably be one year entry only,at least there's only going to be 1000 available, that being said though for the price being charged I doubt many will not want to pay the huge price and opt for the premium pass instead. Am I the only one that thinks this slight pass shake and result of a questionnaire Merlin did in Christmas 2011 where they were asking about complimentary preferred parking, unlimited fastrack and access to international attractiones as this VIP sounds very similar to this.
  7. What a great small coaster. Looks very fun. A coaster doesn't need a worlds first or record holder to make it great.
  8. Quite concerning that a heater may have started this fire. I've never been in Creaky at all even when it was refresh but the cause could well be due to the fact it was still using the old heaters when it was just covered seating outside (if they had any) or the heater was too close to Christmas decorations and furniture existing in the building. Who knows, maybe they kept the heaters on all night. I'm worried they won't get insured as this is the case as not just would they lose money but we could see further budget cuts, price increases and perhaps Creaky Cafe gone forever with an SBNO Bubbleworks next year (if the damage is fairly major).
  9. I wonder when we'll find out how badly damaged Transylvania and the surrounding area have become apart the completely destroyed creaky cafe.
  10. Banned for losing the storm surge award crown, to me. Edit-banned for banning the person I was trying to ban.
  11. Nemesis wins my vote because for a ride 20 years old it still packs a punch and very exciting ride.
  12. Really enjoyed yesterday's meet in London. The (new) Dungeons, Spirit of London and secret Santa exchanges (and going on's) were definitely the highlights of the trip. Really glad I attended to get in to the festive spirit and see the TPMers again before Christmas, lots of laughs, photos and Santa moments.
  13. Won loads in the forum awards this year

  14. Thanks everyone who voted me. I can't believe how many rewards I won/ came runner up in. Wow wow, biggest fanboy, I'm very pleased with this award. Joint sexiest male, I'm very chuffed and wasn't expecting this . One of the most dedicated, I'm pleased to know, always want to make sure my posts are accurate. Storm Surge award? I don't know what to say about this one. 2nd most likely to be banned, better watch where I'm going I guess. One of the campest members? Watch your crown Liam dear 3rd most knowledgable? I'm very happy to be seen as one that knows of the park statistics. 3rd most sarcastic? Was expecting this, One of the funniest females? Ok, I don't know what to say about this. Once again thanks all who voted for me. Lol at EC's dad as one of the most dedicated and Mr fish for the uk's 2nd most uncomftable ride Mr a Fish, lol. Storm surge as 3rd place for storm surge award, what a genius .
  15. Would love to be runner up in a 2013 award.
  16. My bet is Dragon a Falls will look just as I impressive and neglected as this year. This is because there is no mention in regards to the ride's upgrades or improvements within the patk's web page or upgrade plan. I would like to be proved wrong and find a refreshed falls for 2014, but I can't see this happening, not next year at least.
  17. Scorpion Express sounds very interesting, I just hope they do a good with this. Sounds like Mexicana may be getting a retheme by the sounds and I hope Zufari gets some attention for next year but seeing as it may be another ancient area sounds a bit cliche. The 14 million investment plan sounds promising, I wonder which areas will be worked on next year apart from Market Square and presumably Mexicana?
  18. Looking forward to this meet, seeing everyone again plus first ever visit to the dungeons, Madame Tussaud's and Winter Wonderland. But in terms of going home after the meet, is anyone planning to use any of the following underground lines for part/all of their journey? Metropolitan, Piccadilly, Jubilee
  19. I think the park definitely needs more which reopening CCR and the cinema would be a good resolution. Unless you have a strong stomach (or enter a 30+ min queue) the only rides you can do after lunch are a Rumba, Loggers, Caroulsel and Storm Surge at the most. It looks very likely we won't see anything new next year, at least on a medium to large scale.
  20. I'm also very frustrated with the price rises of ORP last year after what seemed a few years of sustained costs. In 2012, it was £20 for 5 photos but now it's £20 for 4 of them. In fact at towers, it's £25 for four photos and four downloads so tech I ally there, you're paying more for less than last year. There was discount that did appear in 2012 for pass holders on photos, but I think this has Seinfeld been removed. Unless prices change for the better next year, I'm unlikely to buy many (if any) ORPs in 2014.
  21. During the last few years (2009-2012) I've always wanted to visit Chessington during a zoo day, smaller crowds, more focus on zoo and selected rides. However this year I plan to avoid it completely as it's not worth the 45 minute drive for what's there. Despite their apparent upgrade plans, I have low expectations for 2014. As I expect mine train and falls will be lightly rethemed, the bird garden less impressive than expected and generally bad operations still happening throughout the park. The only thing I expect will look nice will be the hotel extension, but that's probably because that makes them more money than paying guests.
  22. Watched the latest Hunger a Games movie last. Thought the film was very good and although it does start a bit slowly, I thought the film covered the book very well. I think there could've been a bit more action during the major scenes of the film but I generally found it a very good movie and would rate it as good as the first one. Incidentally, I had to re watch most of the film in another screening as during the first 45 minutes of the first screening, the picture suddenly stopped but the sound was still running and I was soon told there were problems in the screening room. Maybe the projector was catching fire ?
  23. Colossus (5) Depth Charge (5) Detonator (5) Flying Fish (5) Loggers Leap (5) Nemesis Inferno (6) Quantum (5) Rocky Express (5) Rumba Rapids (2) Rush (5) Samurai (4) SAW: The Ride (5) Slammer (7) Stealth (5) Storm in a Teacup (3) Swarm (7) Tidal Wave (5) X (6) Rocky express -1 X +1
  24. Currently a maybe for this trip at the moment. I've voted the first and last choice however both are uncertain as I have a lot of deadlines around the 4th and could have family birthday celebrations on the 25th.
  25. 2014's meet list sounds very exciting. I hope I can make it to most if not all of the days. In terms of the meets, I've really enjoyed each meet I've attended for different reasons. Not just enjoying lots of different rides and chatting with different people and finishing the busy days and reflecting on how good they were at after meet meals. Would recommend anyone who hasn't attended a TPM meet to go to one next year.
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