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Matt 236

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Everything posted by Matt 236

  1. Another idea for BWP if CCR did return is they could make people ride the train around the loop and stop just before the station with everyone taking the rest of the journey by foot. Maybe something like that could also work.
  2. There deflately is a fire ball on Swarm, but there was also one that used to be on Tidal Wave as an effect, but was sadly removed in 2005 due to Stealthconstruction. TBH, there's quite a few things peoplle have wanted to happen over closed season, Tidal Wave fireball, Colossus repaint and topspin. It'll be interesting what will take place during Thorpe's closed season, or all parks as a matter.
  3. It would be quite interesting if they ever did a February half term event in the future where selected rides are operating (mainly those nearer the entrance and that cope with the cold. However seeing how unsuccessful they were in 2007/2008 where the maintenance level was disappointing and the park not prepared, I'm not expecting this anytime soon.
  4. After many exciting months, the park has now closed until March 2014. Who knows what will be going on within the park during the next few months.
  5. Noticed Safari Skyways been unavailable the last few days (according to the ride status page). I wonder what's up with the ride and whether it's closed due to technical ride problems or even due to the monkey garden and hotel upgrade works. Maybe we will see the ride re routed next year, although that being said it probably won't and that would also likely require planning permission.
  6. Oh dear, this isn't very good, The Smiler has appeared in a headline on the BBC news website. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-stoke-staffordshire-24794468 This coaster must also be the worlds highest breakdown coaster as well as inversions. Thinking about it, if you disregard mine train as coaster, this is the park's 13th actual roller coaster, so it definitely has been unlucky.
  7. The Smiler has received even more problems lately following parts of the chain lift coming off the ride. https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/1383526_564903986898238_226051418_n.jpg?dl=1 Photo copyright Themepark guide. Boy, the Smiler has had a problem at just about every moment possible almost and it's almost coming usual for the ride to fail during a major time of the season. They as well almost completely rebuild the ride the way things are going.
  8. Although things could change, the 2014 Hocus Pocus have now been released on the park's calendar, and look very similar to this years opening hour wise anyway. The event will last 16 days which is the same as this year, however the petty 7pm park closing time still seems to be in place for the event, with the first 6 days also retaining the 5pm closures.
  9. This years Winter Wonderland event looks like there's going to be some impressive rides, I do like the sound of the Alpen Hotel. However, I expect I'd need to take out a loan if I wanted to ride everything there.
  10. That centrepiece looks too similar to Swarm which as great as it looks, it's a shame that they couldn't create an original design as the only difference on this one is the fangs used.
  11. A throughput of just over 300 on 2 trains? That sounds dire. Though fastrack has made operations slightly better, if they're loading this slowly then they need to reassess the ride's operations. They should really sending out at least 2 trains every 5 minutes as 1 is just ridiculous.
  12. Vampire running without fastrack for the rest of Halloween? This can only be a good thing seeing how awful queues the ride got in summer. TBH, they should remove fastrack completely from the park with its low throughputs and operations.
  13. Sounds like you a great time there. Euromir & Silverstar look such great rides. I hope to one day set foot in this impressive looking park.
  14. Matt 236


    https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/1377551_250321031786748_1820460651_n.jpg?dl=1 Breaking News! Crossed Ribs BBQ has closed down for possible future development. Don't know what to say about this really. Photo copyright of Pegoland.
  15. Listing it down, it could maybe see the following on the site of the former ride. A coaster similar scale to the Smiler A fair sized dark ride Two flat rides Two or three family rides (Or a mixture of both the above) A small wooden coaster Knightmare So, I assume the old ride will perhaps then be ripped out by the sounds.
  16. I would probably say Nutty Jakes. This is because I recall there being greater theming among the ride as well as a simple storyline and a more exciting atmosphere and was almost like carbon copy of something you'd find at Disney land. However as this was over 15 years ago, my memory may not be 100% accurate. The Brer Rabbit theme don't get me wrong is ok but for me not quite as impressive, but that's mainly due to the slightly cheesy storyline and low quality models, but it' was stilla fun ride though. This video below, may hopefully give you an impression of what the ride once was.
  17. It's rather sad to hear they're removing this fun little dark ride. I feel rather fortunate to have ridden the ride in both it's forms from when it was Nutty Jakes in the 90's and it's current theme as Brer Rabbit this year. I wonder whether the ride will be receiving a retheme or be removed completely?
  18. Thanks very much for the help Tommy & Pluk.
  19. I'll hopefully be there as I haven't been to the eye for a while. Plus I've never been to Madame Tussaud's or the dungeons yet either. Plus with tee wonderland should hopefully be fun. In terms of transport, which London Underground line/s go to Waterloo station?
  20. Having analysed recent CBeebies shows and what rides the area has, I've got a few Ideas in what shows/themes the rides could be based upon. Riverbank Eye Spy/ retheme this in to an in the night garden boat tour ride with all the show's characters appearing with also possibly a straight forward story line to follow (as it will be aimed at kids any way) plus also the show's theme tune as well. Tractor ride/ either Brum or postman pat themed, going around the circuit interacting with characters and buildings and also a simple storyline too. (Maybe even Peter rabbit) Berry Bish Bash/ a pignut shooting ride where pi glue and friends are having a snowball fight and everyone needs to help. Singing Barn/ some sing don't attraction or interactive walk through with either Bob the builder or Timmy Time. Live stage/ Various Ceebebies show characters such as Tweenies, Rastamouse, waybullo or more. Just a few ideas, some may work, others probably not.
  21. Yeah, London Underground isn't much better. Today, my train's destination was changed from Aldgate to Harrow On The Hill due to a child being on the line (from what I heard) which caused minor delays on the rail line. Fortunately, that's the station I get off at anyway to change for another train, but was still stuck at several red signal points for sometime because of this. TBH trains these days have the reliability of the Smiler, you never know which day they go down.
  22. I live 30 minutes away from the park and currently don't see my worthwhile there based on what's there currently, but that's ok as I'm at a party on that night anyway.
  23. It really annoys meaning Thorpe's Facebook page and general with the amount of people complaining about how the Asylum is offensive towards people with mental health conditions, when the attraction is completely fictitious and is based on no real people or characters and just uses deadly actors that scare people. The amount of people protesting worries me about the maze's future that how one if their better mazes may have to close just because of selfish, obnoxious OTT people.
  24. Does anyone know what's up with the speakers on Stealth? Only last night, the speakers were really muffled and you could barely hear the audio except a bass like sound.
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