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Matt 236

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Everything posted by Matt 236

  1. Doing this would be unfitting with it being a different park group. It would also clash against my Coaster Studios jumper.
  2. Honestly the progression of this place is phenomenal. They’ve managed to build three major coasters in three years, whilst there are some parks who haven’t added them for some time. This place could be on the cards next year.
  3. I still like the Swarm, but can easily say there are coasters with better theming and/or layouts. For example Fenix at Toverland. It isn’t the biggest or longest wing rider out there, but what it achieves in it’s duration is simply great, as it elegantly yet forcefully flies around it’s surroundings. The queue, theming are surroundings are simply magical with it’s charming, mysterious and whimsical details that are accompanied by an arguably lovely soundtrack (I know some of you will disagree). I won’t deny that I still like the Swarm, but it is comparatively lower on my favourite list. About 3/4 years ago it was still in my top 10 coasters, whereas now it is only in my top 30 at best. I really don’t think the appealing state of the remover theming in the station has helped as it is now a right mess. As for ‘’elaborate/impressive’’ themed rides in Europe, I’ll drop a few examples even if they’ve already been covered. N.B excludes Disney. Baron1898- Efteling Flying Dutchman-Efteling Wodan-Europa Taron- Phantasialand Black Mamba- Phantasialand Shambhala- Port Aventura Oziris-Parc Asterix Wickerman- Towers Pegasus- Parc Asterix
  4. Most of that sounds great, but two years to replace trains on a bad SLC is agonisingly painful.
  5. I doubt Merlin plan to invest in the place anytime soon, especially as they see it as an albertross around their neck of profits.
  6. You will only ever see a negative turned into a positive here, when it’s an old photograph from a long time ago sadly. This ride could be an interesting development if it is delivered correctly.
  7. If it’s an ice themed coaster with orange track, why didn’t they call it Tango Ice Blast?
  8. After swapping some shifts, I’ll be there for you! On this meet
  9. I actually like the name Iron Gwazi, because it makes sense. The ride was known as Gwazi and since it is getting the RMC treatment it will be a hybrid with Steel Track.
  10. Well, as long as they don’t do a Bakken with it, I’m not complaining. Most have few positive words to say there.
  11. Taiga certainly looks like the show stopper here, but the rest of the park looks nice and sort of a cross between Liseberg and Tivoli Gardens in some ways. How expensive were basic items such as food and drink? I remember Copenhagen was pretty expensive for things with Burger Kings equating to just over £10 and meals out ranging around £25 for one course and a drink. Almost went to Helsinki a number of years ago, but that was going to be a work trip.
  12. Matt 236

    2019 Season

    Thorpe should try and be like Walibi Holland then if they are trying to expose cheap and gimmicky trends. On the plus side, least they’d actually have a good RMC. One can dream.
  13. Do or Die? More like take it or leave it? I'm more curious about the Saw Mill because it has a spinning blade. Least the entrance will be ok I suppose.
  14. The only improvements they’ve made is the remarkable duration of time it takes them to dispatch a vehicle at a time. It’s astonishing how this ride used to run on five vehicles and reach an hourly throughput of 1000 PPH. These days it’s 500 on four vehicles and by the time you’ve sorted Fastrack and RAP you are probably looking at just 250 from the main queue. As for the ride itself, the state is something of an embarrassment especially considering what it once was.
  15. Matt 236


    I suppose it is then. Because I never thought we would actually see them add a Coaster. The only RMC Thorpe will ever get is the people who founded it back in 1979. Can’t see them getting a Coaster soon.
  16. Rocky Express being closed for night rides is a travesty! It’s one of the few good things about the event. They can keep Tug and Lumber closed as long as they like, maybe the whole day if they like.
  17. Matt 236


    This is the ride I have dreamed of them building! At least one Merlin Park is getting a coaster then.
  18. The question is though, are you still on Team Taron? Cant remember what else the park has to offer but think there’s quite a few coasters, a big wheel and a ‘’scary UV walkthrough’’ which is a bit like Hocus Pocus.
  19. If Derren Brown’s Ghost Train is the future of theme parks, then Legoland Windsor is the best European theme park and The Big One the best coaster in Europe! Could go on, but nope.
  20. Currently working but should be able to tag along for the last few hours though. If I can swap shifts I should be there for the whole day.
  21. Pretty sure it would be in it’s fourth location then. Jumbos originally opened with Circus World, which is where Wild Asia is now. That area closed around the late nineties and Jumbos was relocated to Toy Town (now Africana) with a now removed Clown Coaster. It stayed there for numerous years until it was relocated to it’s current location in 2012, to make way for the current stage area there now. The area where the ride is now was once home to the iconic Rodeo attraction, which also used to be in Circus World. Rodeo closed around 2004/2005 time I believe. Chessington has had a fair fair history of rides moving about, but I don’t think any of have seen as much compared to the Flying Jumbos ride. It’s new location will be where the old Carousel was, which is currently home to a cheap upcharge attraction.
  22. As someone who also used to work at a theme park, much of that is very relatable. Too often you got people waltzing upto the platform with kids considerably smaller than the limit. When you told them they were too short they would go ballistic with you. Working just shows you how stupid and self entitled people can be sometimes as guests would complain about literally everything. On the plus side testing the rides was fun, sometimes you got socials (which sometimes included rides) and some very reasonable perks. Most theme park jobs aren’t glamorous, high paying or ‘’long term’’ career based, but are great if you want to get your foot into the door for a career, have an interest in the theme park/tourism industry or if you want a Summer/college/Uni job.
  23. The Park are wasting no time in demolishing Bob, but then again they have an intense schedule with the replacement coasters opening next year. Source-Loopings Whilst it was nowhere near my favourite coaster, seeing this fun attraction being demolished is rather saddening. R.I.P Bob 1985-2019
  24. Halloween event fans be like: TBF, given last year’s travesty at Fright Nights, I can see why. Let’s hope they do a better event this year.
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