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Everything posted by Glitch

  1. Ok so they are just doing stuff Europa park would do whilst open?!? It’s great but I don’t think they should be proud about having to make a video to say….. yeah we let these things get so run down that now we have decided to give them an uplift. also this list doesn’t include the screen at the entrance plaza should we be concerned. Also I wouldn’t be surprised if Merlin pull the budget plug at any point…..
  2. You going to bring out a poetry book
  3. I think it’s alright and will grow on me. For what it’s worth Merlin got rid of there in house graphic designer probably about 5 years ago now and since then have just been re using old elements in all their marketing etc so it’s nice to see them take a risk with this one.
  4. Seeing a lot of map holders complaining about the down sizing of the Xmas event this year…. well perhaps if you spent money at the Christmas market it would be back.. cheap and cheerful as always the map holders expecting everything for free with their £120 annual pass bought in the sale whilst visiting the attractions bi weekly
  5. Anyone else getting frustrated that they have to wade through a bit of mud to ‘document’ the new rollercoaster being built? Didnt think so…. Each to their own I guess
  6. Sorry I’m confused are we talking about video game style Easter eggs… such as those explained here or are we talking about a ride or land literally themed to Easter eggs. With the close of angry birds and the collaboration of Cadbury we could literally be quite close to this happening!
  7. I’m hoping we get a loggers leap Easter egg or two. Perhaps they could play happy birthday in the queue every now and then and allow the person who’s birthday it is to skip the queue
  8. Whatever it is I’m expecting next years version to have an exclusively gold overlay.
  9. Thorpe to Imascore…. Hi we have a new rollercoaster being built could you produce the music please… imascore… sure thing that will be xxx thorpe… oh that’s a little bit high, perhaps we will get our crew to do it…. imascore…. How about you offer us a seminar with your enthusiasts to bring the cost down slightly. thorpe…. Sure thing! Let’s sell this out!! in all seriousness I wonder if this is the day in which the music for hyperia will be signed off and handed over to the park and then this event is a little add on to make some east money?
  10. On the topic of RAP and fixing it’s issues, I really do hope that they build some sortof portal or app system that has each user and their guests registered. One account per person only so there’s no more of this we will use your RAP for Colossus and then mine for Nemesis….it seems like the system is currently an advantage for those with it who can get more rollercoasters in the day than those who queue normally this just seems unfair to me and tbh I’m sick of vloggers seemingly going from ride to ride despite the queues being 2 hours long… yes it would take time and money but at what point does someone say ok we need to address this. Surprised that Merlin don’t have a head of RAP tbh…
  11. Question, are we expecting this rollercoaster to be heavily themed? I’m slightly concerned that we’ve had nothing story wise other than the name. With the swarm we had actors running around telling us the end was coming or will it just be a let the hardware do the talking type of ride?
  12. Thorpe park were on the silkstone livestream this evening answering questions. They teased an 8 in answer to the new logo. Also what do you think will be released on Thursday? It wouldn’t be a silkstone event without some sort of teaser!
  13. I wonder if pirates 4d could still be used. The kids nowadays don’t know how fun it was…. Or perhaps get Disney on the phone and the Star Wars film installed. in all seriousness though my prediction is a new film produced directed and acted by the silkstone squad.
  14. Hoping that the park stick with mobile apps as a theme… I have really been enjoying MonopolyGO recently so would love a land themed to that!
  15. https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGJKDLUsC/ Anyone want to go break into a maze tonight? I guess Thorpe are endorsing it.
  16. There are loads of buyout days at the end of the season this year so no extensions
  17. Still find it odd why people would work up to 2 hours away for minimum wage. with the amount Thorpe are taking in these busy periods they really shouldn’t have staffing issues. I just wonder how many people go in peak and just say never again it was too crowded. That’s a customer potentially lost for life.
  18. Perhaps the universal route is required then of removing the pre show and having one long conga line fashion. Yes there’s not 8 attractions but 3 mazes seems like a major cutback from the 2010s era…… Also I don’t care if the park has staffing issues I don’t know how they get away with closing at 9pm
  19. Seeing some people defending half term will always be busy. At what point will Thorpe take action and improve guest experience whilst perhaps upping the prices or adding more attractions
  20. Not to sure about that one but definitely the hospital bed one and the meat hook one…. idk if I fit on untamed tbh never tried
  21. I’m confused why is everyone surprised at how fast it’s being put up. They have been working on the foundations for months, isn’t it now just a jigsaw puzzle of nuts and bolts and surely with a crane that size you want the job done as quickly as possible to keep costs down.
  22. I somehow missed out on the blue light day tickets this year will have to do next year
  23. Petition to bring back the Nemesis inferno whipping theme….
  24. Myself and @Marc did it a few years back, we managed to get round everything and saved a lot of time buying fast track for the hayride only, so perhaps that’s the best way to save some time but still get around everything.
  25. The sad day when you are too tall to ever experience the parks extreme Halloween attractions. in all seriousness though this is the innovative route that I would have loved to seen Thorpe park take over the years and it clearly pulls in the crowds…. However instead thorpe went the family route…..
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